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published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:06:57
Against micro-luxury-goods purchasing? Customers don’t care about true or false,

Against micro-luxury-goods purchasing?
Customers don't care about true and false-micro-purchase, overseas residents, luxury shopping, the sea washes, micro-circle of friends and circle of friends-IT news Against micro-luxury-goods purchasing? Customers don't care about true and false

Virtual network environments, single contact, secret, have no physical restraint, combined with micro-TRANS-provincial certification and other features across the city, there is no real name once the hoax, the interests of consumers is hard to be preserved along with the popularity of mobile micro-chat software, to micro-medium of exchange purchase of luxury goods business quickly prevailed. Micro-luxury-goods purchasing is authentic? Businesses have no qualifications? The quality of the goods is qualified? Transaction is secure? With these questions, the legal daily reporter conducted a survey on micro-letter luxury purchase.

7 minutes to become official distributors

"Micro-luxury shopping service" attached to the network, so the reporter's investigation starting from the network first. Soon, reporters found a company called "micro-sink" micro-purchasing Alliance Web site. Follow the instructions on the Web site, reporter dialed a toll-free hotline.

Customer service lady told reporters, trying to do micro-purchasing business is easy, as long as there is a mobile phone that can connect to the Internet, using a mobile phone can be a micro- . Customer service lady asked reporters after micro-letter name and number, and micro-letters sent a friend request to reporters.

With reporters after micro-buddies, the dealer sent reporters a tiny link to a public platform. Dealer product image reproduced in the press platform into your own album, if the consumer wants to buy, then put the picture back to him, he would tell reporters how to do.

At this point, reporter officially became this "micro-luxury shopping service" companies in a Distributor. Dial the hotline to become official distributors, only spent less than 7 minutes, and except for micro-letter names and numbers, dealers are not asked reporters for any other information.

The fragile "pyramid" marketing model

Press survey found that micro-purchase resellers, distributors, and consumers is not a simple linear relationship. Distributors can not only sell their products to the consumer, can also micro develops lower tier Distributor.

Thus, micro-purchase is actually formed a similar to "pyramid" business model, located in the "pyramid" dealers of the top layer is responsible for the provision of goods. He would give his direct distributors developed a product based pricing, these distributors can sell to consumers, and subordinate developed through charges to distributors. Next level distributors also have the same permissions, which extends down layer by layer, it constitutes a "pyramid". Because each layer has different levels of fare increases, this leads to go farther from the top distributors and consumers, bear a higher price, while at the bottom, what you will accept a maximum of pressure.

Press survey found that micro-letter luxury purchase simply single contact through letters, superior distributors only with their subordinate distributors developed direct micro-contact between peer and cross-level did not know nothing . This results in as soon as any one of the Distributor there is a problem, would lead to the distributors for an entire purchasing chain tie break.

This kind of "pyramid" marketing model, hierarchical and highly vulnerable.

"Knowing buying fake" consumer psychology

So fragile links, only transactions carried out through the picture, consumers are why it is so easy to agree to buy? How about the quality of the product? Press for further investigation.

" Without looking at it knew it was fake! So long as the quality is fine other problems it doesn't matter! "Third year student in a small selection of Shanxi University told reporters that merchandise is fake this, buyers and sellers are well aware, just don't say it, tacitly.

Since knows is fake, why would you buy them?

Xiao Zhen told reporters that for the vast majority of consumers, as long as the price is cheap, the design is beautiful, is genuine and does not matter. Stamped this logo anyway, take out and no one knows what's real.

Reporters learned that the vast majority of "micro-shop" consumers hold that perception. They did not believe that the micro-purchase products or even believe that goods were fake. Reason hanging is due more to purchase luxury luxury brands, ornate designs and low prices. Consumers who feel cheated, not because there is no buying the real thing, but because of poor quality fakes.

"Knowing buying fake" has become a micro-purchase industry as a whole one of the unspoken rules.

No standard of commodity prices

Press survey found that dealers show products below the picture indicate the brand and product sizes, and some, such as "show men 's-style" "stylish upscale, you deserve the" advertising language, without any product-specific information, including the price.

It is targeted not only are consumers, also includes distributors, they know nothing about the product specific information.

