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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:52:15
Philippine fishing vessels in huangyan island a stone attack the Chinese maritime police vessel, China fight back



Philippine fishing vessels in huangyan island a stone attack the Chinese maritime police vessel China attack | | huangyan Island Philippines _ news

Original title: Philippine fishing vessels in huangyan island a stone attack the Chinese maritime police vessel China fight back

[Global network comprehensive report] the Philippine daily reported on March 21, the inquiry said, on March 5 and 6th by Chinese maritime police backed off Philippines fishing boat crew once again claimed, 7th, another ship with at least 10 fishermen on fishing boats in the waters near huangyan island has been China's maritime police off.

The captain of the fishing boat, said he and his 10 crew witnessed how the Chinese maritime police patrol "harassment" other fishing boats. He said: "the boat fisherman tries to escape by throwing stones on the Chinese maritime police, so fishing vessel glass Windows unfortunately was damaged during the Chase. "He's worried about security for those fishermen, because ever since he decided to return to lost after news of the fishermen. He believes that Chinese maritime police seem to want to stop the fishermen near the islands of the Philippines, the captain also urged the Philippine Government to protect its fishermen's rights to earn a living in the traditional fishing waters.

It was also the Philippine business newspaper reported that the captain said three Chinese maritime police aboard boats during close, warning them in English, requiring fishing boats return to Subic Bay. Inflatable boat left the scene once, but in a few minutes and then turn and hit the fishing boat several times. Fishing boat hull damage after being hit and no one was injured. The captain also pointed out that conflict occurred one day after Chinese maritime police is once again driving his boat, with laser weapons and light during driving. Another crew filmed conflict and fragments have been sent to the Philippine Coast Guard for investigation.

In this regard, the Philippine Coast Guard said, had not yet received official reports on the event, but the staff is collecting the testimony of crew members. Philippine Foreign Ministry responded by saying that did not have information at this stage, the event has yet to be confirmed.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Huangyan Island Philippines

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菲渔船在黄岩岛投石攻击中国海警船 中方还击|黄岩岛|菲律宾_新闻资讯

  原标题:菲渔船在黄岩岛投石攻击中国海警船 中方还击





责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

黄岩岛 菲律宾


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