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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:52:05
Nepal signed a railway agreement will connect Nepal three cities



Nepal signed a railway agreement will connect Nepal three cities | BFA | Nepal _ news

[World Wide Web Reporter Ren Meizi] Nepal Prime Minister Oliver arrived in China for a visit and to attend the Boao Forum a few days ago. United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on March 22, Nepal and China have signed 10 agreements, including plans to build railways between the two countries, which makes Nepal with third countries import and export business out of India's dependence on ports. Nepal described the agreement historic, but also the beginning of a new policy.

According to reports, for the construction of the railway has been in Nepal was discussed for many years, but has not made a final decision. When Ollie-led coalition came to power, decided to push ahead with the plan.

Other agreements signed by the two sides include the two sides will cooperate in the tourist city of Pokhara (Pokhara), construction of the international airport, and to establish the FTA feasibility study. In addition, the two sides also signed in Nepal memorandum of understanding on exploration of oil and gas resources.

Nepal's Prime Minister held talks with Nepali side also asked China in 2020 from Shigatse in Tibet Railway extended to the border between the city of Kuala Lumpur, and Nepal three cities together.

At present, China's Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been in Lhasa, xigaze and other city and connected to the Mainland of China. Shigatse's distance of 253 km from the Sino-Nepalese border, but there was no railway interoperability, there are only two road corridors.

Chinese officials told the media that China Nepal's proposal takes a positive attitude. Nepal also wants the Chinese Government to help develop large hydro-electric projects.

Nepal Prime Minister Oliver's official visit to China as long as 7 days, participate in the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan is one of Ollie the highlight of the trip. Nepal, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Minister of Commerce, Minister of finance, Minister of education and other people accompanying his visit.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Boao Forum for Asia Nepal

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中尼签署铁路建设协议 将连接尼泊尔三大城市|博鳌亚洲论坛|尼泊尔_新闻资讯

  [环球网报道 记者 任梅子]尼泊尔总理奥利日前抵达中国访问并将出席博鳌亚洲论坛。英国广播公司(BBC)3月22日报道称,尼泊尔与中国签署了10项协议,其中包括在两国间建设铁路的计划,这样可以使尼泊尔与第三国开展进出口业务完全摆脱对印度港口的依赖。尼泊尔形容这项协议具有历史意义,而且是新政策的开端。







责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

博鳌亚洲论坛 尼泊尔


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