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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:14:52
Li keqiang met with members of the Council of the Boao Forum for Asia



Li keqiang met with members of the Council of the Boao Forum for Asia

CCTV News (news feeds): Premier Li keqiang, the afternoon of 24th meeting in Boao, Hainan Boao Forum for Asia, Chairman of Fukuda and some members of the Council.

Li said that Asia is the most populous continent in the world, but also cultural diversity more obvious areas. Current new changes taking place in the world economy, gave birth to a new industrial revolution. Development needs of our dynamic, Asian cultural diversity and inclusiveness can build consensus in a new burst of sparks. Boao Forum for countries to open up and provides a platform for discussion. Hope continues to play a leading role to help Asian countries complement each other and make concerted efforts in innovation and in the forefront of the industrial revolution.

Li stressed that China's reform and opening up over more than 30 years, has made great achievements in development. But China remains the largest developing country, the full realization of modernization still has a long way to go. The beneficiaries of China's reform and opening up, doors opening to be as open as possible. We are willing to absorb the wisdom of Asian countries, strengthening cooperation with countries around the world, adhere to bring about development and prosperity in the open.

Yasuo Fukuda, as well as France's former Prime Minister Pierre Raffarin, and Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and other members of the Council, said Li at the Boao Forum for Asia annual Conference keynote on clear and compelling, and contribute to boosting confidence in the Outlook for China's economy. Believe the Chinese economy will keep growing, continued momentum to world economic development.

Yang Jing, Zhou xiaochuan, as well as the BFA Vice Chairman Zeng Peiyan attended the meeting.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-25 21:03:26






(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-25 21:03:26

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