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The author:(作者)
published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:52:10
Office of Hunan 3 official under investigation on the same day, 2 Department of Hunan daily top



Office of Hunan 3 official Hunan daily by 2 persons on the same day Hunan anti-corruption | top | Hunan daily _ news

General Manager of the Hunan daily pilling

Original title: Office of Hunan 3-level cadres suspected serious disciplinary violations under investigation

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, March 23 (reporter Chen Wenguang)-23rd learned from Hunan provincial Commission for discipline inspection, 3 departmental level cadres in Hunan province on suspicion of serious offenses, is undergoing investigation.

Hunan daily newspaper group, Ltd (Hunan daily newspaper), social works, Deputy Secretary of the party group member and General Manager of pilling for a serious disciplinary offence, currently under investigation.

Pilling, male, Han nationality, was born in June 1959, xiangxiang city in Hunan province. Joined the CPC in September 1981, to work in August 1980, successive Xiangtan, xiangxiang municipal party Committee policy research office, the municipal party Committee, Vice Minister of the propaganda Department, Bureau in Xiangtan City Party Secretary, Secretary, Member of the Hunan daily affairs, Deputy Editor of Hunan daily newspaper Group Ltd (Hunan daily) party member, community member, Deputy Editor, among other roles. May 2015-present Hunan daily newspaper group, Ltd (Hunan daily newspaper), social works, Deputy Secretary of the party group member and General Manager.

Hunan daily newspaper Group Ltd (Hunan daily) party member, Council member Co-officiating at the suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation.

Liu Shulin, male, of Han nationality, born in December 1956, ningxiang County, Hunan province, and senior economist. Joined the CPC in June 1985, to work in January 1974, served as Hunan daily newspaper printing factory wheel Workshop Director, Deputy Director, Director of the printing Center, Deputy General Manager of the Hunan daily newspaper media company, Hunan daily newspaper issue, Chairman post, March 2009-present Hunan daily newspaper Group Ltd (Hunan daily) party members and social members.

Office of the Hunan provincial government, former Deputy departmental level cadres Ou Aiguo suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation.

Ou Aiguo, male, Han nationality, was born in April 1954, in Hengyang, Hunan people. Joined the CPC in April 1982, to work in November 1970, served as Assistant Hotel Manager, Deputy Manager of Hunan, hotel, General Manager, Secretary of Hunan province, as well as the reception Office of the Office of the Deputy Director of the Hunan provincial government positions, in April 2011 to June 2014, the Hunan provincial government Deputy departmental level cadres, retired in June 2014. (End)

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Corruption in Hunan province, Hunan daily newspaper

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Xinhua News Agency
湖南3名厅官同一日被查 2人系湖南日报高层|湖南反腐|湖南日报社_新闻资讯



  新华社长沙3月23日电 (记者陈文广)记者23日从湖南省纪委获悉,湖南3名厅级干部因涉嫌严重违纪,正接受组织调查。


  皮林,男,汉族,1959年6月出生,湖南湘乡市人。1981年9月加入中国共产党,1980年8月参加工作,历任湘乡市委政策研究室主任、湘 潭市委宣传部副部长,湘潭市文化局党委书记、局长,湖南日报社社务委员、副总编辑,湖南日报报业集团有限公司(湖南日报社)党组成员、社务委员、副总编辑 等职务。2015年5月至今任湖南日报报业集团有限公司(湖南日报社)党组副书记、社务委员、总经理。


  刘树林,男,汉族,1956年12月出生,湖南宁乡县人,高级经济师。1985年6月加入中国共产党,1974年1月参加工作,历任湖南日报印 刷厂轮印车间主任、副厂长、印务中心主任,湖南日报传媒公司副总经理、湖南日报发行有限公司董事长等职务,2009年3月至今任湖南日报报业集团有限公司 (湖南日报社)党组成员、社务委员。


  欧爱国,男,汉族,1954年4月出生,湖南衡阳人。1982年4月加入中国共产党,1970年11月参加工作,历任湖南宾馆经理助理、副经 理,湖南宾馆党委书记、总经理,以及湖南省政府办公厅接待办副主任等职务,2011年4月至2014年6月任湖南省政府办公厅副厅级干部,2014年6月 退休。(完)


湖南反腐 湖南日报社


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