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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:33:10
Why the G20 Summit opened in Hangzhou, Zhejiang delegation to respond



Why G20 Summit settled in Hangzhou, Hangzhou, Zhejiang delegation response | _ news

Original title: Zhejiang delegation to review "Thirteen-Five" draft plan and be open to foreign well-off Zhejiang high level answer Xia Baolong Wang Yi, attend to hear the review chaired Li Qiang

Staff writer, Beijing, March 7 (reporters Ying Jianyong and Qiu Yi and and Ding Jinzhi)-the morning of 7th plenary meetings of the Zhejiang delegation held to review "Thirteen-Five" draft plan. Meeting open to the press, from people's daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and the United Kingdom, Reuters, Japan's Kyodo News Agency, the Hong Kong Phoenix TV, 57 media 101 journalists inside and outside seating, together listening to the Zhejiang representatives described the "Thirteen-Five" the blueprint.

Director of the Standing Committee of the provincial party Committee, Secretary of Xia Baolong, Deputy Director of the provincial people's Congress, Mao linsheng, SI Jianmin, to participate in the review. Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi and NPC comrade part of the ministries concerned and the State Council meeting to hear the review. Deputy Secretary of the provincial party Committee and provincial Governor Li Qiang took the Chair.

"Thirteen-Five" is complete the building of a well-off society in China battle to win stages in the period, the province proposes a high level goal to complete the building of a well-off society in Zhejiang Province "Thirteen-Five" blueprint for development attracted the attention of Chinese and foreign journalists. At 8 o'clock in the morning, many journalists rushed to the Zhejiang delegation station in advance, early in the meeting hall. Japan NHK song Tian Zhishu and two of his colleagues arrived at the venue, to look for a seat, "may later have to stand. "The people's daily reporter Yu Jianbin 6th participated in the plenary meetings of the Zhejiang delegation this afternoon, 7th came early in the morning interview. He said: "lots of work at the national forefront in Zhejiang Province, highlights, especially this year's G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang delegation has a lot of things to write. ”

At 9 o'clock, the Conference officially began. Li Qiang on behalf of Chase presiding, talked about the "Thirteen-Five" plan draft experience. He said, "Thirteen-Five" planning platform for from national strategy global starting, insisted target oriented and problem oriented phase unified, and based domestic and global vision phase and Manpower, and full planning and highlight focus phase coordination, is "four a full" guidelines Xia developed of programmatic file, highlight reflected a "new" Word; is in "world map" vantage point Shang developed of programmatic file, highlight reflected a "high" Word; is in "full well-off" winning points Shang developed of programmatic file, highlight reflected a "real" Word, has is strong of ideological, and Strategic, forward-looking and guidance.

Zheng Jiwei, Yin Xingshan, and Li Linghong, Zong qinghou, post, and Zheng Jie, and Ge Minghua, and Zhu zhangjin, Zhou guohui, Li Keping, ye Fei, sails and other representatives have spoken, and put forward opinions and suggestions. Delegates have said must be practical, effectively "Thirteen-Five" program for implementation. In particular, in accordance with the spirit and requirements of the platform, to further improve the departments all over the province, as well as "Thirteen-Five" ideas and measures for the development of and enrich specific plan carefully implemented, ensure that achieved a high level goal to complete the building of a well-off society across the country contribute to the big picture.

Following statements by the representatives, attended to hear reviews of Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, made a statement, particularly for highly concern matters relating to the G20 Summit in Hangzhou was introduced. He said that Hangzhou, the G20 Summit is the home of the most important diplomatic activities this year, also in Zhejiang, Hangzhou advance opening up and development of a new platform. Thanks, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang province's efforts in preparation for the Summit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs will closely with the Zhejiang, Hangzhou, jointly perform the preparatory work.

The meeting then proceed to the media interview session, reporters at the scene were excited, and questions, focusing the G20 Summit and other hot topics in Hangzhou.

"In September, Hangzhou hosted the G20 Summit will be in how to present to the world? "The people's daily reporter's first question, throw the issue to Zhang Hongming, Mayor of Hangzhou representative.

