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published in(发表于) 2016/4/3 6:13:27
Heavy snow in MoHE in Heilongjiang qingming, the amount of snow in a single day at a 40-year high



MoHE in Heilongjiang Tomb-Blizzard snowfall in a single day at a 40-year maximum (photo) | MoHE | Blizzard _ news
Heavy snow in MoHE in the Arctic.
Snow in Arctic village.

Northeast network April 2 News (reporter Liu Jia) 2nd, reporter from Heilongjiang province Observatory was informed that: by South to ground low voltage and high cold Vortex common effect, 1st 5 o'clock began, is located in China most North end of da hinggan Ling ushered in strong snow, data statistics displayed, as 2nd 14 o'clock, Arctic village snow volume has up 28.4 mm, new forest has up 23.7 mm, are create 1961 years has meteorological records yilai one-day snow volume of history extreme, currently snow still in continues to.

According to the Heilongjiang provincial meteorological station forecast: under the influence of cold air, 1st da hinggan Ling began to usher in the snowy weather, statistics show, from 2nd to 1st at 8 o'clock to 8 o'clock, Arctic village, MoHE, daxinganling region, Tahe, snowfall in Niibayashi all over the 10MM, reached the Blizzard of magnitude (meteorology provision on, 12-hour snowfall greater than 6 mm in the Blizzard).

According to meteorological station forecaster Wang Fu Hua da hinggan mountains introduction into April, da hinggan mountains snow is so great, it is rare in history.? The snow increased soil moisture in the da hinggan Ling Prefecture, reducing forest fire danger rating, on spring sowing and forest steppe fire prevention are very favorable, but due to the snow drop and cool at night, road icing occurs, have serious adverse impact on traffic. Source: Northeast network

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Heavy snow in MoHE

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黑龙江漠河清明迎暴雪 单日雪量创40年最高(图)|漠河|暴雪_新闻资讯

  东北网4月2日讯(记者 刘嘉)2日,记者从黑龙江省气象台获悉:受南来地面低压和高空冷涡共同影响, 1日5时开始,地处我国最北端的大兴安岭地区迎来较强降雪,数据统计显示,截至2日14时,北极村降雪量已达28.4毫米,新林区已达23.7毫米,均创1961年有气象记录以来单日降雪量的历史极值,目前降雪仍在继续。


  据大兴安岭气象台预报员王富华介绍,进入四月份,大兴安岭降雪量如此之大,在历史上实属罕见。此次降雪过程增加了大兴安岭地区的土壤墒情,降低了森林火险等级,对备春耕春播和森林草原防火都十分有利,但由于降雪随降随化加之夜间降温,出现路面结冰现象,给人们交通出行带来严重不利影响。 来源:东北网

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

漠河 暴雪


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