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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/3/15 16:40:54
Guangzhou Hospital Board Pearson monthly million, the hospital response



Guangzhou Hospital Board Pearson monthly million hospital response: true | month | hospital _ news

Information times (reporter Huang Xianjun Bai Tian Xiong Jiayan correspondents) recently, the Hospital Board Pearson, the maximum subsidy 13800 Yuan/month, you want to go? Posts spread micro-circle of friends, post said the third affiliated hospital of Guangzhou Medical University recently is having the Board of Pearson, master's, doctor's million or so monthly income, the highest monthly income up to 13800. Reporter was informed yesterday confirm with hospitals, basic Internet post content is true.

The reporter learns, extensive medical college is the first, one of the 40 resident training base in Guangdong Province. Reporters saw in the hospital admission, enrolment of students includes learning students and community participants in two classes, and learning participants in undergraduates ' monthly living allowance of 6000 Yuan a month for the first year, second year 7500, 9000 Yuan the third year while the students first year 7500 Yuan, third years to reach 10500. And the micro-post titles in the "highest earning 13800", refers to community students enrolled in the third year of the doctoral allowance 13500 Yuan and 300 yuan a month housing allowance in order to achieve, and can only take one year, social student three years of monthly living allowance income years, led by Dr 10500, and the following year 12000, 13500 in the third year.

Guang Yuan Guo, Director of medical hospital personnel told reporters that the College Board Pearson's monthly income and other levels of the three major hospitals in Guangzhou are similar. Just this year the salary treatment rose by more than 1000 Yuan/month.

Xinhua learned from the three other hospitals in Guangzhou, College Board Pearson currently average approximately five thousand or six thousand Yuan every month or so, but many are not deducted at this price "five social insurance and one housing fund".

Such high salaries in order to get it? Or is enrolling Board Pearson as "cheap labour" can help hospitals shoulder a lot of primary health care, and service work? On this, Guoyuan said, actually annual hospital recruit of rules culture health not over 100 name, and which has 90% of people will outflow, and not left to, so is not to paid Range Rover people, also not simple to auxiliary doctor work, "hospital also not need annual added so more of medical human, just hospital as rules culture of base, need bear must of public responsibility, these subsidies some is hospital out of. Currently national requirements read medical of students graduated out to after 3 years rules culture of this necessary link, consider to this 3 years are in hospital, hospital in allows of conditions Xia appropriate to improve has to they of life grants, for these rules culture health,, graduated out also to again after 3 years of rules culture period, this during this level of treatment actually really of not is high. ”

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Monthly hospital

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Information times
广州三甲医院规培生月薪过万 医院回应:属实|月薪|三甲医院_新闻资讯

  信息时报讯 (记者 熊佳焰 通讯员 黄贤君 白恬) 近日,一则《这家医院正招规培生,最高补贴13800元/月,你想去吗?》的帖子在微信朋友圈流传,帖子称广州医科大学附属第三医院近日正在招收规培生, 硕士、博士的月薪收入万元左右,最高月薪高达13800元。记者昨日向医院求证获悉,网帖内容基本属实。

  记者获悉,广医三院是全国首 批、广东省40家住院医师规范化培训基地之一。记者在该院招生简章上看到,招收生源包括委培学员和社会学员两类,在委培学员中,本科生第一年每月生活补助 月薪6000元,第二年7500元,第三年9000元;而社会学员则首年7500元,第三年才能达到10500元。而微信帖子标题中的“月入最高 13800元”,指的是社会学员中招收的博士生第三年的每月生活补助13500元加上300元住房补贴才能达到,而且只能拿一年,社会学员博士的三年每月 生活补助收入为首年10500元、次年12000元,第三年13500元。



  如 此高薪是为了揽才吗?还是说招收规培生作为“廉价劳动力”可以帮医院承担很多基层的医疗、服务等辅助工作?对此,郭元表示,其实每年医院招收的规培生不超 过100名,而其中有90%的人都会外流,而不是留下来,所以并不是为了高薪揽人,也不是单纯为了辅助医生工作,“医院也不需要每年增添这么多的医疗人 力,只是医院作为规培的基地,需要承担一定的公益责任,这些补贴有些也是医院出的。目前国家要求读医科的学生毕业出来要经过3年规培的这个必要环节,考虑 到这3年都在医院,医院在允许的条件下适当地提高了给他们的生活补助,对于这些规培生来讲,毕业出来还要再经过3年的规培期,这个期间这种水平的待遇其实 真的不算高。”

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

月薪 三甲医院


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