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published in(发表于) 2016/3/18 6:28:49
Argentina Coast Guard chased the sinking of a Chinese fishing boat, 4 crew detained



Argentina 4 maritime police chasing the sinking of a Chinese fishing boat crew members detained | Argentina | Chinese fishing boats _ news

Video showed Alfonso, Coast Guard vessels chased a Chinese fishing boat. Video screenshot

According to foreign media, 16th, Argentina, police said Argentina local 14th coast guard spotted a Chinese fishing boat in the South Atlantic "illegal" fish, were trying to stop back, then sunk.

It was reported that no fishing for prey "robust fisheries No. 010 smoke away" part of Yantai's Ocean Fisheries limited, for squid fishing boats. Statistics show that Yantai marine fishery company was founded in January 2010, the distant-water fishing fleet of the company for many years in the Pacific, Peru, and Chile, and Ecuador, Atlantic of Argentina, and Pacific Northwest Fisheries in squid fishing, saury, longline and other production.

Yesterday, General Manager of Yantai marine fisheries Office staff told reporters, was the morning of March 15, Beijing time, keep in touch daily with fishing boats and always confirmed no injuries. At present, the company is actively dealing with related issues.

Argentina authorities said the vessel was found fishing illegally in Puerto Madryn, the coast guard ordered to stop, but the fishing boat trying to escape into international waters. Then the fishing boats tried ramming coastguard boats was sunk by fire. Puerto Madryn is located 1300 km south of Buenos Aires. According to Xinhua, "robust fisheries No. 010 smoke away" is sunk in the sea beyond the exclusive economic zone. At present, about fishing vessel out of range operations, the presence of excessive law enforcement issues remained controversial.

"Robust fisheries No. 010 smoke away" a total of 32 crew members on board, 4 crew members, including Captain seized by the coast guard, they were accused of "illegal fishing" and "against the law", to be sent to Puerto Madryn for judicial inquiries. The remaining 28 persons on board were rescued by a Chinese fishing vessel in the vicinity. (Consolidation)


China demands thorough investigation strike boats

The Beijing News (reporter Yan Yingzhuan) according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on 16th, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lu Kang Chinese fishing in Argentina respond to the sinking of a sea.

A reporter asked, according to reports, on March 14, a Chinese fishing boat in Argentina when the seas, sunk by the coast guard. Please confirm and describe the situation.

In this regard, said Lu Kang, a Chinese fishing boat "robust fisheries No. 010 smoke away" in Argentina when fishing, being chased by a maritime police vessel for several hours, Alfonso shot after shot, gradually led to the hull into the water and sank. 4 Chinese crew on the ship were rescued by maritime police vessel and 28 other crew members were rescued by Chinese fishing boats in the vicinity, with no casualties. Leaders of the State Council attaches great importance to this and made important instructions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Argentina Embassy has urgently made representations, expressed serious concerns about the incident, details of the request to immediately investigate and inform the Chinese side, guarantee crew safety and legitimate rights and interests in China, and take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Immediately after the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan was informed that relevant to the Argentina Ministry of Foreign Affairs, agriculture and Maritime Police Department made representations, call on the Arab side to protect the security and fair treatment of detained crew members, and the release of detained as soon as possible. At present, the Embassy consular protection program was started.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Argentina Chinese fishing boats

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The Beijing News
阿根廷海警追逐击沉一艘中国渔船 4名船员被扣|阿根廷|中国渔船_新闻资讯



  据报道,被击没的渔船为“鲁烟远渔010号”,隶属于烟台海洋渔业有限公司,为鱿钓船。资料显示,烟台海洋渔业有限公司成立于2010年1月,公司远洋 捕捞船队长年在太平洋的秘鲁、智利、厄瓜多尔、大西洋的阿根廷以及西北太平洋等渔场从事鱿鱼钓、秋刀鱼、延绳钓等生产。


  阿根廷当局表示,渔船被发现在马德林港非法捕鱼,海岸警卫队下令停船,但渔船企图逃向国际水域。接着该渔船又试图冲撞海警船,遂被开火击沉。马德林港位 于布宜诺斯艾利斯以南1300公里。据新华社报道,“鲁烟远渔010号”是在阿专属经济区以外海域沉没的。目前,各方对渔船是否越界作业、是否存在过度执 法等问题仍存有争议。


  ■ 反应


  新京报讯 (记者颜颖颛)据外交部网站消息,16日上午,外交部发言人陆慷就中国渔船在阿根廷海域被击沉做出回应。


  对此,陆慷表示,中国渔船“鲁烟远渔010号”在阿根廷渔场作业时,被阿海警船追赶数小时,后阿方开枪射击,导致船体进水并逐渐沉没。船上4名中国船员 被阿海警船救起,其他28名船员被附近中国渔船救起,未发生人员伤亡。国务院领导对此高度重视并做出重要批示,外交部和中国驻阿根廷大使馆已紧急向阿方提 出交涉,对事件发生表示严重关切,要求阿方立即彻查并向中方通报详情,切实保障中国船员安全和合法权益,采取有效措施杜绝类似事件再次发生。


责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

阿根廷 中国渔船


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