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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:08:17
Sichuan finds suspected wartime American plane wreckage found radio-Ming



Ming finds suspected wartime American plane wreckage found the radio in Sichuan Sichuan | | | us the wreckage _ news
Cleaning up the site
Hip flask-like objects
Site cleaning bullet
Clear Ming suspected the radio


Yibin Yang Tian Xiang suspected us plane wreckage began to clean up

"The aircraft Bay", is located in Yibin Yang, Gao Tian Xiang Tai Peng Tsuen, originally called "fan" since the 1944 changed its name a US military aircraft crashed in the area.

On March 16, the aircraft Bay in Yibin Yang, Gao Tian Xiang very busy, here are suspected American member of the wreckage to clear up. On October 24, 2015, Yang Tian Xiang Tai Peng Tsuen villagers Long Xibing, pingxi, Gao brothers, and found some similar dug fish ponds in the process of tire and rubber items, letters, pieces of metal, and some conical gear parts. Suspected 1944 Yang Tian Xiang, crashed in the wreckage of a US military aircraft. For security reasons, Yang Tian Township government decisions to backfill the site protection, waiting for the development programme for research. Bullets, petrol fumes found radio-Ming

Yang Tian Xiang, almost all the villagers know the plane had crashed into a Japanese American aircraft in the Gulf, but where is no one speak clearly. Cleanup work by set is the first step in the North five lever position, determine the area.

9:55 A.M. 16th position after completion of the work, excavator began the site perimeter clean. 10:20 A.M., there was a cheering crowd: a bullet head appeared, it covered in mud bullet head has two clear gear ring and are not easily identifiable letters numbers.

With the deepening of excavators, scene filled with a pungent smell of petrol, water can be clearly seen floating in grease. The appearance of petrol fumes and grease, awakened the cleanup begins close to the heart, the staff began cleaning hand tools.

The scavenging process, there are always new things to be discovered. Plenty of rubber-like objects, large and small metal pieces, a large piece of iron, two gears, a jug full of wire-like items and a full metal inscription of English letters and numbers.

Most of our attention, when the piece is filled with English letters and numbers of the Ming metal flakes. This piece of metal on the Ming can clearly see "AVIATION (aviation)," "RADIO (radio)", "MADE IN US (the United States made)" and so forth.

Subsequent cleaning/

In accordance with the circumstances for the protection of programmes

Reporter: the cleaned aircraft structures mainly for what purpose?

Historic relic administration, Gao Yao Shiqiang, Director: 1944 American plane crashes through investigation combines historical data analysis, Basic you can determine the scope crashes in the area. But because of age, exact location of the crash could not be confirmed. Hope that through this work on aircraft structures, can solve these questions, for that part of the history of the war to add more evidence.

Reporter: for cleaning aircraft structures the next step will be how to protect?

Yao Shiqiang: due to the crash, the Government organized large-scale removal and cleanup. Current details of the clean up the wreckage, unable to accurately determine the scale. Clean up after work, will report to the relevant authorities on a case, and draw up specific protection programmes.

Witnessed the plane crash recovered parts chopper

In the vicinity of the site, some of the older man watching the progress of the clean up work. Among them, there are many witnesses US military plane crash that year.

90 year old Jia Huifen lived in Bay area of the plane, the plane crashed in the area, she is a witness. Jia Huifen recalls one afternoon in September 1944, at the age of 18 she is busy with the housework at home, screamed from his home when he heard what, out only to see a plane black smoke in the sky, the wings swing, screamed down and finally crashed nose down in a paddy field. "It was particularly large flames and smoke, close to far away places can be smelled a strong smell of petrol, crashed near many mulberry trees are being burned to death. Crackling in the paddy fields of the afternoon explosion for a long time, and later learned it was the bullets exploded, crashed was a United States Army against Japanese aircraft. ”

This reporter has learned, when some of the villagers picked up some debris to make kitchen knives, razors, cigarette holders and other items. Dragon who lives in AO group, Yang Tian Xiang Tai Peng Tsuen cross their elderly, then picked up a machine gun bullet in the vicinity, he will be bullet into a cigarette holder, is very Western style.

