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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:52:12
Peng went to Beijing to Tongzhou site promote TB



Peng went to Beijing to Tongzhou site promote TB (photo) | Peng | | HIV/AIDS _ the World Health Organization news

Paris Haute Couture week activities

National tuberculosis control Ambassador Jiang Wenli, comfort and migrant workers held an interactive quiz

On March 22, the National Health Commission and Beijing Municipal People's Government jointly organized the World TB Day theme campaign was held in Beijing. World Health Organization TB/AIDS Goodwill Ambassador Peng Liyuan, was invited to participate in the activities, and health kits were issued to migrant workers, visited the scene to participate in free clinics of medical workers and migrant workers.

World TB Day, March 24, 2016 is the 21st, our theme is "social work together to eliminate tuberculosis".

Cui Li, Vice Director of national health activities stated that the party and Government has always paid great attention to tuberculosis prevention and control, has issued a series of policies and measures. All localities and departments to seriously carry out their duties, fully grasp the implementation of prevention and control achieved significant results. Especially against migrant workers and other key groups to further strengthen screening and treatment management, improve the security policy has been widely welcomed by the people. Cui Li stressed that to further intensify their efforts to strengthen prevention and treatment services for capacity-building, and constantly improve the level of protection, deepen awareness of disease prevention, solid job TB control work, to safeguard people's health and life safety, and contribute to promoting the construction of healthy China.

Beijing Vice Mayor Lin Keqing said in his speech that in recent years, through the incorporation of supervision of medication in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Beijing community health service management, implementation of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis control projects, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis included in the new rural cooperative medical management of major diseases that migrants enjoy TB free with the same population policy and a series of measures to improve TB control services system, and reduce the risk of the spread of tuberculosis.

In activities site, medical experts carried out has TB control science lecture, national TB control publicity Ambassador Jiang Wenli, and comfort and town workers personnel for has interactive knowledge question-and-answer, "millions volunteers TB control knowledge spread action" and "first national TB control knowledge network race" in the performance highlight of personnel and groups by recognition, new workers troupe dedication has wonderful of dance and sketch performances, from Beijing city more than integrated Hospital of medical personnel for town workers personnel provides has clinic service.

From the Chinese Center for health education, disease prevention and control center, the Beijing Municipal Commission of health, the World Health Organization Office in Beijing, the Gates Foundation, the China Tuberculosis Association, building contractors, assisted by three Council representatives and experts of construction site workers ' representatives were about more than 500 persons participated in the event.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Peng Liyuan, the World Health Organization AIDS

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彭丽媛 世界卫生组织 艾滋病


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