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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:28:20
Experts: nuclear safety nuclear cause, China is the core of the problem



Experts: nuclear safety is the core problem China's nuclear industry | nuclear security _ news

The future Beijing, April 1 (reporter Yang Peiying) United States President Barack Obama's invitation to Chinese President XI Jinping arrived here on March 31 United States capital of Washington, attended the two-day fourth session of the nuclear security Summit, and on April 1 in a keynote speech at the meeting, comprehensively expounding China's policy on nuclear safety issues.

Since 2010, the first Summit since the launch of the nuclear security summit has become an important platform for international cooperation in the field of nuclear safety. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to nuclear safety, at the Summit, China has been playing an important role, together with other countries to advance the international nuclear security system, strengthening global governance in the nuclear field, wisdom, China contributed to global developments in the field of nuclear safety.

(Information above)

On the occasion of XI Jinping to attend the fourth session of the nuclear security Summit, the future network reporter an exclusive interview with the China Center for energy economic research at Xiamen University, Director, supervisor, 2008 Ministry of education, "Changjiang scholar" Professor Lin boqiang, on China's nuclear security issues were discussed.

Network of the future: China nuclear development for more than 60 years, 35, has become a nuclear power plant under construction in the world's most populous country, as efficient clean energy, China's nuclear power construction has been secured on the basis of increasing the proportion of energy structure. According to China's State Atomic Energy Agency introduced Xu Dazhe, Director, China has deployed 54 8 coastal provinces in the operation and construction of nuclear power plant. Among them, ranked first in the world in the number of nuclear power units under construction, ranked third in the world in the number of total units. According to China's medium-and long-term development plan of nuclear power target by 2020, mainland China run nuclear power installed capacity will reach 58 million-kilowatt, built around 30 million-kilowatt. Why China has always been committed to development in the nuclear field?

Lin boqiang: this is a matter of choice, because coal accounts for a larger proportion in China, coal consumption reached 64.4% in 2015, thermal power generation accounted for 75.2%, so energy is clearly not suitable for China's low-carbon transformation, clean development and smog control, then there is the problem of how to replace coal. If the proportion of coal down to about 40%, in China at least the blue sky is seen, but dropped from 64% to 40%, is far from. If the water used in substitution, but potential restrictions on hydropower, we've developed out of the development, will increase in the future, increase will not be large. Wind electric and solar of problem is proportion too small, cost too high, on network of impact is big, if no storage can technology and the distributed development, hard big, gas on we for is very scarce of, phase compared,, nuclear power of cost low, can large development, on network of impact no so big, from clean, and cost of angle for, can select of best of is nuclear power, we can select of space very small, nuclear power is can mass alternative thermal power, cost low and compared clean of energy, As long as the US nuclear safety control within the acceptable range. So, without nuclear power, China, China's future development depends on what?

The future network: data shows that at least 9 countries in possession of nuclear weapons in the world, totaling more than 20,000 pieces, tens of thousands of tons of weapons-grade nuclear materials, these materials sufficient to produce more than 100,000 nuclear bombs; in more than 40 countries with nearly 500 nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. In addition to a large number of nuclear wastes, industrial and medical sources. China as a nuclear power in the world, into overall national nuclear security system, write the National Security Act, defines the strategic positioning of nuclear safety. The nuclear security regulations the draft has been submitted to the State Council for consideration; inspection guidelines for nuclear material accountancy and control of nuclear materials, the physical protection of nuclear facilities and nuclear security guidelines and technical specifications, have been released by the Government, and promote the legalization of the national nuclear security. In addition, China has always been committed to working with countries to promote international nuclear security system, promoting global nuclear security process, promoting a shared cause of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Why is China so concerned with nuclear safety?

Lin boqiang: because in case of nuclear accidents, all late! nuclear power industry as a whole all over! so far, we do not have nuclear security problems, but nuclear safety continues to be the first position, not nuclear accidents, nuclear accident brought disaster is impossible, so I have more security and risk control in our acceptable range.

Future network: 2014 Hague third session nuclear security summit Shang, XI President solemnly to world described has rational, and coordination, and go hand in hand of China nuclear security views: development and security both, to ensure security for premise development nuclear career; right and obligations both, to respect States interests for based advance international nuclear security process; independent and collaboration both, to benefit total win for way sought general nuclear security; symptoms and root both, to elimination roots for target full advance nuclear security efforts.

China's first systematic exposition of nuclear security, scholars have pointed out that Chinese nuclear safety concept of, for the international community to provide values in the light of development of nuclear energy and nuclear safety cooperation, reflects the Chinese philosophy of focused on balance, underlines the political wisdom of the leaders of big countries and historical responsibility. View of nuclear security have any significance to China's future nuclear development?

Lin boqiang: nuclear safety is the most important issue of the development of China's future nuclear, is the core of the problem, is a prerequisite for nuclear power development, get rid of this premise, there is no development of nuclear power, so, from now on, no matter how to discuss issues of nuclear safety cannot be overemphasized. In process of nuclear power development in China for nuclear safety issues had never let up, but does not mean that we can no longer make a point to emphasize that the issue, particularly on the premise of the future development of China's nuclear power industry, safety must be constantly emphasized. The next problem is that nuclear security as the premise of the first position, spread out the nuclear power industry to develop.

Network of the future: China nuclear materials regulation, nuclear facility security, what are the problems?

