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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:23:59
Legislative caucus complained about President election on for so long, saying “get it done“



Legislative caucus complained about President election on for so long called "get it done"

Hung Hsiu-information news agency reporters Ren Haixia in the picture taken
Beijing, March 19, according to Taiwan "in newsletter" report, the KMT Chairman election to organize a second campaign rallies this afternoon, Chairman of the KMT legislative caucus this morning attended the event, said "they (the DPP) is ready to govern, we even do party may also choose not to come out, let them think scratching their heads, why are we so slow? Actions so slow? If the show column, and get it done. ”
KMT Chairman for two candidate Hung Hsiu and Huang Minhui one before and one after a Chinese strategy, members of the General Assembly, deliberately staggered schedule, both Wang Wang disappeared, during the legislative caucus complained that Party Chairman election on for so long.
Legislative caucus said, if the Party Chairman election highest not more than half of votes, a second round to choose, this continues until April, had no time to drag, there are a lot of things to do, one or two days, "which have so much time in the Party Chairman election, if the show column, and once we get it done! ”
In campaign rallies in the afternoon, Huang Minhui says campaign rallies will be locked is not only to Taiwan and locking of all people must be made aware of, clear routes with the route to go, "is the concept of communication and expression of ideas. ”
(Editors: Xu Yonggang UN006)
2016-03-19 11:13:13
China News Network
洪秀柱抱怨党主席选举拖太久 称“一次把它搞定”

洪秀柱资料图中新社记者 任海霞 摄

  中新网3月19日电 据台湾“中时电子报”报道,国民党主席选举今天下午将举办第二次政见发表会,国民党主席候选人洪秀柱上午出席活动时表示,“人家(民进党)都要准备执政了,我们连党主席都搞不定还选不出来,让人家觉得百思不得其解,为什么我们效率这么慢?动作这么迟缓?如果对秀柱有期许,就一次把它搞定。”



(责任编辑:徐永刚 UN006)
2016-03-19 11:13:13

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