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published in(发表于) 2014/7/9 2:43:07
MLM group young of Kochi in Anhui,

Anhui | pyramid to pyramid selling groups young Kochi | younger _ to Kochi news

Wang lijuan, an otherwise ordinary businessmen do goods business in his hometown of Yilan County, Heilongjiang, 2008 join the MLM organization in Nanning, Guangxi, in 2010 from the Organization "flying solo" Hefei "venture". Less than 3 years, MLM network led its rapid expansion, line up dozens of levels, snare line nearly all men, illicit enrichment, 240 million Yuan, to be "industry myths".

The economic information newspaper reporters found, as in the pyramid selling cases in Anhui province recently investigated one of the largest and most representative, Wang lijuan case embodies the MLM activities new trends that have emerged in recent years. The banner of "national projects" flag to high returns as bait, personnel structure more and more complex, younger better educated obvious characteristics, using social networks, and other organizations gathered ... ... This "economic cult" constantly upgraded variants, cancer has become a serious economic development and social stability.

However, due to the current high barriers against MLM System flow, convicted and punished, social integrated management does not follow good reasons against pyramid sales stuck in "play fail, strike a weak penalty" embarrassment, contributed to the pyramid's momentum. Respondents called for speeding up the adjustment provisions of applicable law, straighten out the retransmission mechanism, strengthened regional multisectoral linkages, combine strike hard, and curb MLM cancer spread.

Rejuvenate the pyramid selling groups of Kochi

According to the information provided by the relevant departments in Hefei city shows, staff currently involved in about 70% for young people aged 20 to 40 years, "$literal born in" becoming the main force. MLM not only small-business owners, civil servants, scholars, professors, and there are even some retired cadres.

Is located in the central area of Hefei city, Anhui Province in recent years, rapid economic growth, urban expansion and relatively fast, pyramid retailers keen to gather economic information daily, one of the major cities recently, this reporter interviewed informed that in recent years the city's widening crackdown on pyramid selling, just this year, the city captured suspected pyramid selling staff of more than 400 people, more than 200 people in administrative detention, filing more than 100 pieces. However, pyramid selling activities are still performing.

Hefei Office of the joint fight against pyramid schemes (hereinafter called) engaged in combat, the head of marketing for more than 10 years, in his view, huge MLM group now, from all corners of composition is extremely complex. Hefei has done a rough statistics, the residents of the city for suspected pyramid selling estimated more than 8,000 households, according to the 1:2 conservative estimates, multilevel marketing to reach tens of thousands of people, probably more.

Hefei Office statistics show that the staff currently involved in about 70% for young people aged 20 to 40 years old, of which "$literal born in" increasingly becoming the main force, the youngest of the MLM people born in 1995.

"Pyramid scheme now among young people more and more, these people thought extreme, after in MLM, and believe that what they had done was right, there is no quanfan. Broken dreams once penniless, would create serious social unrest. "The baohe district, Hefei city, the Communist Party staff.

In addition, the MLM with the past are mostly unemployed, lives on the ground floor, low income is different, MLM now complex components, including some senior intellectual talent. According to the Hefei Office and information provided by the police, MLM not only small-business owners, civil servants, scholars, professors, and there are even some retired cadres. Officers from almost all provinces involved, even including marketing personnel from Taiwan. Of the Hefei city involved people source information, statistics show, Hefei MLM province in terms of staffing, Fujian and Jiangxi, followed by Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Henan and other places.

Playing the "national projects" carried out under the banner of "worshipping brainwashing"

And past real MLM, gets "mouse", nowadays continuous mutation of pyramid selling activities, often covered with "capital" and other fashionable coat, or the banner of "national projects" carried out under the banner of "worshipping brainwashing", strong spell.

Baohe district, Hefei city, according to the Prosecutor's Office investigators are introduced, Wang lijuan can attract nearly one "Fellowship", is based on "national projects" packaging and incitement "deformed material." Wang lijuan MLM program is called "capital", also known as "the chain", as long as an investment of 3800 Yuan and 69800 Yuan to develop 3 referrals, will receive 3.8 million dollars a year to 10.4 million yuan in return.

She claims the project is national "tacit support" a legitimate project, "investment" is devoted to nation-building, and by way of brochures and site visits, lakefront, administrative areas, such as Hefei urban construction projects have misrepresented as pyramid schemes to invest in the project. "Invest a year energy save decades of struggle. "We are without walls, the Huangpu Military Academy, joined is the boss. "" High return "with Wang lijuan of highly targeted" success "incitement to temptation, a lot of people" something for nothing "," year-rich "deformity of desires are reminded to make a fortune, was training again after joining the Organization into a backbone of MLM, referrals to expand rapidly.

