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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 9:06:31
Survival or destruction? PC end and change,



Survival or destruction? End and change of PC-PC, PC, TechRadar-IT information

According to TechRadar website reported that PC ushered in the late 1990 ′s and 2000 ′s heyday, however, with the advent of smartphones and tablet computers after, PC lost its light, and mobile tablet beat the culprits in the PC market.

Data released by the market research firm Gartner shows that 2015 Global PC shipments in the fourth quarter decreased by 8.3%. 2015 PC shipments for the year to 288.7 million units in 2014, down 8%. Windows release of 10 seems to have failed to reverse the trend of falling PC sales.

Gartner Principal Analyst Mika Kitagawa (Mikako Kitagawa) pointed out that the global PC shipments fell for a fifth consecutive quarter. The last 8 years, PC sales have been quite weak, "failed to boost PC sales throughout the Christmas holidays, showed that changes in consumer PC purchases. In the corporate market, Windows 10 has been well received, but as expected, new Windows 10 PC sales in the fourth quarter of last year is not large, because many companies are only just beginning to test the operating system. "

Windows 10: hinder more than help

Windows 10 initially high expectations had been expected to boost new PC sales, but it seems disappointing. Market research firm IDC data show 2015, global PC shipments fell by 10%.

IDC research Vice President of PC luolun·luofude (Loren Loverde) that upgrades to the Windows of 10 options, means that some users will be "slightly rather than indefinitely" postpone the upgrade.

She said, "some customers will take advantage of a free operating system upgrades, delays in the procurement of new PC and test your upgrade to Windows 10. These customers may prolong the time of the old PC, but we expect that they will purchase new equipment. ”

Niche products

TechRadar said that in view of sales figures are beautiful enough, we need to consider the problem: PC really dead or become a niche product?

AMD EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region and President of global channel sales dalun·gelasibi (Darren Grasby) that the popularity of mobile phones and tablet computers, has significantly affected the PC market, but sales of nearly 300 million years, means that PC "is far from dying. I think the PC and notebook will play an important role in the coming years, we are excited about the products and technologies in the planning. "

Grassby says, depending on hardware type and market segment analysis data in more detail, it will be found that there are some bright spots in the market, "the next year, driven by Windows 10 operating system popularity, commercial update of PC and notebook will be speeded up. We also expected that virtual reality will be created to deal with powerful graphics technology demand and highly immersive PC gaming experience. "

Post-PC era? Not credible

According to Toshiba the Nordic region′s B2B PC business division nier·bulamuli (Neil Bramley), although recent data show that the decline in PC sales in (he considers relatively small decline), he did not believe that entry into the post-PC era.

Bramley said, "development in the traditional PC market, businesses offer a diverse range of IT products is that meet different needs of staff and technological advances--including mixing this new product launch or the emergence of new technologies such as cloud computing. ”

He said portability is obviously the driving force of this trend, Gartner predicts that ultra portable high-end devices will be the catalyst for growth in the coming years.

Bramley notes that "this trend is accompanied by ′Z ′ start entering the job market, introducing more equipment in the Office, anywhere they can use these devices to seamlessly access enterprise data. ”

These factors prompting companies to store more information on cloud computing environments, because the information is stored in the cloud computing environment so that employees will be more flexible, more secure access to the data.

Bramley said, "hardware in the role of employee access to corporate information is changing, Centre for traditional PC role into a channel. ”

In high-end PC

TechRadar say PC to market high-end development, Grassby said there is space in this area.

He said PC and high-end small equipment is a key component of consumer and business technology, "I think what′s really exciting is driving the entire PC ecosystem innovation potential of virtual reality. Publicity is making software on the virtual reality industry refocus on PC platform. "

"As this trend continues, I think more and more innovations in PC, virtual reality will be the mouse and keyboard since the advent of the most significant changes in human-machine interaction technology. Most importantly, high-performance PC may experience virtual reality will be the next few years, the sole device. ”

PC sales growth in the short term

After many years of decline, and no evidence to support the PC market recovery. In fact, most PC makers and chip makers think that PC swap period extended from 2-3 to 5-8.

Businesses and consumers increasingly feel that their existing PC suitable for current work. Modest due to technology upgrades, businesses and consumers ′ willingness to buy PC is not strong.

PC will not be the only way out is to acknowledge that it only occupied the niche market for content creation and ceding market content to tablets and Smartphones, you will die.

生存还是毁灭?PC的末路与变革 - PC,个人电脑,TechRadar - IT资讯


市场研究公司Gartner公布的数据显示,2015年第四季度全球PC出货量下跌8.3%。2015年全年PC出货量为2.887亿台,比2014年下跌了8%。Windows 10的发布似乎也没有能扭转PC销售下跌的趋势。

Gartner首席分析师北川美佳子(Mikako Kitagawa)指出,这是全球PC出货量连续第五个季度下滑。过去8年来,PC销售一直相当疲软,“圣诞假期没有能提振全年PC销量,表明消费者PC采购行为发生了变化。在企业市场,Windows 10受到好评,但与预期的一样,去年第四季度新Windows 10 PC销量并不大,因为许多企业才刚刚开始测试这款操作系统”。

Windows 10:阻碍作用大于帮助作用

最初Windows 10曾被寄予提振新PC销售的厚望,但它的表现似乎让人失望。市场研究公司IDC的数据显示,2015年全球PC出货量下跌了10%。

IDC PC研究副总裁洛伦·洛弗德(Loren Loverde)表示,升级到Windows 10的选项,意味着部分用户将“略微而非无限期”地推迟升级。

她说,“部分客户将利用免费操作系统升级推迟采购新PC,并对升级到Windows 10进行测试。这些客户可能延长老旧PC的使用时间,但我们预计他们最终将购买新设备。”



AMD EMEA(欧洲、中东和非洲)地区和全球渠道销售总裁达伦·格拉斯比(Darren Grasby)表示,手机和平板电脑的普及,已经明显影响了PC市场,但近3亿台的年销量,意味着PC“远没有消亡。我认为未来数年PC和笔记本将扮演重要角色,我们对规划中的产品和技术感到激动”。

格拉斯比称,如果根据硬件类型和细分市场更细致地分析数据,人们会发现市场存在一些亮点,“未来一年,在Windows 10操作系统普及的推动下,商用PC和笔记本的更新将会加速。我们还预计,虚拟现实将创造对处理能力强大的图形技术的需求和具有极高沉浸感的PC游戏体验”。


据东芝北欧区B2B PC业务部门主管尼尔·布拉姆利(Neil Bramley)表示,尽管最近的数据表明PC销售在下滑(他认为下滑幅度相当小),他不认为企业进入了后PC时代。














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