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published in(发表于) 2016/3/27 6:20:37
Shandong area’s suspension bridge collapsed many people fell into the water, base construction standards



Shandong area's suspension bridge collapsed more than base construction standards in water suspension | | drowning _ news
Fall scene

  Linyi public network, March 27 (Xinhua Deng Mengjiao Zhang Zhen) 26th, linyi yishui Snowy Mountain and Rainbow Valley scenic bridge base collapse occurred, many tourists from drowning. Public network reporter learned that, at present, the snow mountain and Rainbow Valley view area has dealt with suspension management, maintenance personnel, and full accountability to the contracted builders claim. In addition, the commitment of Heads of area: March 26 collapse of the suspension bridge is snow mountain and Rainbow Valley area in 2014 for the first time after the restructuring, it will be the last security incidents.

The morning of 26th, yishui Snowy Mountain Rainbow Valley area Rainbow Yuqian suspension because of too many tourists, shaking severe cement base collapse occurred, resulting in more than 10 tourists on the bridge with bridge had fallen. After the event, the presence of linyi Mountaineering Association rescuers 9 players and area 11 staff members quickly jumped into the water to rescue. According to the scenic area staff, because bridge into shallow water tourists only wet clothes were not injured. Meanwhile, ambulances rushed to the scene for rescue, yishui tourism safety Committee, sports office staff first arrived at the scene and start the emergency plan, visitors to relief work.

It is reported that the mountain Rainbow Valley view area is ready for disposal, visitors to the hotel to wash water warm and the purchase of new clothes to replace. Area staff have been feeling unwell tourists rushed to the hospital in time to check, all visitors were not injured. Property loss has been at the price of compensation, and for emotional distress. Tourists were back safely on schedule.

For the specific reason of suspension bridge collapsed, yishui Snowy Mountain Rainbow Valley area General Manager Miao Chuanxing a mass reporter interview introduction scene a new suspension bridge cables, eliminate the possibility of neglect, can be identified as a suspension bridge construction due to substandard cement base. After investigation, the accident was not according to drawings by individual contractors to build, without changing the embedded in the ground caused by the cement base area.

"Snow Mountain and Rainbow Valley view area has dealt with suspension management, maintenance personnel, and full accountability to the contracted builders claim. And thorough maintenance of all the equipment, facilities, and resolutely put an end to security accidents from happening again. "Miao Chuanxing said scenic spot ticket sales from each took 1 Yuan to set up a" Rainbow security public fund "for timely disposal of scenic spots of sudden accidents. He promised that March 26 suspension bridge collapse is a snow mountain and Rainbow Valley area in 2014 for the first time after the restructuring, it will be the last security incidents.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Bridge water

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山东景区吊桥垮塌多人落水 系基座施工不达标|吊桥|落水_新闻资讯

  大众网临沂3月27日讯(记者 邓梦娇 张振)26日上午,临沂沂水雪山彩虹谷景 区一吊桥发生基座塌陷,多名游客落水。大众网记者了解到,目前,雪山彩虹谷景区已严肃处理吊桥管理、维护人员,并已正式向承包建设商发起问责索赔工作。此外,该景区负责人承诺:3月26日吊桥塌陷是雪山彩虹谷景区2014年重组改制后的第一次,也将是最后一次安全责任事故。

  26日上午,沂水雪山彩虹谷景区彩虹雨前吊桥由于游客过多,摇晃剧烈发生水泥基座塌陷,导致桥上十几名游客随桥落水。事情发生后,在场的临沂登山协会救援队9名队员和景区工作人员11人等迅速跳入水中 参与救援。据景区工作人员介绍,由于桥下水浅落水游客只是湿了衣服均未受伤。同时,救护车也赶往现场进行救护,沂水县旅游安委会、体育办工作人员第一时间 到达现场并启动应急预案,做好游客安抚工作。



  “雪山彩虹谷景区已严肃处理吊桥管理、维护人员,并已正式向承包建设商发起问责索赔工作。并且,对所有设备、设施进行彻底检查保养,坚决杜绝安 全责任事故的再次发生。”苗传兴说,景区将从每张门票收入中拿出1元钱设立“彩虹安全公益基金”用于及时处置景区突发安全事故。他承诺,3月26日吊桥塌 陷是雪山彩虹谷景区2014年重组改制后的第一次,也将是最后一次安全责任事故。


吊桥 落水


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