Support in the high County United States pilots have been relief

Now 86 years old, Long Xisheng Yang Tian Xiang Tai Peng Tsuen villagers in his memory, a foreigner has impressed him. Plane crashes near, one a tall, bearded foreigners who helped all the way to where the plane crashed. The foreigners said nothing, shook his head looking sad, he said people did not understand nor use chopsticks, eating everything by hand. Great to hear people say, the foreigner was the plane's pilot, an American, ejected before the crash.

Old story, in the high support in the County: "33 (1944) in September, the United States military aircraft crashed in sheep, Gao zitian (modern Yang Tian Xiang), junlian pilot v parachuting behind Hai Ying Xiang relief layers will be transferred to Yibin. ”

Party history research center, GAO (local history Office) Deputy Director Wang did an in-depth study on this matter, have published feature articles. He explained that the year after the plane crash fire explosion, until the night before the blaze was extinguished. Cun myumbakumi xiaotongkai immediately organized personnel to guard the site and report to their superiors, the then national Government, Gao sent to military aircraft crashed at the guardian, and to organize personnel to carry and clean up remaining objects on the plane, over a 3 month period, a total of damaging airborne machine guns 2, carbine 2, various types of ammunition and the partial demolition of aircraft parts.

West China cities reader reporter xiaolili photography

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Sichuan wreckage of us

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
四川发现疑似战时美军飞机残骸 发现收音机铭片|四川|飞机残骸|美军_新闻资讯




   3月16日,宜宾高县羊田乡的飞机湾非常热闹,这里正在进行疑似美军飞机残骸的构件清理。2015 年 10 月 24日,高县羊田乡大坪村村民龙希兵、龙平两兄弟,挖鱼塘过程中发现一些类似轮胎橡胶的物品、有字母的金属残片和一些锥形齿轮状的零件。疑似1944年坠 毁于羊田乡的美军飞机残骸。为了安全起见,羊田乡政府决定对现场进行回填保护,等待制定方案进行考证。子弹头、汽油味现场发现收音机铭片





  最受大家关注的,当属那块写满英文字母和数字编号的金属铭片。这块金属铭片上可以清晰的看到“AVIATION(航空)”“RADIO(收音机)”“MADE IN US(美国制造)”等字样。




   高县文物管理所所长姚世强:对于1944年美军飞机坠毁事件,我们通过前期调查结合史料记载分析,基本可以确定坠毁范围就在这一带。但是因为年代久远, 飞机坠毁的具体位置一直无从考证。希望通过这次飞机构件的清理工作,能解开这一系列疑问,为那段抗战历史增添更多佐证。





   今年90岁的贾会芬一直住在飞机湾一带,飞机坠毁在这一带的时候她是目击者。贾会芬回忆,1944年9月的一天下午,当时18岁的她在家忙着家务,突然 听到有什么从家上空呼啸而过,赶出去只看到天空中有一架飞机冒着黑烟,机翼摇摆不定,呼啸而下,最后机头向下坠毁在一块水田里。“当时的火焰和烟雾特别 大,附近很远的地方都能闻到一股很浓的汽油味,坠毁地附近的很多桑树都被烧死了。当天下午那块水田里噼噼啪啪的爆了很久,后来才知道那是子弹爆炸了,坠毁 的是一架美国军队的抗日飞机。”



   今年86岁的龙希胜是羊田乡大坪村的村民,他的记忆中,一个外国人让他印象深刻。飞机坠毁不久,一名个子很高,满脸胡须的外国人被人搀扶着来到飞机坠毁 的地方。这个外国人什么也没说,看起来看难过的摇了摇头,他说的话大家听不懂,也不会用筷子,吃东西都是用手。听大人们说,这个外国人就是这架飞机的飞行 员,是个美国人,在飞机坠毁前跳伞逃生。


   高县党史研究室(地方志办公室)副主任王子江,对这一件事做了深入研究,曾发表过专题文章。他介绍,当年飞机坠毁后燃烧起火爆炸,直到后半夜火才熄灭。 村保长肖同开立即组织人员看守现场,并向上级报告,当时的高县国民政府派专人到军机坠毁处守护,并组织人员搬运和清理飞机上的残留物件,历时3个月之久, 共清理出残损机载机枪2挺、卡宾枪2支、各型子弹若干和部分能拆卸的飞机零部件。

  华西城市读本记者 肖莉莉 摄影报道

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

四川 飞机残骸 美军


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