Lin boqiang: we want to learn from Japan and other countries experience in nuclear safety, possible security issues. Development of nuclear power very fast, on the one hand, in the course of construction of nuclear power plants must be more careful, and secondly to strengthen human resources management, management personnel training to keep up with, on the question of nuclear waste, but also ready to deal with.

Future Web: Thirteen-Five proposed in the plan, "accelerate the development of a new generation of nuclear power equipment and small nuclear power systems, civilian nuclear imaging and analysis, create new advantages for the development of the future. "The gradual recovery of global nuclear power and nuclear energy under the background of the increasingly widespread use, the next step in strengthening the emergency response mechanism, system construction, scientific and technological innovation to improve nuclear safety levels?

Lin boqiang: Japan did very well in nuclear safety, emergency, system, is very strict in terms of national quality, we can in Japan on the basis of experience, nuclear safety regime should be established as soon as possible, universal nuclear security incident response training to the people. In terms of technological innovation, we need to continue to strengthen innovation, continuously improve our nuclear core of creativity.

Network of the future: the rapid development of China's nuclear industry, however, the impression remains of the nuclear radiation, pollution, disclosure of negative information, fear, and ignorance coexisting, common sense issues are there mistakes or even "nuclear", people panic quite conducive to the development of nuclear power, popular science, eliminate people panic?

Lin boqiang: it is necessary to step up publicity and inform the public on the one hand nuclear safety, developing mass emergency qualities on the other hand, to inform the public should a problem arise, how we will respond to.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Nuclear safety

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  未来网北京4月1日电 (记者 杨佩颖) 应美国总统奥巴马的邀请,中国国家主席习近平于3月31日抵达美国首都华盛顿,出席为期两天的第四届核安全峰会,并将于4月1日在会上作主旨发言,全面阐述中国在核安全问题上的政策主张。




  未来网:中国发展核事业发展60多年,十二五期间,我国已经成为全世界在建核电机组最多的国家,作为高效的清 洁能源,我国核电的建设一直在保证安全的基础上,在能源结构中的占比不断提高。据中国国家原子能机构主任许达哲介绍,中国目前已经在8个沿海省份部署了 54台在运行和在建设的核电机组。其中,在建的核电机组数量排名世界第一,总机组数量位居世界第三。按照中国核电中长期发展规划目标,到2020年,中国 大陆运行核电装机容量将达到5800万千瓦,在建3000万千瓦左右。中国为什么一直致力于核领域的发展?

  林伯强:这是一个选择问题,中国由于煤炭占得比例比较大,2015年煤炭消费比重达64.4%,火电的发电量 占到了75.2%,这样的能源结构显然不适合中国的低碳转型、清洁发展以及雾霾治理,接下来就是怎么替代煤炭的问题了。如果能把煤炭比重降到40%左右, 在中国至少蓝天白云是见得到的,但是从64%降到40%,距离还很远。如果用水电替代,但是水电受到潜能的限制,能开发的我们已经开发完了,今后多少会增 加,增加也不会很大。风电和太阳能的问题是比例太小,成本太高,对网络的冲击很大,如果没有储能技术及分布式发展,很难做大,天然气对我们来说是非常稀缺 的,相比较而言,核电的成本低,可以大量发展,对网络的冲击没有那么大,从清洁、成本的角度来说,能够选择的最好的就是核电,我们能选择的空间非常小,核 电是可以大规模替代火电,成本低又比较干净的能源,只要把核电安全控制在我们可以接受的范围内就可以。所以,中国如果不用核电,中国今后的发展靠什么?

  未来网:数据显示,世界上至少有9个国家拥有核武器,总数达20000余件,武器级核材料数以千吨计,这些材 料足以制造出超过十万枚核弹;40余个国家拥有近500座核电站以及其他大量的核设施。此外还有数量更为庞大的核废料、各种工业及医用发射源。中国作为世 界核应用大国,把核安全纳入国家总体安全体系,写入《国家安全法》,明确了核安全的战略定位。《核安保条例》草案已上报国务院审议;《核材料衡算与控制视 察导则》《核材料和核设施实物保护》等一批核安保导则和技术规范,陆续由政府发布,有力推进了国家核安全工作的法制化进程。此外,中国始终致力于同各国一 道推动建立国际核安全体系,大力推动全球核安全进程,促进各国共享和平利用核能事业成果。中国为什么这么关注核安全?


  未来网:2014年海牙第三届核安全峰会上,习近平主席郑重向世界阐述了理性、协调、并进的中国核安全观:发 展和安全并重,以确保安全为前提发展核能事业;权利和义务并重,以尊重各国权益为基础推进国际核安全进程;自主和协作并重,以互利共赢为途径寻求普遍核安 全;治标和治本并重,以消除根源为目标全面推进核安全努力。


  林伯强:核安全是中国未来核事业发展的最最重要的问题,是最核心问题,是核电发展的一个大前提,去掉这个前 提,就没有核电的发展,所以,从现在开始,无论怎么讨论核安全问题都不过分。在核电发展的过程中中国对于核安全问题从来没有松懈过,但是不等于说我们不能 再提出观点来强调这个问题,特别是在中国今后要大发展核电事业的前提下,安全问题一定要不断的强调。接下来的问题是将核安全作为第一要位的前提下,把核电 事业铺开来发展。







责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222



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