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published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:40:48
Beijing’s first owner-occupied housing lottery, a success rate of about 68

Beijing's first owner-occupied housing lottery a success rate of about 68:1| success rate | self-help housing _ news

Yang Guang Beijing, June 24 (Xinhua Ji Lele), according to voice of the news aspect reported yesterday afternoon in Beijing's Dongsi bbmg star outside the ring Park project for a public lottery, which is Beijing's first lottery has lived in housing projects. The Lottery from 1882 elected 127,600 eligible purchase family homes purchase qualifications, a success rate of about 68:1. From the housing market, property prices affect the geometry? Bbmg huixing Estate this lottery project in Beijing East fouth ring road and Eastern rings between 1882 suites, the largest area of no more than 90 square meters. Priced at 22,000 yuan per square meter, about half of the price cheaper than the surrounding real estate.

Since the housing Lottery process as much as possible to avoid the human factor, lottery master programs are done through the software system. A lottery by the founder of Beijing Notary Office notarized full. Lottery from the beginning to the final export data discs storage, the entire process took less than 20 minutes. Since the first public housing lottery, many purchase family came to Lottery live:

Purchase family: so at ease a little bit, reassuring point ... ...

Up to now, has 11 Home real estate projects in Beijing market total listings around 17990. Owner-occupied housing developers through "limit prices, competitors land" and other ways of transferring land use right, so this kind of housing price about 30% lower than commercial houses around, and for the city of families eligible for purchase; after buying such houses listed for 5 years, 5 years after listing income up 30% in finances. So far, Beijing has accumulated to sell housing plots more than 40 cases, covers 11 districts and counties. According to the plan, Beijing will provide 50,000 housing units this year. Centaline said Chief Analyst Zhang Dawei, a large number of home-oriented commercial housing market, significant cooling effect on the market:

Zhang Dawei: from now on the market, top-tier cities including Beijing "temperature" are relatively low. As for owner-occupied housing, is one of the important factors leading to cooling. Larger cases will lock the intent of many real estate buyers, so we would have more influence on the market.

(Original title: Beijing first owner-occupied housing lottery industry: effective in cooling)

07:31 on June 24, 2014 Chinese radio network

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