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published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:40:44
Beijing’s changxindian start old town renovation and will be recreated on Ming and Qing style

Beijing's changxindian start old town renovation will reproduce the style of Ming and Qing | changxindian town transformed _ news

As into the strategic city of Ming and Qing dynasties, changxindian old town to transform messages can be heard for many years, but there has been no movement, but this year is finally being taken seriously. According to the relevant person in charge, Fengtai District, changxindian town plans to start within the year, restored in Ming and Qing dynasty style, re-enactment, business climate.

Reconstruction scheme of changxindian is proposed to be divided into northern and southern districts, overall relocation to be taken in the Southern District, North District to be incrementally updated model, go to a reconstruction of a household.

  "Fish bone"-like streets and well-preserved

Yesterday, the Beijing Fengtai District Government, Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, Beijing research and Design Institute and Beijing architectural design Institute of Chinese medicine limited jointly organised the changxindian old town revival plan seminar.

Beijing Municipal Institute of urban planning and Design Institute of planning introduced Lu Lin, old town businesses will remain active, a traditional pattern of basic integrity, but there are many problems.

In his view, changxindian Street has concentrated a large number of shops and public services, became life service around, but economic growth, lack of motivation, the traditional industrial relocation and the technical renovation of State-owned enterprises, such as effect, some enterprises to stop production or close down lead to household income is generally low in the region.

In addition, the old town has a large number of hutongs in changxindian Street perpendicular to the orientation, distinctive "Fishbone" street system, street 8 m wide, on both sides of the canopy in the air, forming a vaulted space.

Lu Lin said that although the traditional pattern is well preserved, but cultural excavations are still insufficient. For example some stone tablets have been building houses surrounded by traditional houses obscured by billboards and new housing.

  As shanty towns keep serious security risks

It is understood that the 2011 changxindian is listed as the city's "three-four" one of the shantytowns.

According to the Fengtai District statistics, the current old town population of 17077 people, 7096, residential houses with total floor area of 308,300 square meters. Most of old town houses built in the last century 80 's, including straight tube housing, land ownership, residents of public housing property types such as private houses, also has a courtyard partly due to historical reasons, there is a complex of property rights disputes.

Lu Lin introduces, at present the buildings to bungalows and mostly dilapidated old houses, buildings of poor quality, illegally built universally, there is a serious epidemic prevention and fire safety hazards and lack of supply of gas, heat and other basic facilities.

Lu Lin, for example, because of drainage problems, the "7·21" event, changxindian Avenue a depth of 1.5 meters and 125 homes were flooded.

In addition, Lu Lin believes that certain damage city roads on old street style, while Beijing week of passenger and freight traffic in mixed highway runs through the greater impact on the lives of residents.

  Town features architecture does not exceed 12 m high

Fengtai District Government officials say, is the traditional pattern of changxindian well-preserved, and kept hidden, so that starting from the 80 's of last century, changxindian transformation plan is put on the agenda, retrofit program will be started this year, will restore the ancient town in Ming and Qing dynasty style, re-enactment, business climate.

Lu Lin believes that garden show will be held to promote the changxindian town's reputation. Cultural Renaissance towns need to follow through the introduction of new cultural vitality, promote tourism and leisure industry. As to how the final location, you also need to study. Lu Lin recommended that characteristic area town planning new building height of not more than 12 meters, the characteristics of units can be combined to create cultural experience zone of the town, out of car traffic, the establishment of pedestrian zone.



  Placement has built 700,000 square meters room

Housing Management Center director Li Yong introduction, Fengtai District, old town renovation to be divided into two areas. For more historical and cultural buildings North, plans to take the "one household, one" approach, is to take the overall relocation plan of the Southern District.

Li Yong said, has now implemented the resettlement of nearly 700,000 square meters of space to solve the resettlement within the shanty town. Pilot reform in North District selection of public houses, household survey for residents in the second half of this year.

Yesterday's seminar, Lu Lin on "changxindian reflections on the past, present and future of the old town".

He suggested that the guidance of the Government and residents voluntarily choose to combine. "One household, one" incremental updates, you want to maintain the existing overall architectural style of spatial patterns and textures such as the premise, combined with the situation, the owners wishes and functional factors such as industry, protect, repair or reconstruction of the existing buildings. For overall development, to retain their original urban structure with proceeds of land development for funding.



  Grocery stores sell soy sauce with a spoon

Had it not been for a roadside shop sighs too bright, changxindian Street will look to play an old look: holed up in leaves of shigu and millstone, wood shop on the door ring, mottled grey-brown wall tiles ... ... The permutations and combinations of these different elements, unobtrusive in changxindian Street.

"How long is the street? "" Changxindian five miles long, scattered to Liang Xiang. "This is head of Xindian ballads, at the junction of the chef is still what is learned is still clearly remember. He was born in, have lived here for more than 50 years.

Changxindian town famous for alley, with every criss-crossing hutongs, which lead to this town street shops-the changxindian Street.

"We go to the grocery store to buy soy sauce, with childhood. "Master Li has said of this grocery, the owner still using the old method, using spoons, funnels the soy sauce and vinegar.

In changxindian Street, only you can not think, no you can't buy, vegetables, seafood, groceries, furniture, clothing, everything. Master Li said that old road shops on both sides, after reform and opening up, many traders will settle this, various their stands and begin to pop.

Sunlight spilled down from the trees, street ubiquitous street resident groups of cards, chess and make birds. Shop bosses lie on the bamboo bed rest, life here is speed independent of the city of Beijing.

"Transforming changxindian has said for many years, we remember more is not the old streets, but a local nostalgia, this reform cannot be lost. "The chef says.



  Changxindian: "nine Royal Road," old town

Changxindian, Fengtai District, Beijing yongding River in the ancient town of the West Bank and banks of the Marco Polo Bridge, southwest from the nearest town in Beijing, is southwest to Beijing must pass through roads, this is a street with thousands of years of history. Changxindian in five on the street, there are a lot of monuments and "27" historical sites related to the strike.

Ming and Qing dynasties, it was nearest the City Inn, West Portal is in and out of Beijing, known as the "Royal Road of nine provinces". At that time, merchant passengers gathered in the street, shop drinking everywhere, regardless of store creation, business passengers still to Beijing fears that Confucian scholars, beggars or impoverished, belief systems, and various small tradesmen, mixed, people walking, horses and screaming, boisterous.

Historical records, changxindian consists of long branch and new store consists of two small villages, with North-South exchanges gradually and Zenith, after turning into "changxindian", meaning business travel long distances, meaning hard all the way. Another legend that is "new", because a lot of the official lived in the city, residents every day, spilling water Street, known as the "new".

This version of the write/Beijing News reporter Deng Qi

(Original title: changxindian quasi revival town reproduce the style of Ming and Qing)

(Edit: SN067)
02:30 on June 24, 2014 The Beijing News

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