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published in(发表于) 2014/6/11 10:52:04
Hijack suspects called many times to take revenge on society in Hubei Province, has been focused on prevention and control

Hijack suspects called many times to take revenge on society in Hubei Province has been focusing on prevention and control of hijacked | campus _ news

Yesterday, Haokou Town in qianjiang city, Hubei Province, the third hostage-taking incidents occurred on the second floor. Suspect Zhang Zeqing holding a knife, gasoline and homemade explosives, abducted six grade class language teacher Qin Kaimei and class, and threatened to take revenge on society. Qin Kaimei to appease students, agreed with the suspect-the release of students. After a number of cadres and police officers volunteered for the female teachers hostage, the suspects repeatedly rejected, Haokou Town Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection Wang Linhua rushed to the scene and volunteered to replace the hostages, the suspects agreed to his request. Police negotiated with the suspect for about an hour. Shortly after 11 o'clock suspect emotional hostage spilled gasoline, suspects use the lighter moments, police shot suspects and rescued the hostages.

Hijack suspects carrying knives, teacher of gasoline and explosive devices

Qianjiang City Public Security Bureau reported yesterday, a man named Zhang Zeqing, 60 years old this year, is the village of Haokou Town bridge. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Zeqing carrying knives, gasoline and explosive devices into the school, directly into the second floor of a classroom at the left margin. At that time, 40 year old Qin Kaimei teacher classrooms for grade six class three of the 52 students Chinese lessons.

9:15, qianjiang City Public Security Bureau received a report. Gallant police station police immediately rushed to the scene. Qianjiang city, Political Commissar of the Public Security Bureau, and was then rushed to the scene and launched an unexpected emergency plan.

After police arrived at the scene noted that after a criminal suspect Zhang Zeqing sneaked into the campus, in the classroom on the second floor of the six-grade classroom, teachers and students tried to hijack. Teacher Qin Kaimei initiative presented to the suspect on duty, let the students leave, myself as a hostage.

Zhang Zeqing agreed, the safety of all students in the class to leave the classroom. Meanwhile, immediately organized the other classes of students of the school were evacuated to safe areas. Li Zichun teacher of the school, students were transferred, teachers put a dozen fire extinguishers into the second floor, in case the man ignited the gasoline and a sanitation sprinkles up to standby downstairs.

Replacement hostage, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, public station make a request

Haokou Town three little a teacher surnamed Xu told Xinhua, Zhang Zeqing burst into the classroom, Qin teacher kept the class is to communicate with him, advised him to have something to say, not to embarrass students. In Exchange, students are allowed to leave the classroom.

Subsequently, the Qin Kaimei teachers taken hostage within the classroom, when men quite emotional. Since then, rushed to the police together with Haokou Town Government officials evacuated other students and teachers within the school, and the formation of negotiating team talks with Zhang Zeqing.

According to the police report, in the course of negotiations, Haokou Town Party Secretary Xu Guoliang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, discipline Committee Wang Linhua, dispatch Director Pu Pingyuan suspects put out by themselves are also active to replace hostages.

Negotiated set of repeated work, promised to Haokou Town appointed party Vice Secretary Wang Linhua replaced abducted teachers as hostages.

Negotiations fail to the hostages poured gasoline to ignition was suspect shot

Police said 11:20 A.M. Xu, Zhang Zeqing emotions get out of control, Wang Linhua backed into a corner of the classroom, with their own portable gasoline spilled onto Wang Linhua and desk, and finger and homemade explosives connected to the cigarette lighter. Field commanders to take decisive action, ordered snipers determined to fire, killed the gangsters, the hostages safe and sound.

According to Xu's introduction, when snipers in the building, is in the building had fired the gun, only Wang Linhua and Zhang Zeqing, whom in the classroom. Faculty are involved in the evacuation to students and local residents told reporters that they heard four gunshots.

Police said the take was a homemade explosive device at the scene (micro-), a homemade pistols and knives, six bottles of gasoline (bottle). Local villagers, Zhang Zeqing had been in the army in the early years, playing with guns. After being released last year, mainly to living off the land.

At present, the case is still under further investigation, the schools have resumed classes.


Hijacker jailed twice for committing revenge on society

Yesterday afternoon, one by the City Public Security Bureau issued "policing" local people told reporters that the expertise, "said Zhang Zeqing on the Court (the first was sentenced to five years for theft, second private firearms, and was sentenced to five years of intentional injury), and repeatedly threatened to take revenge on society".

Police late in the day, said Zhang Zeqing for theft, the illegal manufacture of guns and mayhem was sentenced twice, the perpetrator was hostile to society in an act of revenge after his release from prison.

A local television reporter at the scene said he learned from the public security Department, Zhang Zeqing has repeatedly threatened to take revenge on society, and has been included in the list of control in qianjiang city.

(Original title: Ho women teachers in Hubei Province and Deputy Secretary of alternating as the preservation of the 52 schoolchildren taken hostage)

07:54 on June 11, 2014 The Yunnan information news

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