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published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 11:25:13
Beijing highway toll station entrance opened fast-track

Beijing highway toll station entrance opened fast-track | | fast-track entrance _ national college entrance examination news

Reporter (reporter Zhao Tingting), the Beijing Youth daily reporter learned yesterday from the first group that, in response to increased traffic congestion that may arise during the college entrance examination, home charging station each year university students in Camden passage du protect important sites will open "college entrance examination fast track", ensuring the lanes clear.

Beijing-Macao Expressway toll station is the annual college entrance examination in Camden passage du protect important sites, open starting this year Beijing Branch Ridge toll plaza Beijing, entrances and Duke Zhao Xin export Plaza of shops sell Beijing launched "fast-track entrance", driveway in front of placing a cue card, and extra charges officers in traffic jams when multiple charges, ensuring the lanes clear.

Badaling Road branch in the relative concentration of the candidates first Beijing-Tibet road, qinghe Hebei exports, export, Technology Park, mainline stations, clear; new road, Shahe, Beijing main station; the six-ring road, Shek Mun station entrance opened a total of 10 vehicles for college entrance examination during a private channel and rate Island display obvious cue card, work boot prompt. Shangqingdong exit, West exit and South of Central station in Changping supernatant was established specifically to post security.

(Original title: part of the highway toll station entrance opened fast-track)

(Edit: SN091)
02:59 June 07, 2014 The Beijing Youth daily

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