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The author:(作者)qq
published in(发表于) 2014/6/6 8:33:11
Micro-credit: people like, watch out permanently,

Micro-credit: make people praise, permanently-micro letters carefully the public platform, slightly set CHAN, Microsoft, public, micro-letter set-Zambia-IT news Micro-credit: people like, watch out permanently

After launches micro-shop functions in late May, recently micro-platform announcements begin to exert clear suffering from users of the public criticism, "set like" behavior.

Micro platforms to the public, officials said as some businessmen disregard rules and user experience platform, repeated use of circles of friends "sets like", or even prepaid fraud, harassment of a user, so to protect the user experience and interests, will run from June 9 technology upgrades + report artificial way like platform-wide clean up and standardize the behavior of a set.

Detailed handling mechanism is as follows:

As long as the cumulative acts of praise found four sets, tiny letters will be the permanent title of the public, and never re-opened. Believe that this initiative is implemented, some users of the micro-circle of friends can finally clean.

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