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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:30:10
Han changfu: GMO varieties do in illicit cultivation



Han changfu: genetically modified varieties does illegally grown transgenic | | Han changfu _ news

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Minister of agriculture transgenic answer to illicit cultivation



As we know, has been concerned about the illicit cultivation of genetically modified crops, nongban Mr Chen said yesterday, without national standards emerged in the local areas of genetically modified crops seed flowing to some agricultural land and markets. I would like to ask a specific area that focus on what other crops? How do you assess the current status of the illicit cultivation of genetically modified crops? This is certainly exposed some problems in regulatory, what measures will be taken in the agricultural sector to solve the problem?

Han changfu:

GM issues, each time the press conference was asked, I would be happy to answer your questions. I would like to say that GM is a high-tech, a new industry has bright prospects. As a big agricultural country, China must be a place in this high-tech GM, to this end, the country in 2008 to approve the establishment of the GM project. On GM, the State on the development of transgenic technology approach in doing this work and the Ministry of agriculture also is clear, is consistent, and concluded just three sentences, is a research venture, adhere to independent innovation. Second, promotion, slower to adhere to ensure safety. Three are strict on the management and supervision according to law. You mention in your question is actually the question of supervision.

Genetically modified varieties in individual cases of illicit cultivation, but you asked, we have evaluated? We have done a lot of research and examination, our assessment is that illicit illegal cultivation is individual, can be controlled. Regulation in this area, relevant departments of the Ministry of agriculture and the measures taken, it should be said we attach great importance to safety management of genetically modified. In important areas, critical time, including strict research and control, including varieties closed, production and circulation off, including you mentioned just now that the monitoring of illicit cultivation, strict law enforcement, investigation, crack. Through regulatory measures over the years, effectively curbing the illegal proliferation of genetically modified crops, including cultivation you said.

Recently investigated a case of individual areas and unite us, and local governments, related media, including issues related to the sources from the clues for the investigation, as long as there are clues we'll investigate, if the problem is true, right away. From investigation of GM, for example, individual parts of the genetically modified maize, cases detected of transformants was obtained at home and abroad of the security certificate, and widely grown in foreign countries, that is to say its security is guaranteed. But why should investigate and deal with it? First of all, because it violated China's law on seeds. Under the seeds Act, all your seed sales to farmers, to the fields to plant, are accredited, you can privately which kind, not privately which varieties of seed and which to sell. Second, the violation of patent law, you plant the transgenic varieties of others, they haven't allowed species, you're not violating someone's patent? There is the administration of agricultural genetically modified organism safety regulations, which are formulated by the State Council, the regulations on genetically modified seeds, from development to test, to production, to actual planting, a set of rules, so it is not unsafe because he planted the variety, but because he violated the "two cases", so we have to deal with. Rule is two words, one is individual, individual species of a very small number of individuals and the behaviour of economic agents, no widespread problems of this type of abuse, the problem is manageable. Second, our management according to law, if he is illegal cultivation, found together, and together, we also welcome media, including concerned members of the community have told us, do you provide any clues, we will explain to you. Thank you.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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GM Han changfu

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  我们知道,转基因农作物的非法种植问题备受关注,昨天中农办陈锡文先生坦言,在我国局部地区确实出现了未经国家标准的转基因农作物的种子流向了一些农地和 市场。我想问一下具体集中在哪些地区还有哪些农作物?您如何评估当前转基因农作物非法种植的现状?这肯定暴露了我国在监管方面有一些问题,农业部门将采取 怎么样的措施来解决这样的问题?


  转基因问题,每次记者会都有人提问,我很愿意回答你的问题。我想说,转基因是一项高技术,也是一项新产业,具有广阔的发展前景。中国作为农业生产大国,必 须在转基因这个高技术上占有一席之地,为此,国家在2008年就批准设立了转基因重大专项。关于转基因,国家对转基因技术发展的方针和农业部在具体做这项 工作中的方针也都是明确的,也是一贯的,概括说就是三句话,一是研究上要大胆,要坚持自主创新。二是推广上要慎重,要坚持确保安全。三是在管理上要严格, 要坚持依法监管。方才你提的问题实际上是监管的问题。

  转基因个别品种确实在个别地方有非法种植的情况,但是你刚才问,我们有没有评估?我们进行了大量的调研和检查,我们的评估是,非法违规的种植是个别的、是 可控的。关于这方面的监管,农业部以及有关部门采取了很多措施,应该说我们是高度重视转基因安全管理工作的。在重要的环节,关键的时间,包括严把研发试验 关,包括品种审定关、生产流通关,也包括你刚才提到的这种非法种植现象的监管,严格执法,严肃查处,严厉打击。通过这几年来的监管措施,有效遏制了转基因 作物的违规扩散,包括你说的种植问题。

  对于最近个别地区查处的个案,我们和地方政府联合起来,对有关媒体包括有关人士反映的问题线索进行调查,只要有问题线索我们马上就调查,如果问题属实,就 马上处理。从查处的转基因,比如说个别地方的转基因玉米,有个案,被检测出来的转化体也是获得了国内外的安全证书的,并且在国外广泛种植的,就是说它的安 全性是有保证的。但是为什么还要查处呢?首先,因为它违反了我国的《种子法》。《种子法》规定,你所有的种子,向农民销售,要到田里去种,都要经过审定 的,你不可以私自滥种的,也不可以私自滥制种和滥卖品种。第二,违反了专利法,你种别人的转基因品种,人家还没有允许种,你不是侵犯了人家的专利吗?还有 一条是《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》,这是国务院制定的,这个条例对转基因种子,从研发到试验,到制种,到种植,有一套管理规则,所以不是因为他种植这 个品种不安全,而是因为他违反了“两法一条例”,所以我们要严肃处理。概括来说是两句话,一个是个别地区、个别品种的极少数的个人和主体有这种行为,没有 发生大面积滥种的问题,这个问题是可控的。第二个,我们依法管理,只要发现他是违法违规的种植,发现一起,查处一起,我们也欢迎媒体,也包括社会有关人士 向我们反映,你们提供线索,我们一定会给你们交待。谢谢。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

转基因 韩长赋


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