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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:51:59
Media Analysis: no vaccine the world will happen?



Media Analysis: no vaccine the world will happen? | illegal vaccines _ news

Who speak for vaccination

Shandong vaccines continue to ferment for two days questioning and discussion paper raised more friends crowding the screen continuously, sustained release of public anxiety. Recently, the State Council Premier Li keqiang made important instructions in cases of illegal vaccine series. Instructions stated that: the vaccine safety incident caused great social concern, exposed the loopholes in the regulation. Food and drug administration, health and family planning, the Ministry of public security is necessary to strengthen coordination, conducting a "problem of vaccine" flows and usage, respond to social concerns, severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts, accountability to the related acts of malfeasance seriously and will not tolerate.


Vaccine safety risk very low

Informed the 22nd World Health Organization China Representative Office said, has learned that China's vaccine event, who will wait for the findings of published and ready for Chinese health authorities to provide support.

Notify who pointed out that vaccines should be properly stored and managed, otherwise it will lose effectiveness or reduce effectiveness. But it is important to note, incorrect storage or expired vaccine does not cause toxic reactions, so in this case, vaccine safety risk is very low. The risk to children is the lack of ability to prevent the disease, which is the purpose of vaccination.

Informed that who know China expanded programme on immunization vaccine is safe and effective, and have eliminated polio and neonatal tetanus by vaccination, and vaccine-preventable diseases in China at a lower level. Chinese parents who encouraged continued routine vaccination to help protect children against vaccine-preventable diseases injuries.


At their own expense to free the province are different

Shandong vaccine safety vaccine event is raised for this crisis, in fact more as public opinion crisis. Face the panic of parents, a lot of people and again played the slogan of refuse to be vaccinated, let alone two vaccine, a vaccine is implicating. So this choice of throw away rationality? II there is a problem at their own expense vaccines don't work? What kind of people should be playing? What kind of children need injection of EPI vaccines, parents should choose?

In response to these concerns, yesterday, Deputy Director of the Beijing Center for disease control Pang Xinghuo told the Beijing morning news reporter, actually the province is different for a vaccine to immunization programmes in the Division, on the basis of national immunization programmes, the provincial people's Governments according to local fiscal capacity and local public health needs, increase the types of vaccine immunization program. For example, influenza vaccines have not been included in the national immunization program, is the second type of vaccine, but in Beijing, flu vaccine into immunization programmes, before the flu season, free of charge to residence over 60 years old and elementary and middle school students in school vaccinations. While in developed countries and some vaccines are included in the immunization program, but due to the lack of reliability of the disease at the present stage in our country national epidemiological data and therefore is not included in the first such vaccine. Overall, kind of a free vaccine at present Beijing is more than the national "compulsory" in scope. "Is II vaccine is select, according to the child's physical condition and family economic conditions make a comprehensive judgement. "Pang Xinghuo said.


Alternative to the regular outpatient vaccination

Two kinds of vaccine circulation problems of public concern, Beijing CDC explained that in fact at present Beijing is II vaccine for immunization by the CDC Vaccine Committee, from the vaccine manufacturer or vaccine approved by the State Enterprise procurement, the vaccine business enterprises in accordance with relevant regulations of the State in strict qualification. And neither a vaccine nor the two types of vaccines are after government tenders of GSP certification for unified storage and distribution, transport and storage are required to meet cold chain requirements, throughout the cold chain temperature monitoring and recording and the record. Immunization clinics in the city are equipped with qualified cold chain equipment and monitoring facilities, some clinics are also equipped with a centralized temperature monitoring equipment, implementation of vaccine storage and transportation process to monitor the whole process.

That is, for Beijing, regular source of vaccine, whether it is a seedling or two seedlings, just tender in different ways, no difference exists during the transport and storage process.

Recently, the Shandong vaccination published in the phone number of the telephone line are Beijing, specific screening or waiting for food and drug administration and public security departments to further troubleshoot results were announced.

In recent years, public security, the food and Drug Administration seized "not cold" or other problems vaccine, vaccines for the second class. To this end, the CDC reminded members of the public, if the children need to be vaccinated the second type of vaccine should also be selected by the Administrative Department of public health approved certified regular vaccination clinics for vaccinations.


Incorrect storage is not toxic

For two days the Internet opinion continues, after all, is the public safety incidents, vigilance and accountability is necessary. But at the same time, this exposure in the event of incorrect storage of the vaccine, after the concept was gradually built up into "vaccine", "killer vaccine", which evolved into the China area-wide issues, or even "not vaccinated at all" point of view is clearly "irrelevant."

