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published in(发表于) 2016/3/20 6:44:40
Tanzania 2 Chinese men fined for smuggling ivory 326 million Yuan



Tanzania 2 Chinese men fined for smuggling ivory 326 million Yuan | |, Tanzania ivory _ news

Tanzanian local court found Xu Fujie aged 31 and 51 years old, Huang Jin (transliteration) illegal possession of 706 ivory

[Global network comprehensive report] according to the Tanzania Media citizen network (The Citizen) on March 19, March 18, the two Chinese men have been charged with illegal poaching and trade of ivory in Africa, Tanzanian local court has sentenced each to 30 years in prison or a fine contribution from 54.03 billion Tanzanian shillings (equivalent to 162 million Yuan, 1 Tanzania shilling = 0.0030 Yuan conversion), Amounted to 108.7 billion Tanzanian shillings (equivalent to 326 million).

According to the citizen newspaper in Tanzania (The Citizen) reported case the Kisutu magistrate court in Tanzania 31 Xu Fujie and 51 years old, Huang Jin (transliteration) illegal possession of 706 ivory.

It is reported that this is by far, Tanzania ivory smuggled out of one of the highest fines. The citizen newspaper said Xu Fujie when she heard the verdict of the Court, the spot near collapse.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Tanzanian ivory

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  [环球网综合报道]据坦桑尼亚媒体公民网(The Citizen)3月19日报道,3月18日,两名中国籍男子被控在非洲非法偷猎及交易象牙,坦桑尼亚地方法庭判处每人30年有期徒刑或每人缴纳罚款540.3亿坦桑尼亚先令(折合人民币为1.62亿元,按1坦桑尼亚先令=0.0030人民币元换算),共计1087亿坦桑尼亚先令(折合人民币为3.26亿)。

  据坦桑尼亚媒体《公民报》(The Citizen)报道,审理此案的坦桑尼亚Kisutu地方治安法庭认定31岁的许富杰和51岁的黄晋(音译)非法拥有706段象牙。


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

坦桑尼亚 象牙


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