Purchasing platform, he explained, this is a micro purchase advantage: there is no bidding, privacy is strong, prices don't know each other, one to many, not like Taobao, we can bid prices.

An industry source told reporters, without annotation is intended not only to facilitate increases in the price of, is important in order to strengthen sales of invisibility. Product is a fake this, between dealers and distributors, mostly in public. Distributors sell to consumers, is studiously avoided the question. In order to make it look more realistic, slightly up with a luxury purchase Chamber of Commerce foreign pictures as well as some luxury shops and foreign life "tell" of their lives, in order to obtain the trust of consumers, and through the open false invoices, to enhance the authenticity of fakes.

Workers had been "micro-luxury purchase," Mr Wang told reporters that the dealer will give distributors a base price, distributors according to consumers ' economic conditions to raise their prices to raise part of the Distributor's revenue. "Micro-luxury shopping" to put it bluntly, is helping dealers hang his friend money, harder to earn more.

How exactly is this process plays out, journalists have also been tried. Reporters marked a "product family" watches the images down to the dealer, tell dealers are our friends wanted to buy. Dealer micro replied: the original movement, 1:1 complex, offer to 1100 Yuan and proposes to sell $ 1300 worth of. In this process, increase the income of 200 dollars is a reporter, if journalists wish to get more profits, you need to raise prices.

Pay a way fraught with hidden dangers

Capacity as dealers and distributors do not know each other, subordinate distributors and consumers only through contacts, reseller responsible only for delivery to consumers, among that of the purchase price paid and in what ways? Payment process is there a safe guarantee? Reporters made their doubts to the online customer service on the Web site.

Online chenyan told reporters that the micro-purchase transaction after we usually take orders. Give distributors the first gold by consumers and distributors were taken after their profit to the dealer, and finally by dealers shipped directly to consumers. The entire transaction process can be done via PayPal or bank transfer.

When a reporter asked whether such transfers when online customer service told reporters that PayPal is a secured transaction, there would be no money directly in the PayPal issue.

In this connection, the reporters call PayPal customer service calls. PayPal customer service told reporters that the PayPal secured transaction is conditional, if PayPal is to put money directly into each other, does not fall within the scope of secured transactions, but are similar to bank transfers.

Journalists say this micro-purchase online chenyan. Chenyan gave no answer, but direct end dialogue with reporters on the site.

Taiyuan City industry and Commerce Bureau official said: "the business license of the most of the micro-purchase has failed, it is difficult to determine liability, it is hard to regulate, so consumers in the online shopping to ask businesses for bills, such as invoices, bank money order, seller's name shopping vouchers, not one-time clearance to enter each other's accounts, payment terms preferably prior. ”

"Wild" regulation of how the Organization should

Very low entry threshold, weak contact, no standard price, fraught with hidden dangers way to pay--compared with the traditional purchase of luxury goods, as a growth industry of micro-purchase clearly has more uncertainty and insecurity. Virtual network environments, single contact, secret, have no physical restraint, combined with micro-TRANS-provincial certification and other features across the city, there is no real name, once the scam, interests of consumers is hard to be upheld.

Shanxi University Law Professor Yang Zhijun told reporters that the vast majority of "personal shopper" in the name of the business do not have purchasing eligible, those abroad as a gimmick of "luxury buy" itself comes to the tariff issue, is a form of tax evasion and smuggling. And merchants selling fake behaviour not just among businesses and consumers, and also the branding issues such as intellectual property rights, violated not only the relevant provisions of the consumer protection law in China, also in violation of the intellectual property law.

Yang Zhijun recommends that people who are ready to join the micro-purchase industry should not be engaged in "micro-luxury shopping" as an easy part-time behavior. If the dealer is selling fakes, distributors must also take responsibility, subject to legal sanctions.

Another engaging in e-commerce expert told reporters that the key to solving these problems "in the drain is not blocked." Most important for the country to strengthen its legislative work, strong management of the network marketing industry, making the "micro-shop" spontaneous "wild" organizations need formal government-certified real name online. So that not only can solve the root causes "micro-shop" payment risk and human rights defenders, difficulties exist in such issues as consumers "micro-store" shopping provides security guarantees, it could promote "micro-shop" the emerging e-commerce industry's healthy development.

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