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published in(发表于) 2016/3/31 6:16:56
Japan recently frequent military actions, the Chinese side: alert to repeat the mistakes of history



Japan frequent military action in the near future China: alert to repeat the mistakes of history

Beijing, March 31, Japan frequent military action in the near future, 31st the Defense Ministry at a regular press conference, spokesman Yang Yujun said Japan overhaul military security policy, breaking the pacifist Constitution limits, whether it will repeat the mistakes of history, which is on high alert.
Reporters ' questions, the 28th of this month, Japan Ministry of Defense deployment of the coastal surveillance force in Yonaguni Island, followed in the 29th, Japan new security law came into effect. These acts for any comment on the Japanese side?
Yang Yujun responded, recently, Japan is very active in the military field. In addition, the Japanese have been vocal in accusing China of reefs in the South China Sea Island of so-called "militarization", that was very happy. Today we can look at Japan from China's Taiwan and the Islands just what exactly did more than 100 kilometers of Yonaguni island. I noticed that, media reports said in the past on this island only 2 police, only 10 rounds of ammunition. But now, suddenly deployed 150 additional self-defence team, it is said that the next step will be to deploy a rapid reaction infantry regiment. So Japan has accused others of the time, how can he explain his behavior? In addition, Japan also has been like "freedom of navigation" of the word. Sea is very broad, China deployed the necessary defence facilities on their island was accused of "destroying freedom of navigation", then West on Japan in the narrow waterway so that a section of the East China Sea and the Western Pacific around strengthening military deployment of international watercourses, that such behavior is called what?
Yang Yujun pointed out that, from the initial discussions, developed to implement the new security law, Japan there has been a lot of questioning and dissenting voices at home and abroad. Historically, Japan militarism to the international community, especially the Asian countries and brought untold suffering to the people. In recent years, Japan overhaul military security policy, breaking the pacifist Constitution limits, whether it will repeat the mistakes of history, which is on high alert.

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-03-31 18:13:33
China News Network
日本近期军事动作频繁 中方:警惕重蹈历史覆辙

  中新网3月31日电  日本近期军事动作频繁,在31日的国防部例行记者会上,新闻发言人杨宇军表示,日本大幅调整军事安全政策,突破和平宪法限制,其是否将重蹈历史覆辙,这值得各方高度警惕。




(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-03-31 18:13:33

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