In order to strengthen mind control, multi-level marketing organizations promote themselves as an elite team, MLM leader, often packed into their economic and social status of successful people, live in a House on weekdays, open car, and asked to form a backbone to follow suit, even if not deceive many "referral fee" mortgage buying a Mercedes-Benz car, set for bottom line "vision." "Dreaming" at the same time, it also has a set of educational and training programmes within the Organization, regular classes, psychology, marketing, success, regularly organize discussion personnel assistance and industry self-regulation. These look "positive" things more confusing.

Well-organized incendiary intensity

The economic information daily, this reporter learned that, MLM organizations are currently exhibiting fine management, organization specialization of "evolution". Wang lijuan pyramid sales just for the character. According to investigators who briefed as early as 2009 "start-up" soon, a high school education, Wang lijuan felt "organization is developing so fast, their skills can't keep up", and "on the job" studying for a University Master's degree.

Applying modern management knowledge, Wang lijuan MLM system to create more rigorous, more subtle. According to the survey, under the Wang lijuan, with personnel executives, Director of education, Director of discipline, Director of purchasing, product Director, down, each level has a corresponding position, standard clothing, uniform cell phone number from La people, brainwashed, collect the money, train, review the rewards and punishments, forming a complete control of a targeted system.

After years of avoiding combat during pyramid sales organizations have also developed a "risk control": native "bad control, dangerous" household registration in the province of a no, "trans-province gathering marketing" risk reduction; bottom line without permission not to walk out, dinner, does not link to each other, no contradiction with the locals.

Worth mentioning is that the current multi-level marketing system is very well organized, the use of social networking tools such as letters, Q Q "virtual hugs" mobilization capability is strong. Some grass-roots cadres and policemen believe that MLM has at present is not simply an economic issue, but developed into a social problem.

Hefei city, according to the statistics, since 2010, Hefei many MLM people gather each year groups to fight against the event. At first, the pyramid schemes with government law enforcement officials fight is also limited to simple verbal and physical confrontation, but violent confrontations with increasing frequency, even to beat government law enforcement officials. Using micro-social circle, MLM rapid mobilization ability is very strong, sometimes in a matter of minutes to gather hundreds of people against the Government's clout grows.

Strike a weak penalty feeding my flame

Although in recent years, the fight against pyramid schemes in many areas to maintain a high-pressure situation, but pyramid schemes like a Leek-like cut crop crop, are always "playing without dying, and don't drive, sent without return" situation. In addition to MLM himself in hard to get out of them associated, is more important is that the effects of the current crackdown on weak penalties to make deterrence, but MLM people ' arrogance.

Second half of 2013 to the end of February this year, Anhui Province heard MLM activities in 44 criminal cases, such cases confirmed referrals up to more than 13,000 people, but registered only 162 of the judgment. Dedicated to the fight against pyramid selling of Hefei municipal Public Security Bureau economic investigation team official said with exasperation, now fight against pyramid schemes that the Government attention, business, public safety, housing, and other multi-sectoral linkage, battle was hard to have a deterrent effect. "Our biggest headaches is the detection of a pyramid scheme case, spend a few months or even a year, found that officers involved hundreds of thousands, but in the end they cannot fight, really a conviction to be punished only dozens of people, most went to go somewhere else. Some case is not settled, those who have been laid off, pyramid retailers have already alienated a few organizational system. ”

Hefei Office official said of the joint fight against pyramid schemes, MLM just like the Gecko's tail cut, having been seized by the boss, the boss immediately below the "l" will come up. Baohe district, Hefei had hit a MLM organization involving hundreds of people, was sentenced to more than 50 people. The system from Hefei to huzhou, jiaxing, Zhejiang, start anew, following all upgrades, Deputy rose day, because caught are few, development systems very quickly.

Strike a weak penalty quandary caused a nationwide movement of MLM, statistics show, the current pyramid sales organizations throughout the country in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, to reach tens of millions of people involved. Play endless MLM ' arrogance, some marketing personnel not only growing clout against the local government, but also take this claim, this is one way to hit black support by the Government.

"The beat, playing than not playing. "Grass-roots cadres believe that this weakness to be punished forever would seriously damage the Government's credibility, both long pyramid retailers momentum, added more ignorant of the truth and the masses of discontent and anger against the Government.

Evidence difficult to convict enforcement difficult

Reporters learned of the economic information daily, resulting in weak against pyramid sales simply because this is the transmission mechanisms and legal barriers to cross.

Business-led mechanism "small horse-drawn carts", forensics, law enforcement difficult, caused shock finds difficult. Hefei municipal Bureau Wang Xianjin introduces economic inspection enforcement, fight against pyramid schemes is currently the lead department in industry and commerce, established as part of the last real MLM retransmission mechanism. Current pyramid selling has turned from physical trading capital, not operating, and concealed within the residential rental, in the industrial and commercial sectors in the fight against faced investigation and law enforcement problems.