"No vaccine is perfect in the world", but no vaccine is absolutely out. According to Beijing CDC provides of data displayed, this city annual accept prevention vaccination Super 10 million passengers, due to strictly of vaccine vaccination, Beijing has continued 30 years keep no polio Wild virus State, 19 years no diphtheria cases; continuous 15 years on foreign flow personnel carried out measles, and ECM vaccine immune vaccination, continuous 8 years on focus crowd carried out flu vaccine vaccination, children national immune planning vaccine vaccination rate continues to keep in 97% above. The city's permanent population HBsAg prevalence dropped to 2.7%, people under 20 are not to 1%, the lowest in the country. "Online emotional catharsis can be understood, but as a mature citizens and in particular parents who should be rational and responsible choices. "City disease control experts said.

Beijing morning news reporter Xu Jingjing

  News Analysis

No vaccine the world will happen?

Shandong has recently "illegal vaccine cases" caused an uproar in the community. We question the sector the lax regulation of vaccines at the same time, a number of "vaccine is useless" is rife. Vaccines are not, as many people of tangled issues.

First of all, let us understand the basic knowledge about vaccines. Vaccines are pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, etc) and its metabolites after artificial attenuated and inactivated or using genetic engineering made the auto immune preparations for prevention of infectious diseases. After vaccination, without harming the body's case, allows the body to produce immunity. When related viruses, germs invade the organism, the immune system will be based on their original memories, manufacture more immune substances to protect the body.

If there is no vaccine, what will the world? United States Centers for disease control and prevention experts worry that many will become a daily risk for life-threatening diseases. People's operations would be severely limited. Once an infectious disease, is the high risk areas of the city, becomes in terms of health "the wind blows" would have to get out of place, rather than the attractive centre of human activity.

Ignoring vaccinations have many painful lessons in the world. In the late 1970 of the 20th century, Sweden had a medical expert questioned the necessity of pertussis vaccination, caused vaccination rates fall sharply, the Government dropped in 1979 pertussis vaccination. For several years, cases of whooping cough more than a million cases annually, and cause a lot of death. Sweden in 1996, the pertussis vaccine is introduced into immunization programmes.

Measles in the United States died out, but starting in 2014 is making a comeback, when United States 27 States over more than 600 cases of measles were confirmed, its United States 2000 announced that it had eliminated measles high. The reason was mainly a considerable number of people not vaccinated.

Some people do not want to vaccinate is mainly worried about the safety. United States the Centers for disease control noted that, as with all drugs, vaccines may cause side effects. Each of the body's response to vaccines might be different people vaccinated against doctors comment on your own particular situation. In most cases, the vaccination does not appear obvious side effects such as allergies, vaccination of serious injuries are rare.

World Health Organization pointed out that vaccination is recognized worldwide as the most successful and one of the most cost-effective public health interventions. Childhood immunization vaccines, cannot fully guarantee children may not corresponding to the disease, but it can minimize the risk. And the benefits of immunization has become increasingly extends throughout the life course, including adolescent and adult vaccination can protect against threats such as influenza, meningitis, rabies.

United States Microsoft Corporation founder Bill Gates, though IT started, but focus on vaccine research and development, he and his wife established the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" on a variety of vaccine research and development has invested a lot of money. Gates, in 2013, the first "global vaccine Summit" keynote speech: "the vaccine can save lives and protect the children's lives. Investments to improve the immunization system, consolidating the results we have achieved in the fight against polio, and provides a wide range of health services for mothers and children. ”

According to Xinhua News Agency


Yesterday, the Beijing Center for disease control, vaccination clinics, unveiled the latest version of this list. Log on Beijing Municipal Center for disease control's website (http://www.bjcdc.org/), you can look for areas to 16 points over more than 500 regular vaccination, these clinics cover the city's streets (Township) and community.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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Illegal vaccines

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  山东疫苗事件不断发酵,两天来相关质疑与讨论文章更引发朋友圈连续刷屏,持续释放公众焦虑。近日,国务院 总理李克强对非法经营疫苗系列案件作出重要批示。批示指出:此次疫苗安全事件引发社会高度关注,暴露出监管方面存在诸多漏洞。食药监总局、卫生计生委、公 安部要切实加强协同配合,彻查“问题疫苗”的流向和使用情况,及时回应社会关切,依法严厉打击违法犯罪行为,对相关失职渎职行为严肃问责,绝不姑息。








  针对此次山东疫苗事件引发的疫苗安全危机,实际上更多被表现为舆论传播危机。面对家长们的恐慌,不少人又再次打出了拒绝接种疫苗的口号,别说二类疫苗, 一类疫苗也被殃及池鱼。那么这种因噎废食的选择是否理性?出现问题的二类自费疫苗不打行不行?什么样的人应该打?什么样的孩子只需要注射免疫规划内的疫苗 即可,家长又该如何选择?

