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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:22:40
Chinese women use whitening camera aesthetic absurdity



Chinese women white camera is absurd | | aesthetic of whitening camera aesthetics _ news

Original title: beauty of Chinese women white camera media: "white beauty" is ridiculous

Reference news, March 19, foreign media say social media inadvertently kept occluded by the platform. People often tap into someone's Instagram account, see is a steady flow of pictures. Series mug shot feels like a museum – if this is displayed at the exhibition gallery of the narcissistic work instead of classical works.

According to the United States, Forbes bi-weekly, March 16, Asian demand from photos on the Internet is even more stunning because such requirements are usually also with a little casual racism or prejudice: a lot of Asian women believe that, "light skin" is the ideal colour, black-skinned people ugly, so they will make every effort to make himself look white.

Quartz financial website reported that the Chinese women will spend up to $ 1000 ($ 6495 million) to buy a Casio "magic camera" camera. Out photos, this camera that anyone can face are "slim" can also make colour "white". The official name of the camera Exilim TR, but in China, most people call it "self portrait artifact."

Quartz financial website reported is accompanied by a video, video of Chinese women say they are in love this self portrait camera. They said: "Yes, you can use the application software or other software from taking pictures, but the camera has automatic functions. ”

Reports of "white-sounding" point of view is absurd. For hundreds of years, this view makes black people feel depressed. Recently, the United States of a South-East Asian women's groups began to hit back, they launched an online campaign. But for progressivism, Asia will lag slightly. Some Asian women--especially in China and Southeast Asia--Women endeavoured to whiten, they look very scary mask, no effect of whitening creams, or even to do poor quality cosmetic surgery.

Casio Corporation, this camera features whitening technology is nothing new, LG phone company many years ago with "beauty shot" mode, can have the same effect.

Reported that the Exilim camera TR retail price was originally $ 249 (about RMB 1617), but because China is in great demand and price on the eBay Web site soared from $ 800 to $ 1000. LG company's latest production of both phones have not sold well, perhaps to be featured in the advertising of the company "beauty shot" functions played on because the current narcissistic fantasy life that there are enough beautiful features.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

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Whitening camera aesthetics

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  原标题:中国女性爱用美白相机 美媒:“白即美”很荒谬

  参考消息网3月19日报道 外媒称,社交媒体不经意间成了不停地发大头照的平台了。人们经常在点击进入某人的Instagram账号后,看到的只是源源不断的自拍照。一系列大头照感觉就像是展览馆——如果说这座展览馆展出的是自恋作品而不是古典主义作品的话。


  石英财经网站报道称,中国女性会花高达1000美元(约合6495元人民币)去买卡西欧的一款“神奇自拍”相机。这款相机照出来的照片可让任何人的脸部都“显瘦”,还能让肤色“变白”。相机的正式名称叫Exilim TR,但在中国大多数人都叫它“自拍神器”。


  报道称,“白即美”的观点十分荒谬。几百年来,这种观点一直让肤色黑的人倍感压抑。近来,美国的一个东南亚女性团体开始回击了,她们发起了一场 在线运动。但就进步主义而言,亚洲会略微滞后些。一些亚洲女性——特别是中国和东南亚国家女性——会竭尽全力去美白,她们会使用看上去很吓人的面膜、毫无 作用的美白面霜,甚至还会去做质量低劣的整容手术。


  报道称,Exilim TR相机的零售价最初为249美元(约合1617元人民币),但由于中国的需求量很大,亿贝网站上的价格已暴涨至800美元至1000美元。LG公司最新 出品的两款手机卖得并不好,该公司在做广告宣传时或许应在特色“美拍”功能上大做文章,因为当前有足够多误入歧途的自恋狂想使用美拍功能。


美白相机 审美观


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