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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:50:04
Guangdong seized 221 pieces of ivory, weighing half a ton involving 18 million



Guangdong seized 221 pieces of ivory, weighing about a half ton Guangdong, involving 18 million | | | ivory smuggling _ news

Express News reporter Chen Jie and correspondent Zhou Jie, Li Yulin reported yesterday, the Guangdong Public Security Frontier Corps to notify said Zhuhai border inspection Brigade successfully detected a serious case on suspicion of smuggling ivory, 221 pieces of ivory smuggling seizures, totalling some 450 kilograms, the black market price of 18 million Yuan, is the largest national border guards seized in recent years cases of ivory smuggling case.

Zhuhai border inspection Brigade in charge, on March 4, the teams received a clue that "someone to transport smuggled goods via Zhuhai exported to the Mainland from Hong Kong." After receiving the report, the team immediately set up a task force to investigate. 23 o'clock in the waters north of Qi ' ao island in Zhuhai city, duty officers and soldiers found a ship of about 8 meters of unlicensed super high-powered speedboats fast from Hong Kong waters bound for Zhuhai, according to master cue than on, the Panel determined that the suspected, immediately clear identity, requires an inspection before. Sees suspected speedboat accelerated to escape. After chasing suspected speedboat eventually crashes Qi ' ao Island, Tai o Beach, followed by duty officers were quickly on the scene to block exploration. The investigation, suspicion scattered around the cabin of the boat and the shore useful snake skins and wrap a cardboard box with adhesive, inventory, found that possession of ivory in the carton total 221 blocks, weighing about 450 kilograms.

It is understood that ivory because of its white and fine, has been regarded as sacred and noble things, often processed for arts and crafts. Because of its rarity, the price of ivory on the black market in China has been high, so many criminals to take the risk. At present, cases and all the ivory involved has been transferred to the Customs authorities for further investigation.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Guangdong ivory smuggling

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Golden Goat Web-Express
广东查获221块走私象牙 重约半吨案值1800万|广东|象牙|走私_新闻资讯

  新快报讯 记者陈婕 通讯员周捷 李雨林报道 昨日,广东公安边防总队对外通报称,珠海市边防支队成功破获一起特大涉嫌走私象牙案,查获走私象牙221块,共计约450千克,黑市价格达1800万元人民币,是近年来全国边防部门查获的最大宗走私象牙案。

  据珠海边防支队相关负责人介绍,3月4日,该支队接到线索,称“有人将从香港运输走私物品经由珠海销往内地”。接报后,该支队立即成立专案组展开调查。 23时,在珠海市淇澳岛北面海域,执勤官兵发现了一艘长约8米的无牌超大马力快艇从香港方向海域快速驶向珠海,根据前期掌握的线索比对,专案组确定该艇存 在重大嫌疑,随即亮明身份,靠前要求检查。嫌疑快艇见状反而加速逃逸。经过追击,嫌疑快艇最终在淇澳岛大澳湾冲滩,紧随其后的执勤官兵快速对现场进行了封 锁勘查。经查,在嫌疑快艇的船舱及附近岸边散落有用蛇皮袋和胶纸紧裹的纸箱,经清点,在纸箱内发现夹藏的象牙共计221块,总重约450千克。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

广东 象牙 走私


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