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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:23:06
First-tier cities continued to lead Shenzhen in February from rose 57%



First-tier cities continued to lead Shenzhen, Shenzhen in February from rose 57%| rates | | first-tier cities _ news

Original title: Hong Kong media: first-tier cities continued to lead Shenzhen in the Mainland in February from rose 57%

Reference news, March 19, local media said the Mainland real estate market recovery to accelerate, rising number hit highest level since March 2014. After the Government relaxed restrictions, banks to relax credit and soaring housing prices in major cities took the lead in.

According to Hong Kong′s South China Morning Post, March 18, according to the statistics published on 18th February new housing prices increased from 38 in January, the number of cities to 47, a fall in house prices reduce number of cities from January 24 to 15. 8-City house price remains the same.

Reports that China clean up housing inventory efforts began to yield results. The downward momentum of two consecutive years of real estate development in the first two months of this year was reversed, 3% two months of sales growth, whereas sales in 2015, an increase of only 1%. Housing sales in January and February rose 43.6%, some midsize cities are to achieve the double.

Alan Jin, an analyst at Mizuho Securities Asia in Hong Kong, said investors sales situation in first-tier cities should not be confused with the overall situation, because most of the city′s housing prices remain "stable", some cities even in decline, national policies should be conducive to real estate development will remain unchanged.

Reports said real estate sales in the southern city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong situation does not see signs of easing, prices in February than in January rose 3.5% per cent gain in the Government tracking of 70 cities topped per cent is as high as 57%. Shanghai House prices in February rose 2.4%, jumped to 21%. Beijing′s chain, 2.1% and 13% per cent respectively, 1.6% and 12% respectively in Guangzhou.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
House prices in Shenzhen City
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Reference news network
一线城市房价继续领跑 深圳2月同比大涨57%|房价|深圳|一线城市_新闻资讯

  原标题:港媒:内地一线城市房价继续领跑 深圳2月同比大涨57%

  参考消息网3月19日报道 港媒称,内地房地产市场复苏势头加快,房价上涨城市数量创出2014年3月以来最高水平。政府放松限制、银行放宽信贷后,主要一线城市房价率先飙升。



  瑞穗证券亚洲驻香港分析师Alan Jin表示,投资者不应将一线城市的销售火爆局面跟总体形势混为一谈,因为大多数城市的房价只是维持“稳定”,有些城市甚至在下跌,有利于房地产发展的全国性政策应会维持不变。

  报道称,毗邻香港的南方城市深圳的房地产销售火爆局面丝毫未见有缓和的迹象,2月份房价较1月上涨3.5%,在政府跟踪的70座大中城市中环比 涨幅居首,同比涨幅更是高达57%。上海2月份房价环比上涨2.4%,同比涨幅达到21%。北京的环比、同比涨幅分别为2.1%和13%,广州分别为 1.6%和12%。


房价 深圳 一线城市

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