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published in(发表于) 2016/3/27 6:20:25
Russia would like to hire Chinese workers harvest: one can take 10 tonnes of cabbage



Russia would like to hire Chinese workers harvest: one can take 10 tonnes of cabbage | | labour Russia _ news

Russia would like to hire Chinese workers harvest. (File photo)

Reference news network March 26, reported Russian media said Russia in Chelyabinsk oblast Department of agriculture proposal to restore labor quotas, China abolished in 2015. Farmers in the State has actively introduced China′s labour force participation in the crops before the harvest, quota of local agricultural acreage by 200 hectares (12.5%). Affected by the economic crisis, open-air vegetable output by 27,000 tons. According to preliminary statistics, about 1000 Chinese agricultural development needs of the local labour force participation. Farmers could not be ruled out in case of quota zero possibility of trends in agricultural production will continue to deteriorate. In their view, hiring Chinese workers higher pay than locals, but labor productivity is 5 times of the latter times.

According to Russia′s Kommersant reported on March 25, Chelyabinsk region suggested a return to 2015, the State Government decided to cancel the Ministry of Agriculture of China labor quotas. 2014 the Chinese labor quota to 1460, local agricultural enterprises active introduction of Chinese labourers involved in agricultural production (sowing, weeding, and harvesting open-air vegetable--the note of the network). State Deputy Agriculture Minister yalishanda·layefusiji said: "we are proposing China labor quotas set in the agricultural sector in 2016 for 1000 people. Quota zero leads to 2015, China open vegetable acreage reduction, annual production cut 27,000 tonnes--accounted for 40%. "He also said, for the Department of agriculture to resume China labor quota was introduced to the company at the request of, who last year because of the shortage caused sown area will be reduced by 200 hectares. Raevsky explained: "we exist not only risk of loss the previous production, vegetable varieties may also be reduced. I now have many enterprises reduced the cabbage, beet and carrot acreage, and excess potato cultivation area, leading to decline in potato prices. "He said, only those on the State register, pay taxes and legal management of agricultural enterprises to get labor quotas. The decision on quota revision will be released 25th at the Governor′s mansion, there are interdepartmental Committee meeting on the issue of importing foreign labour, first Deputy Governor yefugenni·liejin served as the Chairman of the Committee.

Reportedly, President of the Federation of vegetable andelie·xini Franzen said, Queen UK cards limited for the number of agricultural enterprises in agriculture, said China′s labor force must be introduced. Sydney said: "in the early 90 ′s we began bringing in Chinese workers to farmers, were determined in accordance with application to China each year labor quotas. "He believes that canceled the introduction of Chinese workers would only lead to increased local business spending, which means that food prices will rise eventually. Queen-British card, General Manager of agricultural aliekexie·Lipu, 7 hectares of cabbage because none last year harvested almost rotten. He said: "a Chinese harvested 10 tons a day of cabbage, local 5 times. "Agricultural enterprise in the year 2015, for a total production of more than 17,000 tons of vegetables. For the timely harvesting, business leaders from the former Soviet republics to introduce labour, but the effect is smaller than Chinese workers.

Kozyrevski co tiemuer·shajiahemeituofu said bringing Chinese workers are not cheap. He said: "in addition to the monthly salary, employment businesses and take them to a place of work transport, processing and accommodation costs. Expenditure is less, but hiring Chinese labour was more cost-effective because their productivity is 5 times for the local times. ”

Reportedly, Chelyabinsk oblast, Zhang ying, President of China Chamber of Commerce (sound) supported this proposal to the State Department of agriculture. She said: "Chinese citizens in Russia, in the South Urals region employment and keen interest. They are willing to work from dawn to work, with their help, to get a good harvest. ”

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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  参考消息网3月26日报道 俄媒称,俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克州农业部提议恢复2015年取消的中国劳务配额。该州农场主此前曾积极引进中国劳工参与庄稼收割,配额取消导致当地农业播种面 积减少了200公顷(12.5%)。受经济危机影响,露天蔬菜产量削减2.7万吨。据初步统计,当地的农业发展需要约1000名中国劳工参与。农场主们无 法排除在配额清零的情况下农业生产趋势会继续恶化的可能性。他们认为,雇佣中国劳工支付的费用虽然比本地人高,但前者的劳动生产率是后者的5倍。

  据 俄罗斯《生意人报》3月25日报道,车里雅宾斯克州农业部建议恢复2015年州政府决定取消的引进中国劳务的配额。2014年中国劳务配额为1460人, 当地农业企业积极引进中国劳工参与农业生产(播种、锄草和收割露天蔬菜——本网注)。车州农业部副部长亚历山大·拉耶夫斯基说:“我们提议把2016年农 业领域的中国劳务配额制定为1000人。中国劳工配额清零导致2015年露天蔬菜播种面积减少,全年产量削减2.7万吨——占去年产量的40%。”他还表 示,希望农业部恢复中国劳务配额的请求是企业自己提出来的,他们去年因人手不足导致播种面积减少了200公顷。拉耶夫斯基解释说:“我们 不仅存在损失先前产量的风险,蔬菜品种可能也会减少。我州现在就已有很多企业减少了圆白菜、甜菜和胡萝卜的种植面积,而种植马铃薯的面积过剩,导致马铃薯 价格下跌。”他表示,只有那些在车州注册在案、纳税并合法经营的农业企业才能分得劳务配额。有关配额修正的决定将于25日在州长官邸公布,那里正在就引进 外国劳务问题召开部门间委员会会议,第一副州长叶夫根尼·列金担任该委员会主席。

  报道称,地区蔬菜联合会主席安德烈·西 尼岑表示,伊利英卡农业有限公司等多家农业生产企业表示,必须引进中国劳动力。西尼岑说:“早在上世纪九十年代我们就开始引进中国劳工来这里务农,每年也 会根据申请确定引进中国劳务的配额。”他认为,取消引进中国劳工只会导致本地企业支出增加,这就意味着食品的最终价格会上涨。伊利英卡农业有限公司总经理 阿列克谢·利普表示,去年就有7公顷圆白菜因无人收割差点腐烂。他说:“一个中国人每天能收割10吨的圆白菜,是当地人的5倍。”农业企业2015年总共 生产逾1.7万吨蔬菜。为及时收割,企业负责人被迫从前苏联加盟共和国引进劳工,但效果也比不上中国工人。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

劳工 俄罗斯

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