"Pyramid sales dens will be hard to find product or MLM, and the evidence to prove that he engaged in pyramid selling activities, and rental of non-business premises, personnel cannot easily gain access to check the business sector, not to mention the marketing personnel are often friends and relatives, did not testify on the line or down, difficult access to valuable evidence. ”

In the interview, some grass-roots workers also expressed, in the face of huge marketing force, somewhat difficult to adapt existing business team personnel. Verification, in action against pyramid sales dens, industry and commerce, street workers facing the pyramid sales dens "difficult" problems.

"The grass-roots fight now is a group of people without power, doing things that need power to solve. "The baohe district, Hefei city, has long been engaged in a fight against pyramid schemes of market supervision Deputy Director Xie xiaochun lamented that increasing enforcement risks allowing pass holders to law enforcement.

Punishment of convicted is also of importance in fight against pyramid schemes unable to reason. According to reports, after the implementation of the prohibition of pyramid selling Ordinance, our MLM convicted and punished according to the criminal law amendment (seven), pyramid selling staff in more than 30 people and level 3 or above, to organizations, leaders in their case. But pyramid selling organization to escape the law, intends to develop up to 30 people dropped out, causing a lot of MLM organization intends strike.

"At one point we had arrested 29 people, all of the statements made and sent to the public prosecutor's Office is not approved. Because, according to criminal law, less than 30 people is not on file. "Song Dechun said.

In addition, grass-roots workers also spoke against pyramid sales, the current rampant MLM has also exposed the weaknesses of social management. MLM now sheltering in residential, but the corresponding Community demographic information on the collection and management of rental housing is not. While Hefei city, in order to combat pyramid schemes specifically were rules for Administration of rented houses and floating houses for rent regulation, but still implemented in practice is not in place. Landlord registration less rental housing registration, especially provinces and outside the city's landlord is difficult to contact or refuse to cooperate, to penalties does not register keep up; registration and management of the floating population and prevent pyramid selling out.

Straighten out the linkage mechanism

Respondents believe that MLM activities development in view of the current new situation, should speed up the adjustment of the legal provisions applicable, straighten out the retransmission mechanism, strengthened regional multisectoral linkages, combine strike hard, and curb MLM cancer spread.

Adjust the current "grade and 30 people" criterion, applying more sanctions intensify crackdown on Middle MLM leaders. Public Security Department recommends, in view of the pyramid scheme involving funds have been expanding, and threshold number of sentencing standards should be eliminated and replaced by involving as the sentencing guidelines, to be punished as a crime of contract fraud or illegal by reducing "into the sentence" criterion of, step up their crackdown on pyramid selling. Characterization of the pyramid sales crimes police, and public security, specifications, applicable law of evidence should also reached a preliminary agreement on such issues, improve the marketing rate of rate of rate of cases of arrest, prosecution, sentencing, better to use legal means to punish MLM criminals. Thrown for pyramid schemes, such as homicide, assault, robbery and obstruction of official business should be dealt with severely and quickly convicted. To hit the core leaders, destroy the network system, MLM take net chasing fugitives at large, concentrated, teamed up to play and continuous play.

"The essence is engaged in raising fraud, illegal MLM activities and other criminal activities, and associated with other crimes such as illegal detention, imparting criminal methods. If the Fund-raising fraud conviction, greatly reduce the threshold will make the fight against pyramid schemes, to root out the destroyed pyramid. "Has long been engaged in the fight against pyramid selling of Hefei municipal Public Security Bureau economic investigation team official said.

Adjust the linkage mechanism for multisectoral fight against pyramid schemes. Grass-roots cadre of the business sector said that judging from the management system, fight against pyramid schemes Office in Commerce, but actually playing pass and business functions more and more distant from, industry and Commerce departments led by "desperate", "the little horse-drawn carts" overburdened. View of the pyramid scheme that has generated social problems and political risks that may exist, it is recommended that careful consideration at national level, adjust the sound mechanism, led by the Central and local communist party, better mobilization of resources in various departments, strengthening social control and comprehensive way. Urban and rural communities while strengthening the grid management and rental housing registration information, strengthening of grass-roots communities MLM monitoring and early warning network.

Strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of anti-MLM propaganda. Some say, some local anti-MLM propaganda is superficial and simple, but simply to publicize the combat effectiveness of the Government, not only the lack of deterrence and possibly to attract marketing staff backfired. They suggested that the brainwashing system cope with MLM system, targeted system cracked and brainwashing propaganda, and investigated some key cases to be publicly dissected in detail, MLM activities in locations with high focus on highlighting.

Trans-regional cross-border cooperation mechanisms. Also noted that many grass-roots cadres, is widely used in the current fight against pyramid schemes in various regions "herd" policy, as long as the staff from the local pyramid schemes even if successful. This kind of fragmentation, "gust" mechanism is prone to "running East to the West, running South to the North" issue, instead of making direct selling activities spread more widely. To solve this problem, you must "national chess", especially in some key cities to establish a standardized collaborative mechanisms, national and systemic attack on MLM activities, form a uniform high pressure atmosphere.

(Edit: SN117)
02:04 on July 09, 2014 Economic information daily

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