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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:28:00
China’s Ministry of civil affairs: cemeteries used the wrong age 20



The Ministry of civil affairs: cemeteries used the wrong age 20 | | age of the cemetery _ news

In the Green online Beijing April 1 electric (China Youth reported ? in the Green online reporter Wang Yijun) March end of, Beijing City funeral career development planning (2016-2020) (following referred to "planning") issued, planning proposed, future, Beijing city of cemetery no longer new traditional tombstone, for rental contract due of traditional graves in principle no longer continued rent, and will on no longer continued rent of graves give award.

"Expires this tomb no longer traditional renewal of provisions are new measures to promote the construction of ecological civilization in the field of funeral and interment, a leading model in the country. "The Ministry of civil affairs today, head of the Division of social services and interment in the China Youth Daily: Green online reporters.

According to the introduction, there are two cemeteries, public welfare cemeteries and City Cemetery in rural areas, public cemeteries in rural areas is non-arable land in use of collective land in rural areas, are generally built in the mountain without spending; the City Cemetery is divided into public and operating two, the former is to provide low-income groups stored ashes venue, which allows a market capital management.

Prices in addition to the cemetery, in recent years, public attention to the problem of the burial ground service life. Eve of the Ching Ming Festival 2011, cemetery of Qingdao, Shandong and other places will be used for more than 20 years the term of the cemetery continued collecting management fees, many media reports.

For cemetery use requirement? Generally is 20? Fees how to? Is due for renewal renewal after how long? Renew at the price first payment yet? Elsewhere in the country issued a policy like Beijing?

Journalists to retrieve the related regulations and found that regulations enacted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the interim measures for the management of cemeteries is not made to the cemetery uses the term specifically provides that only "for-profit cemetery grave management fees one-time charge shall not exceed 20 years."

1998 state forward notice of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on further strengthening the management of cemeteries, the future graves and cells for the storage of ashes in principle, the life of a 20-year cycle. Around the funeral and interment management regulations, regulations or normative documents are to the grave in age requirements.

The funeral management Ordinance does not provide for the same cemetery uses the term, relevant provisions are: severe restrictions on the tombs of the cemetery covers an area of and service life, according to planning allow burials or allowed to bury the ashes, buried the remains or burial Tomb covers an area of and life of ashes, by people's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in accordance with conservation land, farmland not principle.

This Ordinance published in the previous year, the Beijing Municipal Ordinance have clear provisions on the administration of funeral and interment, graves and the ashes of a lifetime of up to 20 can be renewed after the expiration.

All of these provisions, a similar provision emphasize the same rules-grave by way of age and planning to save land for basic principles.

According to statistics, Beijing is placed about 70,000 a year's ashes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of each Tomb covers an area of no more than 1 square metre for Beijing 7 hectares per year (70,000 square metres) NET, translated into the reality of the cemetery, occupied about 20 hectares of land. If no strict management of the cemetery the term, to the dead and the living will soon become a reality.

The official explained that has defined the grave nature of these provisions for the rental. Meanwhile, expiry of the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau to address the grave problems in 2011, has made it clear the grave when the rent is due for renewal, Chief mourner to pay land rental fees and management fees. Under the management of cemetery in Shanghai, and graves uses the term shall not exceed 70 years, and graves uses contract is characterized as a contract of sale.

The Wuhan funeral and interment management regulations, service units or operator of the cemetery cemetery contract with funeral undertaker and issue him a certificate, and cells for the storage of ashes in a cemetery grave cycle for 20 years, can renew the service contract renewal after expiry. Nature of this provision could be interpreted as grave as rentals. Overall, the vast majority of the local cemetery, a 20-year cycle.

For cemetery maintenance management fees in 2012, the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Civil Affairs on further strengthening the management of funeral services on issues specified in the guidelines, by local price administrative departments according to law into place price list, cemetery maintenance and management approved for the actual costs and a reasonable profit, as determined by the determined throughout.

There are many places like the Beijing Government pricing standards before proceeding. Renewal deadline, in principle, not exceed cemetery with duration of use, and some clear rules where a lower life cycle such as cemetery land for 10 years or 20 years.

According to reports, the provisions of the interim measures for the administration of the cemetery's 20-year life cycle is 20 generations to consider. In real life, to use the term, if the funeral home would like to continue to use the Tomb, you can pay a management fee. For unclaimed or not pay management fees of ashes, buried unified, reflect respect for the deceased.

The official further explained that, in accordance with the provisions of the interim measures for the administration of the cemetery, buried the ashes or body in the cemetery operations, Chief mourner should be required to pay a grave rental, build flat cost of the Tomb, guarded tomb of management fees and burial expenses. Presumption, buy a funeral undertaker, fixtures including the underground construction of the cemetery's graves, ashes, casket and tombstone on the ground, such as building ownership, land has the right to the grave, cemetery tomb of useful life should be determined according to the cemetery as a whole by way of life. For the cost of maintenance and management of the Tomb, the parties may agree to pay cycle. For the storage of ashes in the cells, belong to rental properties, retention period agreed by the parties themselves, and lease term expires, you can apply for renewal procedures.

