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published in(发表于) 2016/3/18 6:30:17
Guangdong Lok trial self defence: daughter of Maverick money cheating



Guangdong Lok trial self defence: daughter of Maverick money cheating | small | MCH Hospital of Guangdong Province _ news

Zhang Xiaozhuang (information above)

Original title: he argued that the "daughter hang out with dad with nothing"

This version of author information times, Wei Hui Hui

Former Hospital President Zhang Xiaozhuang, Guangdong Province, was accused of accepting others and possessions more than 4.28 million Yuan, including the Australian dollar more than 590,000 yuan accounts opened by his daughter in Australia is received. On the morning of March 14 at Guangzhou intermediate people's Court for trial in the case, Zhang Xiao Zhuang, denies all the charges, he only admitted to please, Chairman of their only daughter, find a job in Australia, later learned that her daughter "yoked" received money from two businessmen, he had a "righteous" criticism.

Due to the waist and having two pieces of steel, not sedentary, Zhang Xiao Zhuang to apply to a judge to stand trial at the proof stage. Judges consider Zhang Xiao Zhuang's physical condition, recessed, day court again.

Zhang Xiao Zhuang "Shuang GUI" with a title of Professor, chief physician, tutor, Director of the maternal and child health hospital, Guangdong Province Party Secretary, and 11 or 11 and 12 deputies of the Guangdong Province, neonatal care, Guangdong Province, Director of the rescue Center, Neonatal ICU Medical Director of the quality control center of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province, the "Eleven-Five" key specialist in charge of newborn.

According to the previous disclosure of the Guangdong style, small private slush fund, operating both within and outside the "circles", he wrote in his confession: "hospitals to survive, career development, to succeed, must be joined (circles)". His only daughter in Australia of postpartum confinement, he worries that her restoration to bad, hospital postpartum recovery section to use public funds to buy maternity supplies to wait on her; worried daughter don't eat sweet, arranged for confinement Cook to Australia for my daughter to do confinement meals.


  Prosecutors charged

  Cord blood bank to help

  Receive a $ 390,000

Period from 2007 to 2009, of MCH Hospital of Guangdong Province, Zhang Xiao Zhuang to recommend ways for a biotechnology company in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province hospital for umbilical cord blood banking business with help, on July 29, 2009, through its daughter Zhang accounts opened abroad, Gan a bribe, had accepted the company's Chairman sent the Australian dollar of more than 392,900 Yuan.

  Zhang Xiao Zhuang, self defence

  Publicize cord blood bank is a doctor on duty

Zhang Xiaozhuang, said cooperation with the biotechnology company had already begun before in 2002 he served as provincial director of the maternal and child health hospital, provided details on the cooperation agreement must use the obstetrics department as advocacy training bases for cooperation also requires the hospital to the community of hematopoietic stem cells in pediatric medicine and general medical role for society to understand and participate in this rewarding career.

For was refers to using province three level maternal and child health network for the company publicity, and promotion, and operation cell library, aspects provides help, makes the company business income significantly upgrade, Zhang small Zhuang Court denied, "I no to participation to grass-roots hospital recommended, up is in academic conference Shang introduced has hematopoietic stem cell in modern medical Shang of role, this is as doctor, and as province hospital Dean made of shoe vocational range within of things. ”

  Bribe testimony

  3 for his daughter to buy a House money

Bribe people, and Guangdong province a biological technology limited Chairman Gan Mou said, Zhang small Zhuang is cord blood CMC Director, in cord blood 2009 a annual Shang, Zhang small Zhuang first times hinted to he to money; 2010 is annual Shang, Zhang small Zhuang meeting Qian said daughter wants to left in Australia, no money buy House no work also no credit records, asked can take points money, Gan a think Zhang of mean is to he sent money, because is second times hinted, so promised help.

