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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/3/16 6:09:03
360 counter Sue millet is suspected of unfair competition: the same claims 20 million,



360 counter Sue millet is suspected of unfair competition: the same claims 20 million-millet, 360,MIUI-IT information

On March 16, this morning, IT news millet sued 360 and OS unfair competition by lightning claimed 20 million messages, 360 is now formally charged the millet, on the grounds of unfair competition, also claimed to be 20 million, but accepting institution of the 360 to the Xicheng District Court.

360 in indictment in the said, millet through multiple terminal using different version of MIUI system for 360 of related security software implementation has series of not due competition behavior, these behavior including, millet Terminal user from 360 phone assistant download software Shi, MIUI system will tips "from unofficial source installation application may exists risk", "the installation package may is cottage application, cottage application may will has strummed advertising, and power, and theft privacy, malicious behavior, damage you of interests", " Unofficial channels increases the risk of your cell phone and personal data being attacked "and other words and popups to block the process, eventually forcing the user to stop using the 360 Mobile Assistant .

In addition, when millet MIUI user terminal landing 360 website to download and install 360 Mobile Assistant, 360 security guards, 360 mobile browser and a series of 360 products, MIUI operating system still popups blocking and pop-up warning similar to above.

Qihoo argues that millet committed a series of acts of interference, the purpose of which is to reduce the 360 Mobile assistants and other plaintiff′s software market share, eventually realize the purpose of defendant crowding out competitors in business . 360 also said that both sides in areas such as mobile application distribution channel with direct competition.

Qihoo said millet company irregularities have a highly negative impact not only to the odd Tiger, qihoo suffered huge losses, but also contrary to the spirit of openness, equality, cooperation, sharing the Internet, contrary to the principle of good faith and accepted business morality, it shall be promptly stopped. Sued for a decree of millet immediately to stop the infringing act, apology, eliminate and compensate for the economic losses of 20 million Yuan.

360反告小米涉嫌不正当竞争:同样索赔2000万 - 小米,360,MIUI - IT资讯






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