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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/31 8:20:28
Provides enterprise, stationed in Xinjiang, Xinjiang added labor locals not less than 70%

Enterprise, stationed in Xinjiang under new labor locals in Xinjiang Xinjiang, no less than labour | 70% | the storm _ news

Xinhuanet, Wulumuqi, May 31 (reporter)-according to a new rule announced that, in future, all enterprises in Xinjiang, including the Central enterprises added needed protection of local labour is not less than 70% per cent, for the benefit of local, solving unemployment problem.

According to the Deputy Director of human resources and Social Security Department of the autonomous region Hou Lixian introduced, in Xinjiang, according to the latest requirements in the future, all Xinjiang enterprises, including enterprises, government investment, and pledged to projects, 70% per cent of the additional indicators will be needed to absorb local labour employment.

To achieve this goal, labour-intensive development Special Fund will be established in Xinjiang, focusing on supporting development of textile and garment industry, employment plan implemented million, and in Xinjiang supports a number of "fast track approach" project, cultivating a number of employment in private enterprises. In addition, Xinjiang also further improve and perfect the unemployment system monitoring statistics of employment and to help job seekers unemployed real-name system management to further refine and implement local labour policies in Xinjiang enterprises to absorb. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region SASAC Deputy Director Su Guoping said, according to the requirements of the State and the autonomous communities, stationed in Xinjiang enterprises to absorb the local ethnic minority employment rates required to achieve more than 25%. Are expected within three years, stationed in Xinjiang have moved forcefully to new minority employees of about 30,000 people. In southern Xinjiang, employment schemes and the first million "fast track approach" project, 292 projects will be supported, can bring 45,000 people employment.

At present, Xinjiang has started the urban and rural labor force employment unemployment survey system, carried out in the area of urban and rural labor force employment unemployment survey mapping data collection data entry. This year, Xinjiang will be in 2013 on the basis of expanded to 512 monitor enterprise, job monitor number will be more than 277,000 people.

The reporter was informed that, at present, employment in Xinjiang there is still oversupply of labor, focus groups the employment situation is grim, contradiction of employment structure, employment idea behind issues such as recruitment and employment exist side by side. Businesses, especially enterprise, stationed in Xinjiang is still absorbing the labor force in Xinjiang. Xinjiang enterprises mainly involved in energy, oil and gas, chemicals, finance, electric power, coal, nonferrous metal mining, coal and coal chemical industry, water conservancy, railways, air traffic, agro-processing and other fields.

17:23 May 31, 2014 The website

  新华网乌鲁木齐5月31日电 (记者阿依努尔)根据正式出台的一项新规定,今后,包括央企在内的所有驻新疆企业新增用工需保障当地劳动力占比不低于七成,以造福当地,破解就业难题。


  为实现这一目标,新疆将建立劳动密集型产业发展专项基金,重点支持纺织服装产业发展,实施百万人就业计划,并在南疆支持一批“短平快”项目,培育一批民营企业带动就业。此外,新疆还进一步健全和完善就业失业监测统计制度,推进就业失业实名制管理,进一步细化和落实驻疆企业吸纳当地劳动力的相关政策。 新疆维吾尔自治区国资委副主任苏国平表示,根据国家和自治区的要求,驻疆企业吸纳本地少数民族就业比例需达到25%以上。预计三年内,驻疆央企可新增少数民族员工约3万人。在南疆,第一批百万人就业计划和“短平快”项目,将支持292个项目,可带动4.5万人就业。




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