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published in(发表于) 2016/3/20 6:41:38
Career match-fixing people’s “Lakes“: controversial 20, was sitting on the mansion



Career match-fixing people's "Lakes": controversy 20 years someone sits on mansion | False _ news

Title: controversial 20-"professional fake people," "wild world"

They are fresh to face anybody, probably while shopping and you pass by a stranger; they know legal rules and master the skills identified resources, expertise in claims, even if they are dark hero of fighting against the people as its opening, without taboo "Fame" in the first place.

Professional anti-counterfeiting Taskforce 20, some of them riding the vehicle, sitting on the mansion, it was ruthlessly eliminated, controversy is always accompanied. "Staged" Eve, Xinhua reporter approached the three occupation of match fixing, "old gun"-this group behind the "rivers and Lakes".

 Jianghu: "people have grievances, grievances have Lakes"

In 1995, the 22-year-olds in Beijing Wang Lung Fu building, buying 12 pairs of fake Sony headphones, and the consumer protection law to receive compensation from path of career match-fixing--this is the beginning of private enforcement in China, "professional fighting man" Wang attention and quickly followed suit.

That was a belonging to "old gun" era, countless "Hai" to shopping malls across the country, the market, almost every major city has one or two iconic "professional fake people" often can see a dark side to be exposed in the media, well-known company into a "fraud."

At that time, Yang Liandi is original, Xuanwu District in Beijing is also a supermarket store manager; former public security police, the trade and Industry Bureau cadre Liu Dianlin has "xiahai" doing business, "Wang Hai phenomenon" effect, Liu Dianlin and Yang Liandi fighting career in Beijing and Tangshan, respectively.

Liu Dianlin came from Hebei to Beijing was more than 40 years old, 20 years old Wang Shi Li. A year later, Liu Dianlin fledgling, because they do not agree with the concept and mode of fighting against Wang, and "didn't want to be the General's soldiers is not a good soldier" and other complex reasons, and Wang go their separate ways.

Liu Dianlin pulled a bunch of people to form a Federation, "in the name of Wang against Wang." Yang Liandi said he had tried to fix the former apprentice of the cooperation agreement, but cracks already, it would seem difficult to back State.

"Wang is my teacher, as they grow older it also watered down, we still have some cooperation. He is magnanimous than before, for our industry to consider more. "After 20 years, Liu Dianlin said.

Fake people and businesses of "vendetta" also means. "Staged" before, is one of "big brother" level of Yang Liandi personally shot, to the famous Mall in Beijing selling expired cake claims. Yang Liandi said, the hypermarket is located in Chang an Street head office is the starting point of his match-fixing, he was "blacklisted" for a considerable amount of time, he could not even normal shopping head office, so the shop "special attention".

While Liu Dianlin for exposing violations added to the herbal drug and a herbal tea business enemies, but after several exchanges, manufacturers developed rapidly because of the thorough standardization, not only on both sides, "smiled vanquishes" Liu Dianlin is being employed as factory match consultant, served as a guest.

  Rules: "do you have your rules, we also have our rules"

Lakes often have their own rules of conduct for professional fake people, opponents do not always like the gentle way to solve the problem.

"There was a fighting man, hired by fake objects in the bar at the entrance of the police station was seriously injured. "Wang Hai said, there is always a fake object" cost is not illegal. "

Liu Dianlin has more lakes on his partner's call--"blood brothers", in Guangzhou "unannounced" frauds being detected when human serum albumin, two of his brothers had been killed by each other.

"A fake toothpaste, we fuck with an iron stick by dozens of people beaten. 6 of us in the hospital emergency room, lying in a row, have a brothers rough swollen arms and legs. "Liu Dianlin admitted that because of his impulsive in the initial impact, resulting in a lot of danger and hurt a lot of" brothers ".

Shock's biggest cases occurred in 2003, on December 13 of that year, "private investigator" Huang Lirong was found in the candid camera, monitor, when owner TCM libraries in the forbidden city, was beaten to death body.

Blocked by more than 10 big guy asked "talk about", for "professional fighting man" were common.

"That risk is not controlled. "When it comes to fighting people subjected to violent attacks, Wang said that in order to protect themselves, he had some" rules ". "For example, some fruit stands, small shops are not enough, I would remind them, but not really ' playing '. "Wang said," the ' nasty bites rabbit. ' ”

But before the public ever took off his sunglasses, but Wang also used "public face", had been a soldier and other standards to recruit anti-counterfeiting staff, which has almost all fake companies hiring standards.

When a "professional fighting man" due to fake injuries, be held criminally responsible when other fake people will take a variety of "solidarity" action to "hold together for warmth".

In addition to facing the threat of cheating people, the "professional fake people" must also learn to deal with relations with the administrative law-enforcement departments, judicial departments. "We strictly follow legal procedures to complaints, if administrative enforcement authorities local protection, as, that we would be strongly against it. "Wang said such lawsuits each" professional fighting man "were played.

"Silence money" is the prevailing rule in line, in a private agreement with enterprise, fighting Enterprise bad behaviour will not be made public. "Foolproof, if companies do not change, one eye to match-fixing, companies bear will naturally change. "Wang Hai said. People think of fighting against, the supervision of anti-counterfeiting groups and business "buying peace" self-regulation can guarantee after match-fixing effect.

In the "professional fighting man" around, also associated with the "informant" group, they could be on corporate employees, could also be peers, competitors, in getting compensation, fake people in accordance with the prescribed proportion of "informers" share the award.

