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The author:(作者)qq
published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:43:34
Jiangxi is behind Wade official apology: twisted when you get off the foot

Jiangxi waded into the water by people carrying official apology: get off the twisted foot | | | flood water official inspections _ news

Two days ago, flooding the scene, Wang Junhua, Deputy Director of the Jiangxi guixi City Government Office was sparked by man carrying a photo of Wade, so he was removed from Office. Yesterday, Wang Junhua, Jiangxi television station in an interview, explained that when he arrived at the site, got out carelessly twisted her foot, together with his colleague then asked back and he waded into the water. Because isn't so big, my colleagues have not let him down as far as. However, Wang Junhua admits it "bad influence", he apologized and said "we will (and should) is energy saving, in person, and cannot be considered a sore foot." (Source: Southern Metropolis daily)

(Original title: "waded into the water by people carrying" official apology)

06:41 on June 24, 2014 Xinhua NET

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