During the annual Ching Ming Festival, the public will have a "cemetery under age 20 is too short", "can't buy permanent use" questions, the official said, provided for in the regulation on the cemeteries of funeral and interment service life principles. Funeral regulations and normative documents in force only tombs and cells for the storage of ashes in principle, the life of a 20-year cycle, confused with cells for storing the cemetery, there is no clearly defined cemeteries use nature as well as the continued use of what costs should be paid after 20, resulting in a solution, "a cycle of 20", "renewal" policy on issues such as lost.

Meanwhile, "buried" and other traditional concepts, especially the cemetery declared "Permanent Cemetery", and not explicitly in the contract price, duration of use and the renewal terms, charging lack of transparency, not standard issue, Chief mourner "buried how long" concerns.

The head recommends, future should legislation clear cemetery price constitute and Tomb bit using years, provides Tomb bit using years should according to cemetery with to of using years determine, grid bit rental term by Party agreed; specification cemetery Tomb bit sales or grid bit rental contract, clear Tomb bit using or grid bit rental one-time pay of costs and the charges project constitute, elimination public on Tomb bit "most long using 20 years" of errors awareness; clear Tomb bit maintenance management fee of pay cycle can by Party agreed, Maintenance period expires may continue to pay maintenance fees, does not renew it, the cemetery operator shall no longer bear the maintenance responsibility; clear standards and management methods of maintenance and management charges, ensure that cemeteries are not all development sold out no one assume maintenance responsibilities.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Cemeteries service life

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  中青在线北京4月1日电 (中国青年报·中青在线记者 王亦君)3月底,《北京市殡葬事业发展规划(2016—2020)》(以下简称“规划”)印发,规划提出,今后,北京市的公墓不再新建传统墓碑,对于租用 合同到期的传统墓穴原则上不再续租,并且将对不再续租的墓穴给予奖励。











  这位负责人解释说,这些规定已经将墓穴使用性质界定为租赁关系。同时,北京市民政局为解决墓穴使用期限届满问题,2011年曾明确墓穴到期续租 时,丧主需交纳土地租赁费和维护管理费。《上海市公墓管理办法》规定,墓穴使用期限最长不得超过70年,并将墓穴使用合同定性为销售合同。

  《武汉市殡葬管理办法》规定,公墓服务单位或经营者应当与丧事承办人签订公墓使用合同并发给使用证明,公墓墓穴和骨灰存放格位的一个使用周期为 20年,期满后经续签服务合同可以续用。此规定可理解为墓穴使用性质为租赁。总体来看,绝大多数地方将公墓一次使用周期定为20年。




  这位负责人进一步解释,按照《公墓管理暂行办法》规定,凡在经营性公墓内安葬骨灰或遗体的,丧主应按规定交纳墓穴租用费、建墓工料费、安葬费和 护墓管理费。据此推定,丧事承办人购买一个墓位,对墓地的附着物包括地下建造的墓穴、骨灰、骨灰盒及地上墓碑等建筑物拥有所有权,而对墓位所占土地则具有 使用权,公墓墓位使用年限应当根据整个公墓用地的使用年限确定。对于墓位维护管理的费用,双方当事人可以约定交费周期。对于骨灰存放于格位的,则属于租赁 性质,存放期限由当事人自行约定,格位租赁期满,可以办理续用手续。

  对于每年清明节期间,公众都会产生的对于“规定公墓使用年限20年是否太短”、“买了墓位难道不能永久使用”的疑问,这位负责人表示,《殡葬管 理条例》对公墓使用年限规定较为原则。现行殡葬管理法规和规范性文件仅规定墓地和骨灰存放格位的使用年限原则上以20年为一个周期,将墓地使用与格位存放 相混淆,没有明确界定墓地使用性质以及20年之后继续使用需交纳哪些费用,导致在解决“一个使用周期20年”、“续费”等问题上政策失据。


  这位负责人建议,今后应该立法明确公墓价格构成和墓位使用年限,规定墓位使用年限应根据公墓用地的使用年限确定,格位租赁期限由当事人约定;规 范公墓墓位销售或格位租赁合同,明确墓位使用或格位租赁一次性交纳的费用及收费项目构成,消除公众对墓位“最长使用20年”的错误认识;明确墓位维护管理 费的交费周期可由当事人约定,维护管理期限届满可续交维护管理费,不续交的,公墓经营者不再承担维护管理责任;明确墓位维护管理费的收费标准和管理办法, 确保公墓不因墓位全部开发售完后无人承担日常维护管理责任。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

公墓 使用年限


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