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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:13:08
Cut one event occurring in Shanghai want want buildings to one death and one injury



Cut one event occurring in Shanghai want want buildings to one death and one injury | | wangwang, Shanghai tower | cut events _ news
In pictures: a cut woman was taken to hospital. Users map

[Xinmin ? latest news] today (28th) at 16 o'clock in the afternoon, a Netizen in the micro-blog broke the news that, is located at the southern shimen No. 211, 5 floor, Mong Kok, Mong Kok cut one event occurred, causing one death and one injury.

In pictures: Corporate Office of blood on the ground. Xinmin Xinmin Dai Tianjiao photography

Xinmin Xinmin reporter learned from the field, five building a site for the building of prosperous enterprises. The public, about 2:30 P.M. to the incident, two female employees of the enterprise being stabbed by a man. It is reported that one sure death.

Xinmin Xinmin reporter on the scene, and bloodstains in the corridor of the Office. (Xinmin Xinmin reporter Dai Tianjiao)

In pictures: want want, 5/f. Xinmin Xinmin Dai Tianjiao photography
In pictures: police investigate at the scene.

Xinmin Xinmin Dai Tianjiao perturbation (source: Xinmin net)

@ Police-train-Jing an, in response to the report, branch of police quickly rushed to the scene and arrested the suspect of a (male, 58 years). Upon request, the suspect and the victim is the same company, was at work on a dispute, and knife-wielding revenge today. Confirmed by the 120 rescue workers, victims of Hwang (female, age 34) is dead, another victim a Chu (female, 29 years) left cheek and arm injuries not life-threatening.

Upon request, the suspect and the victim is the same company, was at work on a dispute, and knife-wielding revenge today. The scene confirmed, Hwang of the victims had died, Zhu left cheek and another victim injured his arm, not life-threatening. Woman killed, 33, is the company's top executives. (Source: xinan evening news)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Shanghai want want building to cut events

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图说:事发企业办公室地面的血迹。新民晚报新民网 戴天骄 摄


  新民晚报新民网记者在现场看到,办公室及楼道内留有血迹。(新民晚报新民网记者 戴天骄)

图说:事发旺旺大厦5楼。新民晚报新民网 戴天骄 摄

  新民晚报新民网 戴天骄 摄(来源:新民网)

  据@警民直通车-静安 ,接报后,分局民警迅速赶赴现场并抓获犯罪嫌疑人方某(男,58岁)。经了解,嫌疑人方某与被害人系同一公司员工,曾在工作上发生纠纷,遂今日持刀报复。经120救护人员现场确认,被害人黄某(女,34岁)已死亡,另一被害人朱某(女,29岁)左侧脸颊及手臂受伤,无生命危险。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

上海 旺旺大厦 砍人事件


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