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published in(发表于) 2016/3/27 6:17:59
Deputy Director of Guangzhou 88.91 million corruption, foreign marriage territory pretending to single



Guangzhou married pretend to be single in the territory outside the Deputy Commissioner of police corruption 88.91 million | | corrupt officials _ naked news

A week figure

As the cadres of 10 years, has been involved in 11 land acquisition project accepting bribe 3 88.91 million yuan in bribes, on March 22, are considered "corruption Xiao Guan ju" typical housing security is imposed by the Office of Guangzhou City, reserve, former Deputy Director Huang Huahui, 42, who is accused of bribery case in Guangzhou Panyu Shawan in the court hearing.

The evidence, on March 28, 2008, Mei Huang Huahui and wife to apply for marriage registration in Hong Kong, leading Huang Huahui previously work colleagues know he has a girlfriend, but I do not know he was married. Meanwhile, Huang Huahui since 2008 to buy real estate, Mei or Mei all registered in his wife's sisters and brothers name until 2014, when prosecuted, Mei's family name has 11 apartments and 8 parking spaces, there are always the most expensive set of Pearl River new town in the so-called "luxury real estate" Qiao Xin Hui Yue, total price of 52.1 million Yuan.

Huang Huahui told in court, "because I was a public official, if the name has caused so much property, we will investigate, so try to avoid", but he stressed that these were without his wife, cheated on his wife for marriage registration in Hong Kong registered. Mei's testimony confirmed that Huang Huahui from 2008 immigration United States of matter, has spent a total of more than 4 million Yuan, until the incident without success.

88.91 million Yuan Huang Huahui received huge bribes from 3 people Luo Mouji, and Ni Mou and Tan Mouyu. According to allegations, 2005-2014 years, Huang Huahui suspected 11 cases bribery crime facts in served Guangzhou City government expropriation land Office, and Guangzhou City land development center land expropriation and finishing one Deputy Director clerk, and business guide Department Deputy Minister, and land finishing department Deputy Minister during, which 10 cases and Huang Huahui is responsible for, Baiyun district, Sands Chau of about land demolition, related work about, addition a cases for Huang Huahui using is responsible for, Baiyun district, Bell fell Tan town land demolition work of positions convenience about.

Edit Comment: "Xiao Guan ju corruption" and typical cases, outside marriage, pretend to be single in the territory that also look "naked officials" made a new topic, but Zhang taller road, crooked ways always to the sky. So-called less tube to the discipline the Tiger back, while also targeting those in power in the power sector.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Naked officials corrupt

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广州副处长贪污8891万 境外结婚境内假装单身|裸官|贪官_新闻资讯



  相 关证据显示,2008年3月28日,黄华辉与妻子梅某到香港办理了结婚注册登记,这导致黄华辉以前工作单位的同事都只知道他有女朋友,却不知他已婚。与此 同时,黄华辉从2008年开始购买房产,全部登记在妻子梅某或梅某的姐妹及哥哥名下,直到2014年被查办,梅家人名下已屯了11套房产和8个车位,其中总房价最贵的一套在号称珠江新城“最豪楼盘”的侨鑫汇悦台,总价款5210万元。

  黄华辉当庭供述说,“因为我是公职人员,如果名下有那 么多财产的话会引起调查,所以想办法去回避”,但他强调这些都是瞒着妻子做的,骗了妻子一起去香港办理婚姻登记注册。而梅某的证言证实,黄华辉从2008 年开始办理移民美国的事项,先后共花费了400多万元,直到案发都没有成功。

  黄华辉收受的8891万元巨额受贿款均来自3名行贿人骆某 基、倪某和谭某裕。据指控,2005~2014年,黄华辉涉嫌11宗受贿犯罪事实在任职广州市人民政府征用土地办公室、广州市土地开发中心土地征用与整理 一部副主任科员、业务指导部副部长、土地整理部副部长期间,其中10宗与黄华辉负责白云区金沙洲的有关征地拆迁等相关工作有关,另外一宗为黄华辉利用负责 白云区钟落潭镇征地拆迁工作的职务便利有关。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

裸官 贪官


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