But Kennedy has not, 2011 at the Garden Hotel is unpretentious, small village to the Gan, a daughter, in front of his daughter to buy a House money Gan will help. Sweet think Zhang Xiao Zhuang was once again reminded him of money, he felt that if we do not help may affect cooperation. Sweet memories, Zhang's daughter wrote her account in a piece of paper, he then put the tape back to Hong Kong. He found in Hong Kong's "small" Liu, a daughter of two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand Australian dollars.

  Zhang Xiao Zhuang refuted

  Daughter buy wonder no hint

Zhang Xiao Zhuang Gan's are not recognized, "when my daughter was in Australia with her boyfriend bought a house in the home, I did not suggest that. "Xiao Zhuang, Zhang said," she went abroad starting from sophomore, finish after sitting around and brag, saying their children, I brought my daughter. "Xiao Zhuang, Zhang said," I'm in front of all the people at the meeting said, my daughter is about to graduate, now the economic situation is so bad, can you do me a favor, take the road. ”

Zhang Xiaozhuang insisted just sweet and a daughter looking for a job, help her base, and want him to teach teach fundamental experienced in commercial activities, particularly abroad. Zhang Xiaozhuang, said Gan when a cooperation Conference in Guangzhou later told him about the money later, he calls his daughter refunds, also called Gan received the money back.


  Prosecutors charged

  Care medical company

  Received 200,000 Australian dollars

Period from 2011 to 2013, Zhang Xiao Zhuang, through to the province, Liao, Director of maternal and child health hospital equipment (dealt with) prompt care or in other ways, for maternal and child health hospital, a medical company in Guangzhou Province, sales of medical devices to provide help, on February 27, 2012, through their daughter, Zhang accounts opened in foreign countries, received Luo bribes of the company sent a $ 200,000 yuan.

  Zhang Xiao Zhuang, self defence

  Daughter of Maverick

  The money we collected ourselves

Zhang Xiaozhuang denied that Luo Liao care inspired devices. "In the beginning was very rudely refused Luo, my Chief of staff was there, they told me not to be so hard, took him to the relevant sections on the line, only this. "Zhang Xiaozhuang, weekend treat said Luo gave her the money.

"I am severely criticized her, she said that cooperation, I said to hurry to formalities, or give the money back. "But this money does not return, said Zhang Xiaozhuang," results because my daughter threatened abortion, prevent miscarriage, preterm birth a series of circumstances, this thing falls down. ”

The presiding judge questioned in court, "your daughter receiving so much money, all tell you afterwards", Zhang Xiaozhuang, said: "this is now the only child of a characteristic with nothing! ”


  Prosecutors charged

  Help companies to contract projects

  Accepting 800,000 yuan

2009 to 2011 period, Zhang Xiao Zhuang as a construction company in contract a provincial hospital in Guangzhou Panyu Hospital operating room construction, equipment purchases and other business interests, two had received the Zhao sent a bribe, the head of the company's cash total of 800,000 yuan. November 2010 gold rush road, received Zhao sent a bribe of 500,000 yuan cash; before the 2011 Chinese new year day, Zhao Office receives some 100,000 yuan in bank savings card 3, respectively.

  Zhang Xiao Zhuang, self defence

  500,000 of them are

  Cooperation in research funding

For Zhao to 800,000 yuan, Zhang Xiao Zhuang, claimed 500,000 yuan was a cooperative research project funding. "Many subjects is made up of private and corporate investment, the State is also encouraged. "But the other 300,000 yuan, Zhang Xiaozhuang has become very vague, he said Zhao Moulai Office looking for him, hurried the Zhao said he went to the meeting, did not back to the Office after the meeting, pick up until moving to a new office building had found that 3 cards. Zhang Xiao Zhuang did not hand in the card the discipline inspection and supervision departments, but directly to the finance. "I think that if 800,000 yuan is I take bribes, unfair to me. "Zhang Zhuang argued.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Zhang Xiao Zhuang, Guangdong Province, maternal and child health hospital

