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published in(发表于) 2016/3/20 7:02:37
Magnificent shock: 2016 Sony world photography awards-winning masterpiece tours,



Magnificent shock: 2016 Sony world photography awards-winning masterpiece figure rewards-Sony world photography awards photography-IT information

As one of the largest photography event, almost all of the entries of the Sony world photography awards theme or genre, making it one of the most influential international photography awards. Recently, the Sony world photography awards 2016 officially came to an end, a total of 60 paintings stand out from the tens of thousands of works, access to landscapes, sunsets and wildlife category of award.

According to the plan, the winning entries will be held from April 24 to May 10 this year for display during the summer Dorset House in London, UK. Then, in 2017, the Sony world photography awards will be launched on June 1, which is the 10 anniversary of the beginning of the activity.

Excellent work here is 2016, part of the Sony world photography awards:

? Malaysia photographer Khairel Anuar Che Ani was taken in Bali, annual Nirvana PA Festival, this festival is also called the silent days.

? Croatia taken by photographer Sabol Kingfisher highlights of catching fish from the water.

? Chile photographer shot Adriano Neve Nordenskj which ld lakeside beauty.

▲ Akelankalibo photographer Manex Sungahid taken at the Ati atihan Festival day in the Philippines. Figure boy body painted with black and white pattern, and the lens in the eye.

? Viet Nam Minh ThanhNg ? photographer shooting local people pray for Peace River scene.

? Indonesia before photographers took pictures of the locals wanted to cock fighting game scene. This game is illegal on the ground.

▲ Australia photographer Scott Fortelli filmed o squid the offshore South together and moving scenes.

▲ Tibet photographer Christopher Roch took pictures of the local believers praying at a law.

▲ Japan photographer Kei Nomiyama took the local rainy season, the romantic images of fireflies dancing in the Woods.

? United Kingdom photographer Tino Solomon shot the two explorers in Turkmenistan, "the gates of hell" astonishing scenes.

? Czech photographer Martin Rak took Susie plateau, in October the Sun hazy fog of illusion.

▲ Chinese Hong Kong photographer Ho Wing KaJimmi record was liberated from the heavy load of students, ran to the basketball scene.

▲ Germany photographer Daniel Fleischhachker was filmed at 2015 Winter Lake Hintersee Ethereal and beautiful pictures.

? Lithuania photographer Darius Jakubauska took home cabins in the Woods.

▲ Taken Bangladesh photographer Tanveer Rohan of the religious school children play football on the sand playing scenes.

? Ecuador photographer Victor Vargas took local eclipses of the Sun.

▲ Photographer Janis Palulis figure in the beautiful quiet contrast to the clouds with violent rape fields, showing the beauty of nature.

? Slovenia photographer Andrej Tarfila Kranj journey taken by the beautiful scene.

(Source: global network)

壮美震撼:2016年索尼世界摄影大赛获奖佳作图赏 - 索尼世界摄影奖,摄影 - IT资讯




▲马来西亚摄影师Khairel Anuar Che Ani拍摄于巴厘岛的一年一度的涅琶节,该节日也被称作静默日。


▲智利摄影师Adriano Neve拍摄了Nordenskjöld湖畔的美丽景象。

▲阿克兰卡利博菲律宾摄影师Manex Sungahid摄于阿提阿提汗节当天。图中的小男孩全身画着黑白相间的斑点图案,正好和镜头对视。

▲越南摄影师Minh ThanhNgô拍摄了当地人放河灯祈求和平的一幕。


▲澳大利亚摄影师Scott Fortelli拍摄了澳南部浅海区乌贼聚在一起的动人场面。

▲中国西藏摄影师Christopher Roch拍摄了当地信徒在法会上虔诚祈祷的画面。

▲日本摄影师Kei Nomiyama拍摄了当地雨季时分,萤火虫在树林飞舞的浪漫景象。

▲英国摄影师Tino Solomon拍摄了两名探险家走在土库曼斯坦“地狱之门”的惊人场景。

▲捷克摄影师Martin Rak拍摄了苏西高原,在十月阳光照射下迷雾朦胧的虚幻景象。

▲中国香港摄影师Ho Wing KaJimmi的作品记录了学生从繁重的课业中解放出来,奔向篮球场的景象。

▲德国摄影师Daniel Fleischhachker拍摄了2015年寒冬Hintersee湖空灵秀丽的画面。

▲立陶宛摄影师 Darius Jakubauska拍摄了家乡森林中的小木屋。

▲孟加拉摄影师Tanveer Rohan拍摄了宗教学院的孩子们,在沙地踢足球玩耍的场面。

▲厄瓜多尔摄影师Victor Vargas 拍摄了当地日蚀时的红日。

▲摄影师 Janis Palulis图中美丽静谧的油菜花田同暴烈的乌云形成了对比,展现出大自然的美。

▲斯洛文尼亚摄影师 Andrej Tarfila在克拉尼行车途中拍下的美丽场景。


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