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published in(发表于) 2016/4/1 7:45:52
2 Korean ship sank a Chinese fishing boat involved 9 people missing, has been impounded



2 Korean ship sank a Chinese fishing boat involved 9 people missing has been impounded

Strongly suspected of Korea tug boats and barges.

Surging News (www.thepaper.CN) on April 1 from the Ningbo maritime Court that on March 29, judge in the court case in Jintang anchorage in Ningbo allegedly sank fishing vessels in China Korea National "SHIN HWA HO" round and "MYUNG JIN 20001" barge detained.

March 18 at 1 o'clock in the morning, China's Shandong province fishing boats "Lu Wenyu 5661" round of East Coast operations in the Yellow Sea, was struck by unidentified ship sunk, 9 crew members on board missing in water, has not been recovered. After both Shanghai and Ningbo maritime sector investigation, initially identified by the Korea Mashan tug sailing to Ningbo "SHIN HWA HO" and the barge "MYUNG JIN 20001" towing Ship group, consisting of major suspects.

Accident investigation is almost complete, but 2 Korean vessels leaving Hong Kong to return home at any time, if their departure, victims of our citizens ' interests would hardly be protected. The morning of March 28, "Lu Wenyu 5661" ship owner in the State of emergency to the Ningbo maritime Court for the preservation of marine, requested seized the alleged accident, "SHIN HWA HO" round and "MYUNG JIN 20001" barge, and ordered two of the owner or demise charterer has 18.5 million Yuan or proportionate to the reliable guarantee, the Court approved the request.

The morning of March 29, the Ningbo maritime Court got arrested for 2 ships for departure back to news of the incident, immediately organized the case judge to Ningbo Jintang anchorage left to seize. Cooperation of the Maritime Bureau of Ningbo, Ningbo beilun frontier inspection station, the morning will be leaving 2 ships to anchor the Korea ship seized.

"Today, foreign vessels with a security company found the injured parties, consultation was prepared to provide security, then the Court will bail the ship, after treating the marine authorities of the accident report, the injured party may sue for damages, the Court will be according to the relevant legal procedures involved in handling cases. "The Ningbo maritime Court 1st surging told news.

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-04-01 18:22:52
Surging news
2艘韩籍轮船涉撞沉中国渔船致9人失踪 已被扣押


  澎湃新闻(www.thepaper.cn)4月1日从浙江宁波海事法院获悉,3月29日,该院办案法官在宁波金塘锚地将涉嫌撞沉我国渔船的韩国籍“SHIN HWA HO”轮及“MYUNG JIN 20001”驳船扣押。

  3月18日凌晨1时许,我国山东籍渔船“鲁文渔5661”轮在黄海东部海域作业时,被不明船舶撞击沉没,致使船上9名船员落水失踪,至今未寻获。经过上海和宁波两地海事部门调查,初步认定由韩国马山驶往宁波的拖轮“SHIN HWA HO”与驳船“MYUNG JIN 20001”组成的拖带船组有重大嫌疑。

  事故调查已近尾声,但2艘韩籍船舶随时准备离港回国,如果他们离境,我国受害公民的权益将很难得到保障。3月28日上午,“鲁文渔5661”轮的船东于国礼紧急向宁波海事法院申请海事保全,要求扣押涉嫌肇事的“SHIN HWA HO”轮及“MYUNG JIN 20001”驳船,并责令两船舶的船东或光租人提供1850万元人民币或与之相称的可靠担保,法院批准了此申请。



(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-04-01 18:22:52

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