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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:22:30
CCTV open Beijing Petroleum Exchange set tempting fried illegal futures



CCTV Beijing lift oil fried illegal Futures Exchange set an attractive _ | | CCTV Beijing Petroleum exchange news

Everyone′s life is better now, and also have a little extra money on hand, lots of people want to invest, and all kinds of investment intermediaries came into being. Help you share speculation, finance is already routine, and now more fashionable is to invite you commodities such as gold, silver and even oil-ore, they will tell you the more money invested 300,000 profit of 500,000 on the same day, would you? But if you really shot up, probably devoid of awaits you.

Du Shaojun from Inner Mongolia autonomous region from October last year to now, Du Shaojun have been in Beijing, and want to get a statement.

Du Shaojun working like to invest in Inner Mongolia in early 2015, a company contact Du Shaojun, it is strongly recommended to him a high yield investment way: spot oil transactions.

Contact Du Shaojun company named Beijing the World Bank International, claimed to be a member of Beijing Petroleum Exchange, specializing in spot trading of oil products. Committed one-to-one professional telephone guidance and profitable. Operation provided by the company showed that investment of 300,000 on the same day will gain 500,000. See money so easily, Du Shaojun, suggested according to the instructor, opened online accounts, and began oil investment. Trading down a few times, earn less pay more.

Said Du Shaojun, fired three months lost more than 170,000 yuan, most of the money was borrowed, some are loan sharks. By the end of July, Du Shaojun had to stop putting money to borrow again. Compare with another investor Zou Yongfeng from Harbin city, Heilongjiang, Du Shaojun was lucky.

Zou Yongfeng said, he was pulled by another company in the Internet to North oil fried in oil, 1.5 months time, Zou Yongfeng loss of 1.16 million. Each other and he then put finally on September 9, two months, Zou Yongfeng losses of 1.63 million, which is all his family, had to exit. It is understood that investments like Du Shaojun and Zou Yongfeng so-called oil spot transactions of at least thousands of people, pay tens of thousands of less, many hundreds of thousands of millions of Yuan. Supposed to naturally lose profit, then why Du Shaojun they consider themselves to be deceived?

Du Shaojun check relevant laws on the Internet about, this is not cash, but illegal futures.

Du Shaojun take part on what kind of investment? Reporters came to the Bank′s international company based in Shijingshan district, Beijing, and there is now an empty, after many setbacks, contact an officer of the company′s management.

Journalists visit Northern oil official website, website: CNPC Beijing Petroleum Exchange Corporation is the name of the exchange of accurate, International is the company a member of the Bank. Reporters came to the financial Street, Xicheng District, the Northern oil company′s headquarters. Waiting for more than an hour, a line manager.

Each other that had a reporter in the shooting, and soon hurried away. Say spot trading, in fact, is fried in oil, such a deal could be approved by management?

Beijing Municipal Bureau of financial work submission acknowledgment is provided to investors, existing North oil instruments, is not in accordance with the provisions of the Beijing trading places management approval procedures, has asked the North oil for rectification. October 2015, the Administration has asked the North oil company to halt development of new investors.

Futures market experts said Chang Qing, China′s only approved futures exchanges in Dalian, Zhengzhou, Shanghai and the China financial futures exchange, the four agencies, on behalf of the other spot in futures trading platform is the ability to operation are much the same.

Betting, also known as market makers, is banned in our country. In 2012, the implementation of the regulation on the clean up all kinds of trading places pointed out in the comments, shall not include transactions, market makers. North oil company a member, told reporters, the North oil company is betting manipulation, but way less visible.

Sources said, the trading system was developed by the North oil, surface data and trend of international oil prices are the same, but only with reference to international market data generated by the disk, all funds are run in the North oil company accounts, there is no access to the international market. Oil royalty in proportion to the North, the units system at any time to open all the permissions. Members stated that customers with professional teachers, multiple transactions anytime, anywhere, in fact, is a trap.

Indeed, the reporter saw all of the North oil company investor has had the experience of being encouraged increased investment in so-called instructor led, frequent trading is normal.

Insiders also provided a number of documents to reporters, member client tutorials for different customers with details of the corresponding policies; business development: friends and relatives not to develop the people inside, Government or law-enforcement departments have special background of customer development according to the customer table as a percentage of the invested amount, highest percentage reaches 28%. No restrictions on customer deposit, a ceiling of 500,000. Once the deal is bad for members, North oil company or even a direct shot.

Notice reporters found the North oil company, indeed, the day the transaction is declared invalid. Sources said when the international side is no exception, boom is back by the North oil caused by operating errors, in order to protect the interests of members, North oil simply by announcing the deal invalid. Behind all this points to one: to reap huge profits.