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  本版撰文 信息时报记者 魏徽徽

  原广东省妇幼保健院院长张小庄被控收受他人给与的财物428万余元,其中澳元 59万余元是通过女儿在澳洲开设的账户收受的。该案于3月14日上午在广州市中级法院开审,张小庄否认全部指控,他只承认曾拜托合作公司董事长帮其独生女 儿在澳洲找工作,事后得知女儿“因合伙做生意”收了两个商人的钱,他进行了“义正言辞”的批评。



  据 此前《广东党风》披露,张小庄私设小金库,经营院内外的“圈子”,他在悔过书里写道:“医院要生存,事业要发展,个人要出头,就得要加入其中(圈子)”。 他的独生女在澳大利亚产后坐月子,他担心女儿恢复不好,派医院产后康复科科长用公款购买产妇用品去侍候她;担心女儿吃得不香,安排月子厨师去澳大利亚给女 儿做月子餐。









  对 于被指利用全省三级妇幼保健网为该公司宣传、推广、运营细胞库等方面提供帮助,使得该公司营业收入大幅度提升,张小庄当庭否认,“我没有去参与向基层院推 荐,最多是在学术会议上介绍了造血干细胞在现代医学上的作用,这是作为医生、作为省妇幼保健院院长所作的履职范围内的事情。”



  行 贿人、广东省某生物技术有限公司董事长甘某说,张小庄是脐带血管委会主任,在脐带血2009年一个年会上,张小庄第一次暗示向他要钱;2010年也是年会 上,张小庄开会前说女儿想留在澳洲,没有钱买房子没有工作也没有信用记录,问能不能借点钱,甘某认为张的意思是要他送钱,因为是第二次暗示,于是答应帮 忙。

  但甘某一直没有行动,2011年在花园酒店饭局上,张小庄向甘某介绍女儿,当着面对女儿说买房子的钱甘某会帮忙。甘某认为张小庄是 又一次提醒他送钱,他觉得如果再不帮可能会影响合作。甘某回忆,当时张的女儿把账号写在一张纸上,他后来把这张纸带回了香港。他找了在香港的“发小”刘 某,给了张的女儿二三十万元澳币。



  张 小庄对甘某的说法不予认可,“当时我女儿已经跟男朋友在澳洲买了房子在供楼了,我也没有暗示过。”张小庄说,“女儿从大学二年级开始去国外的,有次开完会 之后坐在一起吹牛皮,说起各自的子女,我提起女儿。”张小庄说,“我当着所有开会的人说的,我女儿马上就要毕业了,现在经济形势这么差,能不能帮个忙,搭 条路。”






  2011 年至2013年期间,张小庄通过向原省妇幼保健院设备科科长廖某(另案处理)授意关照等方式,为广州某医疗公司在省妇幼保健院销售医疗器械的问题提供帮 助,为此于2012年2月27日通过其女儿张某在国外开设的账户,收受了该公司股东罗某某贿送的澳元20万元。











  2009 年到2011年期间,张小庄为广州某建设公司在承揽省妇幼保健院番禺院区洁净手术室工程建设、设备采购等业务上谋取利益,分两次收受了该公司负责人赵某贿 送的现金人民币共80万元。其中2010年11月在淘金路附近,收受赵某贿送的现金人民币50万元;2011年春节前的一天,在办公室收受赵某分别存有 10万元的银行储蓄卡3张。




  对 于赵某给的80万元,张小庄辩称其中50万元是合作科研课题的经费。“有很多课题是由私人和公司投资的,国家也是鼓励的。”不过另外30万元,张小庄却显 得很含糊,他说当时赵某来办公室找他,他把赵某说了一顿就匆匆忙忙去开会了,会后也没回办公室,直到后来搬新办公楼收拾时才发现夹了3张卡。张小庄并没有 将卡上交纪检监察部门,而是直接给了财务。“我觉得这80万元如果也算我受贿,对我不公平。”张小庄辩称。


张小庄 广东省妇幼保健院


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