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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:52:08
North Korean diplomat killed by a drunk 2 Chinese, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed



North Korean diplomat killed by a drunk 2 Foreign Affairs of Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed | | | drunk driving North Korean diplomats _ news

Korean embassy vehicles (information above)

Original title: drunk driving killed two North Korean diplomats Dandong Chinese

According to the United News reported on March 23, Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed yesterday, last month, a North Korean diplomat for drunk driving in the border city of Dandong, Liaoning province, killed two people.

The accident diplomat has to compensate the families of the deceased. China's Foreign Ministry said in response to AFP queries is more message.

According to Korea the Chosun Ilbo on Sunday (February 20) reported, quoting a source in Dandong, the perpetrator is a North Korean diplomat in Dandong Lian Zhejun (transliteration). On February 7, he and Dandong, China North Korea's mansion and senior resident party, drinking to celebrate North Korean long-range missile launch.

After the party, Lian Zhejun drunk driving and crossed the middle line the road, and frontal crash ' taxi travelling in the opposite direction, leading Chinese taxi drivers and passengers a total of three people were killed. Lian Zhejun injured admitted to hospitals in Dandong city, has recently released.

However, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry said yesterday, the incident actually occurred in the 10th last month, is a taxi driver and a passenger of the deceased person. There has been an official investigation to the accident.

The Chosun Ilbo report said Lian Zhejun car is a Mercedes sport utility vehicle (SUV), but Sanders is the old model, so damaging.

In addition, Lian Zhejun per person compensation of 500,000 yuan in compensation to the dead.

There are rumours, Lian Zhejun has not recalled by North Korea, because he has a great deal of background.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Foreign drunk driving North Korean diplomats

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朝鲜外交官酒驾撞死2名中国人 外交部证实|外交部|酒驾|朝鲜外交官_新闻资讯


  原标题:朝鲜外交官丹东酒驾 撞死两中国人









责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

外交部 酒驾 朝鲜外交官


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