"From the G20 Summit left more than 180 days in Hangzhou, we feel great responsibility and great pressure. "Zhang Hongming said the Summit venues, hotels and roads and other hard environment promotion project will be completed by the end of June, and we vigorously improve the soft environment, increase safety and security and environmental protection efforts, and improve the ethical quality of the people from six aspects.

Is a world-class heavy Conference, World Internet Conference brings to jiaxing change? Jiaxing lujun, Secretary of municipal party Committee in response to a Hong Kong commercial news reporters ' questions, the representative said that now Wuzhen advanced Internet infrastructure, the next step to accelerate the development of the Internet economy in the city of jiaxing, making Internet Fund town economic development finance-driven entity via the Internet.

Xinhua reporter's question: how to cure hospital, dealer? How to face the challenge posed by the full liberalization of the second child? Zheng Jiwei, Vice Governor representatives believe that dealers the final solution of the problem depends on the classification, diagnosis and treatment, by 2020, Zhejiang Province formed a relatively complete classification of medical policies, and allows more medical care, educational resources into the public service areas, ensuring safety for pregnant women, the healthy growth of children.

Media asked hotspot, with Zhejiang reality of reform and innovation. Chinese tourists snapped up Japan toilet is actually "made in Hangzhou", representative of the China Central television reporter asked Zhang Hongming. Zhang Hongming, to product innovation as impetus, improving the effectiveness of product supply, to foster new industries, leading the consumer, creating consumption, consumption, active consumer.

Reform and innovation complement each other. Beta pharmaceutical company limited Chairman Ding Lieming representative in reply to Japan economy pointed out that the questions of journalists, and hopes to further accelerate the pace of administrative approval and market, to further expand the list of health care, further reducing the tax burden, promoting the innovative development of pharmaceutical enterprises.

Phoenix journalist's "brand-building" problem, Chairman of Hangzhou wahaha group, Zong qinghou, representatives expressed the view that enterprises need not only to improve the quality of products, the whole society need to work together to maintain national brand. When inheritance is implemented when asked how private enterprises, Zong qinghou, said second generation does not have to take over, or you can choose management.

In reply to the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao reporter when issues related to the development of new energy vehicles, Zhang Tianren, Chairman of the group said, should use a variety of battery compatible development route, mix different batteries, and vigorously promote the development of micro-electric car.

Reporters tried to question one by one. Close at 12 o'clock noon, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao reporter catch a last chance, throws to the Xia Baolong representative problem: after following the world Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, the G20 Summit is why flowers in Hangzhou?

Xia Baolong said, is hosting the G20 Summit Central Zhejiang, a major political task. XI Jinping, Secretary General at the G20 Summit in Antalya, praised Hangzhou "picturesque, is heaven on Earth", emphasized: "Hangzhou is historical and cultural cities, innovation vitality of the city, believe 2016 Summit will present a historical and practical intersection of unique charm. "Hangzhou's unique charm is reflected in where? Xia Baolong think, Hangzhou like one history Humanities of classic collection, she of heritage let people crush; Hangzhou like a site elegant of landscape volume, she of beautiful let people amazing; Hangzhou like a seat beautiful luxury of paradise, she of downtown let people praise; Hangzhou like a first tide up tide of times hymn, she of innovation vitality let people praised; Hangzhou like a warm as spring of most beauty landscape, she of happiness harmony let people yearning for. He said that at present, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, is to do preparatory work for the Summit, efforts to make a wonderful, successful, milestone, achieved the best results of the Summit, real were satisfactory, foreign heads of State by General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and satisfaction, satisfaction, all the people of the whole nation with satisfaction. Xia Baolong invited guests and friends at home and abroad during the Summit, including our media friends to visit Hangzhou and feel the city's unique charm and another wonderful.

