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The author:(作者)qq
published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:23:31
Sued by the TV plus stolen broadcast, millet: access video content compliance,

Sued by the TV plus stolen broadcast, millet: access video content in compliance with millet-boxes, music boxes, millet, music video-IT news Sued by the TV plus stolen broadcast, millet: access video content in compliance with

On June 30, was sued by music stolen after sowing , millet said in a statement today, "according to SARFT 181th document requirements, couscous boxes must have a licence of Internet TV broadcasting platform for cooperation, and can only access video content through broadcast platform to ensure compliance. ”

As the company recently to sue iCNTV for violations of the right to network dissemination of information, and the millet as joint and several liability . On this issue, hit back in a statement, Remy, "music as the company has content partnerships with iCNTV future TV has been, due to the music video and television products in the box do not strictly abide by the radio and television broadcasting and video content management requirements, iCNTV future TV has broken off cooperation with TV plus the company's licence. ”

Millet's official statement reads as follows:

Millet iCNTV box access business of China Internet TV integration the future TV broadcast platform, including program acquisition and broadcast system are all managed by the iCNTV future TV. According to the SARFT 181th document requirements, couscous boxes must have a licence of Internet TV broadcasting platform for cooperation, and only through the broadcast platform to access video content to ensure compliance .

ICNTV future TV broadcast platform is the most mainstream of Internet TV, millet, TV plus, Huawei and other leading Internet TV service provided or used to provide licensing support and services.

Millet company cooperates with iCNTV TV of the future, has been committed to providing a wealth of video content. Recently on Le depending on company to violations information network spread right for by sued iCNTV, and will millet as joint responsibility party a thing, by to iCNTV future TV understanding, Le depending on company and iCNTV future TV has been has content cooperation relationship, due to Le depending on box and TV products in broadcast controlled and video content aspects not strictly comply with broadcasting of management requirements, iCNTV future TV has terminated has and Le depending on company of licence cooperation relationship, but content cooperation according to original contract continues to Executive.

Millet company will on the judgment of the first instance with the iCNTV future TV communication and consideration of the facts and applicable law, decide whether to appeal in due course, on the details of the case, please contact iCNTV future TV.

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