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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:12:53
China coal energy loss of 2.5 billion yuan last year



China coal energy loss of 2.5 billion yuan last year | | | coal energy _ energy losses in the energy sector news

China coal energy company limited has released its annual report, 2015 companies achieved operating income of 59.271 billion yuan, down 16.1%; net profits attributable to shareholders of the parent company dropped from 767 million in 2014-2.52 billion yuan, down by 428.7%.

Reports that, in 2015, the company's mines to markets less competitive production, limiting measures have been taken, structure and coal quality of products improved. The reporting period, the company completed 95.47 million tons of commercial coal, down 16.37 million tons, a drop of 14.6%. Under the influence of falling demand in the domestic market, the company 138 million tons of total coal sales, compared with 12.2%. Put into operation the coal chemical industry to fully reflect the company's new transition effects, initial 2015 to 1.503 billion yuan profits, become a new profit growth point.

Li Yanjiang, Chairman of China coal energy said last year, domestic coal prices continued to slide, coal revenue declined sharply, leading to an operating loss. Facing the severe situation, the company adjust business ideas to optimize production organization, Centre initiative to cut production by benefits; improving coal quality management, increase the intensity of coal and improving commercial coal quality change marketing strategies, to develop new markets, enhance market development of central China, Southwest, stable sales channels. In 2015, in coal prices, limiting production and other factors reduce the cases of a profit of 8.6 billion yuan, company working together, tapping increased profits more than 6 billion yuan, effectively alleviate the coal business momentum for further losses.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Energy losses in the coal industry energy energy

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  中国中煤能源股份有限公司日前发布年度报告显示,2015年公司实现营业收入592.71亿元,同比下降16.1%;归属于母公司股东的净利润由2014年的7.67亿元下降为-25.2亿元, 同比下降 428.7%。

  报告说,2015年,公司对部分市场竞争力较弱的矿井采取了减产、限产措施,产品结构、煤炭质量得到有效改善。报告期内,公司完成商品煤产量9547万 吨,同比减少1637万吨,下降14.6%。受国内煤炭市场需求下降影响,公司累计完成商 品煤销售量1.38亿吨,同比降低12.2%。公司新投入运行的煤化工产业充分体现转型成效,2015年初步实现利润15.03亿元,成为新的利润增长 点。

  中煤能源董事长李延江表示,一年来,国内煤炭价格持续下滑,公司煤炭业务营业收入大幅下降,导致公司出现经营亏损。面对严峻形势,公司及时调整经营思路, 优化生产组织,以效益为中心主动减产限产;狠抓煤质管理,加大配煤力度,改善商品煤质量;改变营销策略,全力开拓市场,强化华中、西南市场开发,稳定销售 渠道。2015年,在煤价下跌、限产减产等因素减少利润86亿元的情况下,公司上下共同努力,挖潜增利60亿元以上,有效缓解了煤炭业务亏损扩大的势头。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

能源行业 能源亏损 中煤能源


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