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The author:(作者)qq
published in(发表于) 2014/6/4 9:07:58
Internet operating system

What operating system-Internet of things Internet use, Google-IT information Internet operating system

With the advent of Internet of things era, various devices around us are intelligent. The thermostat can be used to adjust the temperature according to your life, bulbs can color your mood change, even the speaker could also play music according to your taste. Just like computers and mobile phones, connected objects are running an operating system.

For many people, Contiki is a strange name, but in the past a dozen years, it has been widely used in sensors, trackers, as well as Web-based automation systems. Contiki get developers ' favorite causes is that it is lightweight, free and mature.

Comparison with other embedded systems, Contiki great advantage is very light in weight. Linux requires 1MB space is running, Contiki only needs dozens of KB. Can be stored in the 30KB space of the operating system as a whole, including a graphical user interface, Internet software and browsers. So that it can run on a small, low-power chips, exactly what networking equipment needs.

Contiki is the creator of Adam Dunkels. In 2000, Dunkels in Sweden ladalun University majoring in computer science. He has a such a project: using wireless sensors track the vital signs of hockey players, and displays it on the big screen, make people to watch. "We convinced the players, get them to wear something on your nose, and allow us to monitor their breathing rate", Dunkels said said in an interview.

In order to have the sensors to interact with network, Dunkels myself writing software, and called the LwIP (lightweight IP). However, he felt its lightweight enough, then, in 2003, he developed microIP. MicroIP eventually evolved into Contiki. This system researchers and respected amateur technology immediately. In recent years, several commercial companies are also interested in beginning to Contiki. There is already some product that uses Contiki, like smart lamp LiFX, Tado thermostat also Nest competitors.

To advance the commercialization of Contiki, Dunkels created a company called Thingsquare, provides cloud services to Contiki, make it easier for developers to network-attached devices.

In terms of Internet, Contiki is undoubtedly has a leading edge, however, it faces intensifying competition. In the Nest after being bought by Google, we can see that technology companies are accelerating the pace of entering the Internet of things. Android@home program has not any news, but Google wouldn't abandon the field of IOT, which was propelled by Android, in addition, Microsoft also recently announced the Internet version of Windows (free of charge).

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