Sources said, after operating for nearly two years, with many investors reporting, management by October 2015, halt Northern oil-related business, many members have turned to a new platform. To reporter had to had of Beijing Bank International for, original company has deserted, but company website displayed, this company now and became has is located in Shandong Qingdao of qilu commodity trading center of members units, view business information, qilu commodity trading center actually is a company, Qingdao Business Council 2015 end of had issued notification, pointed out that including qilu commodity trading center limited zainei of a platform, does not made crude oil, and oil business license, ban carried out related business business, Prohibition does not aim at physical delivery market traders and natural persons, but after notification has become a dead letter.

According to experts, nearly two years and a spot on behalf of, the actual operation of illegal futures trading platforms emerging, at least more than 1000 enterprises. Market constantly changing, from the early gold and silver now, crude oil, asphalt, agricultural products, rolling, although after a cleanup, but repeated.

Futures market experts told reporters in China, due to split, spot belongs to the business sector management, futures are securities sector, unscrupulous elements is an in-between zone. In reality, similar to curb illegal platform, there is regulation.

We′ll comb the North get rich path of the oil Institute and its members. North set up electronic trading platform, development of members, member development investors to open an account, but investors did not know was that their counterparties are pulling their members into the Council. Investors can make money? If members of this Council how can drive down? And those who guide the work of the teacher on the one hand is to make investors lose money in a deal, on the one hand is to induce investors to frequent trading, allowing northern oil as a platform to make fees while they can deduct, in the end, investors more, pay more. We see right now, this kind of so-called commodity trading, crude oil, gold, is not a profitable investment, but certain lost traps. Saving money is not easy, the investment must keep their eyes open and not be profiteering temptation, management should be held accountable. Illicit brokering punish people.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Beijing Petroleum Exchange CCTV
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  联系杜少军的公司名叫北京世行国际,自称是北京石油交易所的会员,专门从事成品油现货交易。承诺一对一专业人员电话指导,盈利丰厚。公司提供的 操作案例显示,投资30万当天就能获利50万。看到来钱如此容易,杜少军心动了,按照指导老师的提示,在网上开通账户,开始做起石油投资。几次交易下来,赚得少赔得多。










  知情人透露,这套交易系统是北油所自己开发的,表面看数据和国际油价走势相同,但实际只是参照国际市场盘面生成的数据,所有资金全都在北油所公 司帐户内运转,根本没有进入到国际市场。北油所按比例提成,这套单位系统随时对会员单位开放所有权限。会员单位拉客户时宣称的专业老师指导,可以随时随地 多次交易,其实都是陷阱。


  知情人还向记者提供了一些单据,有会员单位拉客户时的话术教程,针对不同客户详细列出了相应策略;有业务人员九不发展:内部人员亲戚朋友不发 展,政府或执法部门工作的有特殊背景的客户不发展;有根据客户投入资金量确定的提成表,最高提成达到28%。对客户入金没有限制,出金最高限额50万。一 旦交易对会员单位不利,北油所公司甚至会直接出手。


  知情人透露,在经营近两年后,随着众多投资人举报,管理部门2015年10月叫停北油所相关业务后,很多会员单位已经转向新的平台。以记者曾经 去过的北京世行国际来说,原有公司已人去楼空,但公司网站显示,这家公司现在又成为了位于山东青岛的齐鲁商品交易中心的会员单位,查看工商资料,齐鲁商品 交易中心其实也是一家公司,青岛商务局2015年底曾下发通知,指出包括齐鲁商品交易中心有限公司在内的一批平台,并未取得原油、成品油经营许可,禁止开 展相关经营业务,禁止不以实物交割为目的交易者和自然人入市,但通知发出后成了一纸空文。



  我们再来梳理一下北油所及其会员单位的发财路径。北油所成立电子交易平台,发展会员单位,会员单位再发展投资者开户,但投资者不知道的是,他们 的交易对手就是拉他们入局的会员单位。投资者可能赚钱吗?如果会员单位亏了这个局怎么还能开得下去?而那些指导老师的工作一方面是让投资者在交易中赔钱, 一方面是诱使投资者频繁交易,让北油所作为平台赚取手续费,同时自己也可以提成,最终,投资者投得越多,赔得越多。大家现在看明白了吧,这类所谓的大宗商 品交易,原油、黄金,根本不是获利丰厚的投资,而是必赔无疑的陷阱。攒钱不容易,投资一定要擦亮眼睛,不要被暴利诱惑,管理部门也要负起责任。对非法中介 严加查处。


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