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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:52:21
Ports a total ban on North Korean ships dock in China? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded



Ports a total ban on North Korean ships dock in China? Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded | | | sanctions against North Korea _ the Foreign Office news

Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regular press conference

  Asked: it is reported that the Belgium Prime Minister Michel to Brussels a series terrorist attacks canceled visit. Please confirm.

Answer: yesterday, the Belgium capital Brussels, a series of terrorist attacks, causing heavy casualties. XI Jinping, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister has for the first time to the Belgium King Philip, Prime Minister Michel to condolences. China strongly condemned the terrorist attacks, and send my deepest condolences to the families and expressed sincere condolences to the families of the victims and the injured. China is willing to work with Belgium to strengthen security and counter-terrorism cooperation and jointly promote the international community to work together, both the specimen and oppose all forms of terrorism, maintain the peace and security of States and the world.

For example to the Chinese side confirmed that handling emergency domestic needs, Prime Minister Michel cannot visit as planned. The Chinese side expressed understanding, will maintain communication with the analogy on relevant issues.

  Q: Russia Deputy Prime Minister this week to attend the annual meeting of the Boao Forum?

Answer: Boao Forum for Asia annual Conference 2016 will take place soon. Invitation of Li keqiang, Russia dewoerkeweiqi, Deputy Prime Minister and a number of other foreign dignitaries will be invited to attend the annual meeting.

  : It is reported that Chinese fishing vessels and patrol boats in Indonesia conflict after the incident, the Chinese side asked Indonesia not to open to the media. Please confirm.

A: we have seen reports about Indonesian officials briefing to the media on the matter. China and Indonesia are friendly neighbors, believe that the two sides in the spirit of friendly consultation and dialogue as soon as possible, properly handle issues related to conform to the common interests of both sides. China and Indonesia have been and will continue to keep close communication on relevant issues.

  Question: it was reported that Indonesia China maritime police vessel entered disputed waters of the South China Sea to lodge a strong protest to the Chinese side. Comment on this?

Answer: the Chinese fishing boat on March 19 armed ships after harassment by Indonesia, Chinese maritime police vessel to give aid, has not entered Indonesian territorial waters. At present China and Indonesia are in close communication. We made it to Indonesia that China's position, demanded that Indonesia release the detained Chinese fishing vessel, and to ensure the safety of fishermen. Want from the overall interests of bilateral relations as soon as possible through communication with the Chinese side to properly handle the incident.

You mentioned that sovereignty disputes, I would also like to correct your statement. Indonesia has no territorial claims on China's Nansha Islands. Natuna Islands sovereignty belongs to Indonesia, the Chinese side has no objection to that. Differences for both sides on the sea, we always think that, in practice, and through bilateral friendly communications and consultation process.

  Q: Taiwan authorities have invited some foreign media to visit Taiping Island, China expressed concern about this? Consider this approach appropriate? Philippines also invited foreign journalists to visit the relevant Islands to visit China for not allowing foreign journalists to interview in a Chinese garrison island?

Answer: the Spratlys is part of Chinese territory since ancient times, Chinese people across the Taiwan Straits has a responsibility to safeguard the nation's patrimony.

I noticed that you are concerned about related to organized foreign journalists to the Spratlys reefs visited. At present, China Nansha stationed on islands are under construction. When conditions are ripe, we will consider it.

  Asked: it is reported that Japan will implement new security law March 29, comment on this?

Answer: due to historical reasons, Japan's policy in the field of military security has been the subject of its Asian neighbors and the concern of the international community. We hope the Japanese side will learn from the lessons of history, importance to neighbouring Asian security concerns, adhere to the road of peaceful development, in the field of military security caution, between the States of the region and do more to enhance mutual trust and promote peace and stability in the region.

  Question: there are reports that North Korean diplomats driving in China traffic accidents causing death and compensation, the Chinese side can confirm?

Answer: February 10, driving in a North Korea Embassy consular officials, Dandong city collided with a taxi, killing the taxi driver and 1 passengers died. The local traffic Department to investigate and deal with the accident, consular officials have on Chinese compensation for the families of the deceased.

  Q: Germany President Gao kegong today making a speech at a Shanghai University, which referred to issues such as human rights, civil society, how do you respond to the Chinese side?

A: I have not seen President Gao kegong reports about the speech. It has come to our attention, President Gao kegong's was with the promotion of China's comprehensive and objective understanding of attitudes to China. He and Chinese leaders meetings and talks, they also expressed this attitude. Gork said in talks with XI Jinping, President, German although different social systems, but can respect each other, and push forward the development of bilateral relations based on mutual trust. Indeed, in Germany there are different in social system, but as long as both parties in a spirit of mutual respect, equal treatment, strengthen dialogue, we can continue to enhance mutual trust and strengthen cooperation, so that Sino-German relations continue to be a leader in the China-EU relations, in line with the common interests of both sides.

  Asked: it is reported that ZTE Corporation of China yesterday by the United States Government a temporary export license, the Chinese side welcomed this?

A: we note the United States Department of Commerce and the ZTE Corporation issued a statement. That both sides should continue through dialogue and consultation, properly handle relevant issues as soon as possible to ensure healthy and stable development of Sino-US economic and trade relations, in line with the interests of both sides.

  Q: Japan media, Weifang, China, Yingkou port, Hong Kong has banned North Korean ships dock. Can you confirm that?

Answer: first of all, I would like to reiterate that China will in a responsible manner, serious, comprehensive and complete implementation of UN Security Council resolution No. 2270. Meanwhile, we also noted that some media recently reported that Chinese ports a total ban on North Korean ships dock. Relevant Chinese departments are serious, serious verification of these reports is totally inconsistent with the facts. I'm not sure where these messages come from. Hope the media reporting in a responsible manner, not on hearsay evidence, not to make news.

  Question: it was reported that United States officials said the Greek Cypriot side on deployment in the South, "Thad" system technical dialogue with the Chinese side, explained to the Chinese side that the system is only for the defense of North Korean attack Korea, rather than China, and China is willing to engage in a dialogue with the United States?

Answer: "Sade" is not a simple technical problem. China's position on the missile defense issue is consistent and clear, our essence and harm of having a clear understanding of the relevant issues. When any State to seek its own security, you should consider other countries ' security interests and regional peace and stability. The current Korean peninsula situation is highly complicated and sensitive, we hope relevant countries to handle the issue carefully, do not do anything harmful to China's strategic security interests.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK sanctions on North Korea

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责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

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