  False: both sides of the moral, and lapses?

"In 2004 I revenue of more than 20 million Yuan and taxes of more than 2 million Yuan. "Liu Dianlin said. By virtue of the legal study and clever mind, 20 years later that year as part of "the old gun" became "get rich" man being gobbled up.

Glossy hard cover "professional fighting man" inevitable because of the profit "original sin", with more good people to join the profession, these shameful things to be more magnified.

Some "professional fighting man" was on corporate buying, and received the "protection money", the products let companies continue production and sales issues; some fake people by false means to employ their brand to the company asking for a bonus.

Ironically, Yang Liandi has seen "rights": "several people said the jelly on the shelf in the supermarket has expired, even asked the money hasn't the right to compensation of 5,000 yuan of money-transfer claim equivalent to supermarket stuff from the supermarket. ”

If Wang helps match-fixing, starting price is 300,000 yuan-this is the price for the enterprise, he admitted that "the ' professional match-fixing ' is fighting to try to make money." "Claim is a civil right, fake people can choose to issue corporate claims not to relevant departments to report and not disclosed to the third parties such as consumers or media. "Wang said," Justice has its limits. "

Consumer protection law research association he Shan, China made no secret of its support for this group. "Whether or not to make money, counterfeiting should be punitive damages, this is the ' law ' legislative intent. Law is through the power of leverage to mobilize consumers. "Rivers and mountains view, enlightening consumers ' awareness, purify, improving market," professional fighting man "plays an irreplaceable role, it also reflects the deficiencies of the authorities in these areas.

March 15, 2014, the Supreme People's Court on several issues concerning the trial of cases of disputes over food and drug law specified in the regulations, "food and drug quality dispute, claiming rights to producers and sellers of buyers, producers and sellers to buyers know that food and drug quality problems and still buy defences on the people's Court shall not support." This means, like Yang Liandi purchase expired cake, "intentionally buy false" receives clear support.

In meeting better lawyer firm partner, and lawyer Miao Yunping seems, problem of key is, "career fake people" activist of process in the essentially is in to many not specific most consumers interests as Exchange, "only said this is maintenance has specific people of ' career fake people ' groups of interests, businesses and minority of ' career fake people ' joint up is equal to is cheat has we all of consumers, put truth cover has".

Qiu Baochang, head of the China consumers ' Association legal team believes that illegal operators of "professional fake people" compensation is his costs, in the long run, the costs to be borne by consumers in the end. "If our rights can take more convenient lower cost, human rights defenders, or an organization or institution can help the consumer public interest litigation, we can solve a lot of problems. "Qiu Baochang said.

"Professional fake people" hope that the departments concerned can fully perform their duties, rather than make the fake of the fake people to take on more responsibility. Xinhua "Chinese" Xinhua Lu Guoqiang, Zhang Miao miao

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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职业打假人的“江湖”:争议20年 有人坐拥豪宅|打假_新闻资讯











  打假人与商家的“恩怨”也颇有意味。“3·15”前,已经是“大佬”级别的杨连弟亲自出手,向北京一家销售过期糕点的知名商场索赔。杨连弟说, 这家商场位于长安街边的总店是他打假的起点,他也因此被列入“黑名单”,在很长一段时间里,他甚至不能在总店正常购物,因此对这家商场“格外关注”。













  “收钱噤声”是行内通行的潜规则,在与企业私下达成协议后,打假人不会将企业的不良行为公之于众。“没有不透风的墙,如果企业不改,会一拨一拨 来打假,企业承受不住自然会改。”王海说。打假人认为,打假人群体的监督和企业“花钱买平安”后的自律行为可以保证打假的效果。








  中国消费者权益保护法研究会会长河山毫不掩饰对这个群体的支持。“不管是不是为了赚钱,打假都应该获得惩罚性赔偿,这才是‘消法’立法初衷。法 律就要通过经济杠杆的力量动员消费者。”河山认为,在开启民智、提高消费者维权意识、净化市场等方面,“职业打假人”起到了难以替代的作用,同时,也折射 出有关部门在这些领域存在的不足。

  2014年3月15日起施行的《最高人民法院关于审理食品药品纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的规定》中明确规定,“因食品、药品质量问题发生纠纷, 购买者向生产者、销售者主张权利,生产者、销售者以购买者明知食品、药品存在质量问题而仍然购买为由进行抗辩的,人民法院不予支持”。这也就意味着,像杨 连弟那样购买过期糕点、“知假买假”的行为得到了明确的支持。

  在汇佳律师事务所合伙人、律师苗运平看来,问题的关键在于,“职业打假人”维权的过程中实质上是在以众多不特定多数消费者权益作为交换,“只能 说这是维护了特定人的‘职业打假人’群体的利益,商家和少数的‘职业打假人’联合起来等于是欺骗了我们所有的消费者,把真相掩盖了”。

  中国消费者协会律师团团长邱宝昌认为,违法经营者对“职业打假人”的赔偿是他的违法成本,从长远看,这个成本最终还是要由消费者承担。“如果能 够让我们的维权渠道更便捷、维权的成本更低,或者有一个组织或机构可以帮助消费者进行公益诉讼,就能够解决很多问题。”邱宝昌说。

  “职业打假人”则希望,有关部门能够充分履职,而不是让打假人承担更多的打假职责。  新华社“中国网事”记者卢国强 张淼淼

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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