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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:07:09
Media to review Mr Li three times: reform issues such as environmental protection has never been absent



Media to review Mr Li three times: reform issues such as environmental protection has never been absent | _ Li news

China, March 16 (Xinhua Zhang Yanling) Prime Minister′s press conference is an annual two blockbuster hits. This morning, the Prime Minister Li keqiang will hold his fourth press conference. Chinese reporter Combs found Prime Minister Li keqiang total three times before a press conference to answer Chinese and foreign journalists of 39 questions, related to reform, anti-corruption, environmental protection, economic growth, human security, decentralization, and so on. , Decentralization reform, environmental protection, people′s livelihood, such as the eight issues annually asked, answers every year, and every year new. So what hot spots will be asked at a press conference this year, we′ll see.

Press three times to answer 39 questions 8 issues such as reform and environmental protection has never been absent

Reporters noted that from 2013 to 2015, Li 3 press 39 questions were answered Chinese and foreign journalists, related to reform, anti-corruption, environmental protection, economic growth, livelihood security, issues such as decentralization, such as decentralization, reform, environmental protection, economic growth and people′s livelihood security, policy on Hong Kong, cross-strait relations, Sino-US relations become an annual press conference, not the absence of problems.

2013 at a press conference, Prime Minister, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister answered Chinese and foreign media 11 questions, relating to decentralization and urbanization, reform of the re-education through labour system, governance objectives (economic growth, improve people′s livelihood), reform of bonuses, environmental pollution (smog), experience (policy on Hong Kong), the cross-straits relations and Sino-US relations, Sino-Russian relations, in response to foreign media concern (peace development does not dominate).

2014 years Prime Minister reporter will Shang, Li keqiang Prime Minister answered has foreign media 15 a problem, involved horse airlines, and anti-corruption, and real estate (shantytown transformation), and environmental (fog haze), and decentralization, and financial and debt (shadow Bank), and economic growth, and economic down pressure, and deepening reform, and social security (livelihood), and on Hong Kong policy, and on both sides of relationship, and China and around national relationship, and Central relationship, and Sino-US relationship, problem.

2015 at a press conference, Prime Minister, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister answered Chinese and foreign media 13 questions, relating to prices, Internet + (online shopping), decentralisation, corruption, economic growth, shadow banks, big, comprehensive two-child, relations with mainland China, deflation, China-Japan relations, Sino-US relations, Sino-Burmese border.

Economic growth, supply side reform remains the Prime Minister′s Press Conference of this year′s hot spot

Throughout the three years Prime Minister press conference questions, basic political, economic, social, Foreign Affairs, and other major issues. Different topics each year, different problems reflect different stages of economic and social development, and people of different concerns. Some issues was put forward, when resolved, such as the reform of the re-education through labour system. Some questions are asked every year, but every answer there are new ideas, such as smog problem. There are diplomatic relations, will annually on Sino-US relations, but takes into account the different years in different countries. In 2013, for example in response to Sino-Russian relations, in 2014 in response to China-EU relations, 2015 in response to Sino-Japanese relations.

Reporters noted that in this year′s Government work report Premier Li keqiang widely involved in State-owned enterprises improve quality and efficiency, increase employment, comprehensive business modification, three medical interaction (medical, health care, pharmaceuticals), environmental protection, social security, the Internet, financial services, investment and loans linked.

It can be predicted that in this year′s parliamentary session Prime Minister at a press conference that "supply side reform", "growth", "anti-corruption" and "decentralization", "double", "people (education, health, housing, social security, food safety)" topic will still be hot.

Press Conference the Prime Minister quipped showed "strong" charm "strong" confidence "strong" commitment to

Prime Minister′s press conference has always been regarded as government leader reflects a mark of China′s reform, and become an important basis for China the international community, every global media attention. Annual press conference, Prime Minister, Chinese and foreign media have been counting on the Prime Minister at a press conference the "punch line", "stories", "data", then understanding the release of a number of positive signals to the outside world and style of governance.

2015 Mr LI just after the Prime Minister′s press conference, media praise for Prime Minister Li keqiang at a press conference performance. Said his answer is extremely elegant, intelligent humor, vivid image, use data, like the classics, would also like to use plain English to the grounding.

2013 of the Prime Minister at a press conference, he used "to ensure that the people live a better life, the Government is having a hard time" to talk about corruption, "reform in action, casser La voix shuaikaibangzi than" reform "road, serving the community and benefit the world" personal feelings in the table of his political life. Especially in talked about economic topic Shi, Li keqiang more is Bon alignment, he with "open main entrance, blocking partial door" to explained Government next on financial and debt risk of control, with "everything not trouble, but patient no prepared" to description Government should economic challenge of attitude, he with "to fog haze, pollution war, is not said to God war" to showed that governance fog haze of direction, also borrowed saying "I road consistent" show full deepening reform of determination.

While some foreign media more style of Li keqiang, answering reporters ′ questions like. In their view, showing Prime Minister Li keqiang, in a press conference "strong" charm, "strong" confidence, "strong" commitment. They said the reporter Li keqiang China′s steady economic growth to the world of "strong" confidence, advance the reform of "strong" commitment. They said Prime Minister Li keqiang China′s economic evaluation "dispassionate", swept away doubts about China′s economy. Li keqiang, the "new normal" interpretation of pragmatic confidence, does not avoid the question, there are countermeasures, sceptical about China′s economy to the Western public opinion had a "psychological boost"

Taiwan media say Prime Minister Li keqiang press conference Super "strong" appeal. They said Prime Minister Li keqiang, as a modern, young generation of central leadership, which was a pioneer in the show more upbeat. He had three big trick "earthing": first that the people understand the word; the second instrument is from the perspective of the people to pay attention to the people′s livelihood; the third winning trick is love "tell a story".

Throughout the press conference, Mr Li about dialectical skills in addition to the question and answer approach that the Prime Minister, also dialectical modes of thinking on the question and answer session, showed a solid theory.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Li keqiang
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  中国网3月16日讯(记者 张艳玲)总理记者会是每年两会的重磅。今天上午,李克强总理将召开其任内的第四次记者会。中国网记者梳理发现,李克强总理的前三次记者会共回答中外记者39个问题,涉及到改革、反腐、环保、经济增速、民生保障、简政放权等问题。其中改革、环保、简政放权、民生等八大问题,年年问,年年答,年年有新意。那么,哪些热点将在今年记者会上被问到,我们拭目以待。

  三次记者会回答39个问题 改革环保等8大问题从未缺席









  总理记者会妙语连珠 展现出“强”魅力“强”信心“强”决心







责任编辑:陈琰 SN225


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