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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:32:56
Two taxi drivers in Urumqi today hundreds pence was caught cheating



Two taxi drivers in Urumqi today hundreds of taxi drivers _ pence was caught cheating | news

Original title: two taxi drivers in Urumqi "pence" today arrested on insurance fraud times

City consumption morning news (reporter Dong Xiaohan correspondent reported Hati Paer) "pence" the word is no stranger to all, who would want such a thing to happen in their body, there may be some members of the public have experienced driving the way "pence", but don't know it. Recently, ürümqi city people's Procuratorate with the taxi driver was arrested for "pence" lied to insurance cases instituted a public prosecution.

 Cosmo car accident awarded Askew money

About 40 year old taxi driver bought one for a traffic accident, vehicle recovery more than 1000 Yuan. At that time he can taxi driver a few months, greed, came up with "pence" this trick to make money. In his view, hard sports car can't make a lot of money, rather than "pence" make money fast. Starting in April 2014, he drove a taxi every day looking for "game". Buy a specific when vehicles change lanes in front, side, using the driver's sight blind spots, getting the chance to crash. This "pence", the other owners bear the primary responsibility.

Buy a catch some owners afraid of trouble, not alarm, silence the psychological, and began to blackmail. Some hit the driver on the spot to buy a pay "private settlement" more owners choose to inform the insurance company to apply for compensation.

Taste the "sweetness" often commit. He also lessons learned, specifically designed for high-end cars, female drivers drive and cautious, slow, unskilled new drivers start. In addition, vehicle damage is unlikely circumstances, not to repair, any repair invoice, can claim the insurance claim. Obtaining insurance money by deliberately creating traffic accidents "pence" veteran. In just 7 months, bought by "pence" cheating 58 times.

 Two taxi drivers "pence" arrested

So much crime, insurance companies for damage he did not recognize the "old acquaintance"?

On March 7, the reporter interviewed the claims insurer's Director Zhao. "Buy a manufacturing accidents will choose the different sections at a time, different areas, sometimes in the new urban area, sometimes in the midong district. Every time I go to a different set of casualties and without notice. "Director Zhao said that by 2014, the company when the system summary, only to find two taxis two or three times a day the accident occurred. 1 year two-car claims up to dozens of times. He considers this a catch, made a report to police. Because this alert, the company had a system, claims more than 3 times the number of vehicle information is displayed in the system.

According to police investigation, the taxi, the driver of a car hire is a 7 month insurance fraud more than 86,000 yuan. Another taxi driver and buy some unknown slave, and 5-month fraud 48 times, fraud of more than 50,000 yuan. After arrest of a recognized insurance fraud, slaves refused to explain, but cheating is suspected of fraud.

Yesterday, the case Prosecutor told reporters that the subject of the crime of insurance fraud in the beneficiary that exist only in life insurance. Bought and slaves out of insurance fraud's identity, so that their actions do not constitute insurance fraud, complied with the constitutive elements of crime of fraud. In June 2015, bought a slave and was arrested. At present, the buying has been Tianshan District people's Procuratorate for prosecution in another case in the indictment review stages.

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How to prevent "pence" civilian police weapon

How to prevent "pence"? On March 7, the Urumqi Public Security Bureau traffic police water police brigade police Zhao Hongxin Nanhu road squadron to share with 3 tips.

Said Zhao Hongxin, "pence" most roads have no police patrols, at noon and in the evening when more traffic. "Pence" incident will be treated as a simple traffic accident, drivers were either settled, or go to the insurance company. If vehicle owners encounter this kind of thing can be used 3 ways:

1, do not bother, don't panic, protect the scene, alarm, for police to deal with.

2, the best is the installation vehicle traveling data recorder, so that when traffic police in dealing with a case.

3, the vast majority of "pence party" picks when the owner in violation of the crime, so to avoid being "pence" obeying traffic regulations is the best way to keep "pence party" abuse.

 Source: City consumption morning paper

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
The taxi driver

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  原标题:乌鲁木齐市两名出租车司机“碰瓷”落网 累计骗保上百次

  都市消费晨报讯(记者董潇涵 通讯员帕尔哈提报道)“碰瓷”这个词对大家来说并不陌生,谁都不希望这样的事发生在自己身上,或许有一些市民在开车途中已经历过“碰瓷”,却浑然不知。近日,乌鲁木齐市天山区人民检察院对一起出租车司机涉嫌“碰瓷”骗保险的案件提起了公诉。


  年约40岁的出租车司机买某曾因一次意外交通事故,车辆获赔1000余元。当时他才干出租车司机几个月,起了贪念,想出了“碰瓷”赚钱这一招。 他认为,辛苦跑车挣不了太多钱,不如“碰瓷”挣钱来得快。从2014年4月开始,他每天开着出租车寻找“猎物”。买某专门趁前方车辆随意变更车道、靠边 时,利用司机视线盲区,找机会撞车。这种“碰瓷”,对方车主承担主要责任。


  尝到“甜头”的买某开始频繁作案。他还总结经验,专门针对高档车、女性司机和开车谨慎、动作慢、技术不熟练的新司机下手。另外,车辆损失不大的 情况下,买某不去维修,随便找个修理厂开张发票,找保险公司理赔。买某成了通过故意制造交通事故骗取保险理赔金的“碰瓷”老手。短短7个月,买某通过“碰 瓷”骗保58次。



  3月7日,记者采访了这家理赔保险公司的赵主任。“买某每次制造事故会选择不同的路段、不同的区,有时在新市区,有时在米东区。每次去的是不同 的定损员,一时没有察觉。”赵主任说,2014年年底,公司系统汇总时,才发现有两辆出租车一天之内就会有两三次事故发生。1年时间,两辆车的索赔次数都 高达几十起。他认为此事有蹊跷,向警方报案。因为此事的警醒,公司做了一个系统,理赔次数在3次以上的车辆信息就会显示在系统里。


  昨日,办案检察官告诉记者,保险诈骗罪主体中,受益人仅存在于人身保险中。买某和奴某不符合保险诈骗的主体身份,因此,他们的行为不构成保险诈 骗罪,但符合诈骗罪构成要件。2015年6月,买某和奴某被批捕。目前,买某已被天山区人民检察院提起公诉,另一起案件还在起诉审查阶段。









责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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