Journalist Ying Jianyong Qiu Yi Jiao Ding Jin

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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G20峰会为何落户杭州 浙江代表团回应|杭州_新闻资讯

  原标题: 浙江代表团审查“十三五”规划纲要草案并向中外媒体开放 高水平全面小康的浙江回答 夏宝龙参加 王毅听取审查 李强主持

  本报北京3月7日电 (记者 应建勇 裘一佼 丁谨 之) 7日上午,浙江代表团在驻地举行全体会议,审查“十三五”规划纲要草案。会议向中外媒体开放,来自人民日报、新华社、中央电视台和英国路透社、日本 共同社、香港凤凰卫视等57家境内外媒体的101名记者到会采访,共同聆听浙江代表描绘“十三五”的美好蓝图。


  “十三五”时期是我国全面建成小康社会决战决胜阶段,我省提出了高水平全面建成小康社会的奋斗目标,浙江“十三五”发展的宏伟蓝图吸引了中外记者的目 光。上午8时许,许多记者就提前赶到浙江代表团驻地,早早进入会议大厅等候。日本NHK的松田智树和他的两位同事一进入会场,就赶紧找座位,“再晚可能就 得站着了。”人民日报记者余建斌6日下午参加了浙江代表团全体会议,7日一早又赶来采访。他说:“浙江许多工作走在全国前列,亮点多,特别是今年G20峰 会将在杭州召开,来浙江代表团有很多东西可写。”

  9时,会议正式开始。主持会议的李强代表开门见山,谈了自己对“十三五”规划纲要草案的体会。他说,“十三五”规划纲要从国家战略全局出发,坚持目标导 向和问题导向相统一、立足国内和全球视野相统筹、全面规划和突出重点相协调,是“四个全面”指引下制定的纲领性文件,突出体现一个“新”字;是在“世界地 图”制高点上制定的纲领性文件,突出体现一个“高”字;是在“全面小康”决胜点上制定的纲领性文件,突出体现一个“实”字,具有很强的思想性、战略性、前 瞻性和指导性。

  郑继伟、殷兴山、李令红、 宗庆后、郑杰、葛明华、朱张金、周国辉、李科平、叶飞帆等代表先后发言,并提出意见建议。代表们纷纷表示,一定要结合实际,切实抓好“十三五”规划纲要的 贯彻落实。特别是要按照《纲要》的精神和要求,进一步完善全省以及各地各部门“十三五”发展的思路和措施,充实各项具体规划,精心组织实施,确保如期实现 高水平全面建成小康社会的奋斗目标,为全国大局作贡献。

  代表们发言后,到会听取审查的外交部部长王毅作了发言,他特别针对大家高度关注的G20杭州峰会有关事宜作了介绍。他说,G20杭州峰会是我国今年最重 要的主场外交活动,这也为浙江、杭州推进对外开放和发展提供了一个新的平台。感谢浙江省、杭州市为筹备峰会所作的努力,外交部将与浙江、杭州紧密合作,共 同做好各项筹备工作。





  新华社记者提问:如何根治医院号贩子现象?如何面对全面放开二孩带来的挑战?副省长郑继伟代表认为,号贩子问题的最终解决要靠分级诊疗,浙江省力争到 2020年形成比较完善的分级诊疗政策,同时让更多的医疗、教育资源纳入公共服务范畴,确保孕妇安全生产、孩子健康成长。






  夏宝龙在回答时说,承办G20峰会是中央赋予浙江的一项重大政治任务。习近平总书记在G20安塔利亚峰会上,赞誉杭州“风景如画,堪称人间天堂”,强调 指出:“杭州是历史文化名城,也是创新活力之城,相信2016年峰会将会给大家呈现一种历史和现实交汇的独特韵味。”杭州的独特韵味体现在哪里?夏宝龙认 为,杭州恰如一部历史人文的经典藏书,她的底蕴让人迷恋;杭州恰如一幅钟灵毓秀的山水画卷,她的美丽让人惊叹;杭州恰如一座美丽华贵的人间天堂,她的繁华 让人赞美;杭州恰如一首潮起潮涌的时代赞歌,她的创新活力让人推崇;杭州恰如一道温暖如春的最美风景,她的幸福和谐让人向往。他说,当前,浙江全省上下、 杭州全市上下正全力做好峰会筹备工作,努力办成一届精彩、成功、具有里程碑意义、取得最佳成效的峰会,真正让党中央和总书记满意、外国元首满意、全国人民 满意、全省人民满意。夏宝龙邀请包括广大媒体朋友在内的海内外宾朋峰会期间莅临杭州,共同感受杭州的独特韵味和别样精彩。

记者 应建勇 裘一佼 丁谨之

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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