  针 对这些疑虑,昨日,北京市疾控中心副主任庞星火告诉北京晨报记者,实际上我国各省对于一类免疫规划内的疫苗划分是不同的,在国家免疫规划基础上,各省级人 民政府可根据地方财政能力和本地的公众健康需求,增加免疫规划的疫苗种类。比如,流感疫苗尚未纳入国家免疫规划,是第二类疫苗;但在北京,流感疫苗纳入了 地方的免疫规划,在流感流行季到来前,免费向户籍60岁以上老年人和在校中小学生接种。而有些疫苗虽然在发达国家被列入了免疫规划,但在我国由于现阶段缺 乏该疾病可靠的全国性流行病学数据,因此尚不能列入第一类疫苗。总体来说,目前北京市的一类免费疫苗的种类是要多于国家“规定动作”范围的。“是否选择接 种二类疫苗,要根据孩子的身体状况以及家庭经济情况作出综合判断。”庞星火说。



  针 对市民关注的二类疫苗的流通环节问题,北京市疾控中心解释说,实际上目前北京市免疫规划用的二类疫苗是由市疾控中心疫苗事务委员会,从国家核准的疫苗生产 企业或疫苗经营企业统一采购的,疫苗经营企业均需按照国家有关规定进行严格的资质审查。而无论是一类疫苗还是二类疫苗,均是经过政府招标的持有GSP认证 的企业统一储存和配送,运输储存均需要符合冷链要求,冷链全程有温度监控记录并备案。全市各免疫预防门诊都配备了合格的冷链设备及监控设施,部分门诊还配 备了集中温度监控设备,实现了对疫苗的储存、运输各环节进行全程监控。






  两天来,网络舆论持续发酵,毕竟是公共安全事件,保持警觉与追责是必要的。但与此同时,本次事件中曝光的不正确储存的疫苗,经过概念转换,被逐渐渲染成 “毒疫苗”、“杀人疫苗”,进而演变成中国疫苗的全领域问题,甚至出现“根本就不能接种疫苗”的观点,显然已“跑题”了。

  “世 界上没有完美的疫苗”,但没有疫苗却是万万不行的。根据北京市疾控中心提供的数据显示,本市每年接受预防接种超1000万人次,由于严格的疫苗接种,北京 已经持续30年保持无脊髓灰质炎野病毒状态,19年无白喉病例;连续15年对外来流动人员开展麻疹、流脑疫苗免疫接种,连续8年对重点人群开展流感疫苗接 种,儿童国家免疫规划疫苗接种率继续保持在97%以上。本市的常住人口乙肝表面抗原流行率降至2.7%,20岁以下人群不到1%,为全国最低水平。“网上 情绪的宣泄可以理解,但作为一名成熟的公民尤其是已为人父母的人,应该作出理性而负责任的选择。”市疾控专家说。

  北京晨报记者 徐晶晶




  首先让我们了解一下有关疫苗的基本常识。疫苗是将病原微生物(如细菌、病毒等)及其代谢产物,经过人工减毒、灭活或利用基因工程等方法制成的用于预防传 染病的自动免疫制剂。疫苗接种后,在不伤害机体的情况下,可使机体产生免疫力。一旦相关的病毒、病菌真的侵入机体,免疫系统便会依据其原有记忆,制造更多 的免疫物质来保护机体。


  忽视疫苗接种曾在世界上有很多惨痛教训。20世纪70年代末,瑞典一位医学专家曾质疑百日咳疫苗接种的必要性,导致相关疫苗接种率大幅下降,政府于 1979年放弃百日咳疫苗接种。此后数年,百日咳病例每年逾万例,引发了很多死亡悲剧。瑞典于1996年重新将百日咳疫苗引入免疫规划。


  一些人不愿接种疫苗主要是担心安全性。美国疾控中心指出,正如所有药物一样,疫苗也可能导致副作用。每个机体对疫苗的反应都可能不同,人们在接种疫苗时 应对医生说明自身特殊情况。在大多数情况下,疫苗接种不会出现过敏等明显副作用,疫苗接种产生的严重伤害事件是罕见的。

  世界卫生组织指 出,接种疫苗是全球公认的最成功和最经济有效的公共卫生干预措施之一。儿童期接种某种疫苗,不能百分之百保证孩子不得相应的病,但却可以最大限度降低患病 风险。而且免疫接种的效益已经越来越延伸到整个生命过程,包括青少年和成人,免疫接种可保护人们免受流感、脑膜炎、狂犬病等威胁。

  美国 微软公司创始人比尔·盖茨虽然是IT起家,但很重视疫苗研发,他与夫人成立的“比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会”对多种疫苗研发投入了大量资金。盖茨曾在 2013年首届“全球疫苗峰会”上发表主题演讲说:“疫苗能拯救生命并保护孩子们的一生。投资建立更完善的免疫接种系统,能够巩固我们在对抗小儿麻痹症工 作中已取得的成果,并为母亲和儿童提供更广泛的卫生健康服务。”




责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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