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published in(发表于) 2016/4/3 6:14:11
States to inform health planning Commission communication on the case of Guo boxiong



States to inform health planning Commission communication on the case of Guo boxiong

National Party Secretary and Director of the health and family planning Commission, head of the leading group for the independent Commission against corruption said Li bin took the Chair

On April 1, 2016, the National Conference on health and family planning leading group for the independent Commission against corruption and clean government and anti-corruption work Conference held in Beijing, meeting the 18 session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection six plenary and the State Council′s fourth Working Conference of the ICAC, full deployment Committee for offices directly under the 2016, upholding integrity and combating corruption. Party Secretary of the National Commission of health, Director, head of the leading group for the independent Commission against corruption she presided over the meeting and made an important speech. In Beijing, leaders, Central 15th patrol Bureau patrol Commissioner Wang 瑢 were present at the meeting of the group.

National health family planning Commission member, Deputy Director Ma xiaowei Guo boxiong and comrade General Secretary of notification of cases of serious violation of and lessons from, party member, Cui Li, the Deputy Director informed the comrades of 2015-implementing responsibility of uncorrupted party and the construction of punishment and prevention system inspection, test, Commission member, head of the discipline inspection group of the Central Commission for discipline inspection in authority Li Wusi comrade General Secretary, XI Jinping, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister, Comrade Wang Qishan at the 18 session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection of six plenary and important speech on the fourth Commission of the State Council work Conference, Comrade Li Linkang informed the discipline inspection group of the Central Commission for discipline inspection in authority 5 against since 2015 disciplinary cases and recent investigation 4 violations of the Central eight moral issues of the situation.

On Guo bin, first of all, on behalf of the Party General Secretary of serious violation of relevant requirements for notification in the case and its lessons emphasized, and resolutely implement the spirit of the Central corruption zero tolerance, insisted the six must be. She pointed out in his speech, for offices directly under the party organizations at all levels, to deeply understand the 18 session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection six plenary and the State Council′s fourth Working Conference of the ICAC, the real line to the Party Central Committee ideologically, politically and in action. One is to grasp the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption new important results. An overwhelming trend is forming the fight against corruption, people′s trust in the party and support further enhanced. Second, to comprehend deeply committed to promoting full significance of strictly administering the party. Party controls the party, strictly administering the party strictly, you must adhere to the discipline was in the front, discipline strict laws, building grass-roots party organizations into strong fighting bastion, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party cadres. Third, must fully understand the extreme importance of strengthening inner-party supervision. Accurately grasping the profound connotation of strengthening inner-party supervision, adhere to grab early to grab a small, forced to accountability responsibilities, ensure that carry out supervision within the party and effect. Four is to effectively enhance promote honest and confident determination in the fight against corruption. Must adhere to the zero tolerance attitude does not change, quick to Pass Out Blood determination is not reduced, scrape the poison off the bone and courage to do with scale, the harshest punishment of tight, slow and steady, decisive victory has made clean government and combat corruption successfully.

Li stressed that to pay special attention to 2016, upholding integrity and combating corruption a key work. First carry out the "two" study and education. Vast numbers of party members and cadres to study the party Constitution and General Secretary of the party rules and he addressed the meeting series, continuously strengthen the party rules of party discipline awareness, enhancing the implementation of the ideological consciousness and conscious action. Second, advancing the "both" implementation. Strictly implement clean government primary responsibility for implementation, step by step research integrity Division of work scheduling, organize construction of punishment and prevention system of evaluation, layer transfer responsibilities and pressures. Third, by regulation JI enhanced inspection oversight. Seriously implement the inspection regulations, adhere to the "six disciplines" as ruler, deepening the "four", complete the party this year to contact units directly under full coverage of the visits. Four is the perseverance, improving cadres ′ style construction and industry. Strengthen provisions under the Central eight psychiatric supervision and discipline, focus our major holiday reminder education attaches great importance to industry abuses of governance, enhance people′s access. Is five to increase prevention efforts. To strength an honest cultural, honest and clean government construction and day-to-day supervision of risk prevention and control mechanism, and earnestly specimen and cure. Six is to continuously strengthen the construction of discipline inspection and supervision organizations. Units of the continuation of deepening "three way", further strengthening the construction of discipline inspection and supervision organizations for offices directly under, and strive to build a loyal, clean, play the discipline inspection and supervision cadres.

Li requirements for offices directly under the leading cadres at all levels, must be given to the construction of a clean government and combat corruption as a major political task we must do a good job to catch. One is to implement the leadership responsibility. Party and Government leaders in order to assume the duties of responsibility, other members of the team have to adhere to the "one post double responsibility", insist on upholding integrity and work with the planning, deployment, implementation, checking, and formed "burdens people pick against corruption, all indicators on the shoulders" of accountability mechanisms. Second, strengthen supervision and discipline. Strengthening the inspection supervision, sufficient to deter and organize annual construction of punishment and prevention system to check work, urging members of the unit leadership effectively carried the main responsibility; efforts to increase handling and firmly curb corruption spreads. Third, strengthen accountability. Strictly implement the "dual check" system, for violations of the Central eight rules, "four winds" a serious problem, against the disciplinary problems of departments and units, officers other than hold direct responsibility, liability investigation, pursue the responsibility of leading groups and leading cadres.

Authorities to contact the Division Office, directly subordinate and unit, the State administration of traditional Chinese medicine directly under the head of the Party Committee for organs of the party and head of the discipline inspection and supervision work, upholding integrity and combating corruption Office Liaison and executive organs are above the ranks of cadres participated in the meeting.

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-04-03 20:15:03


  2016年4月1日,国家卫生计生委廉政工作领导小组会议暨党风廉政建设和反腐败工作会议在京召开,会议传达学习了十八届中央纪委六次全会和国务院第四次 廉政工作会议精神,全面部署委直属机关2016年党风廉政建设和反腐败工作。国家卫生计生委党组书记、主任、廉政工作领导小组组长李斌主持会议,并做了重 要讲话。在京委领导、中央第十五巡视组正局级巡视专员王瑢出席了会议。

  国家卫生计生委党组成员、副主任马晓伟同志传达了中共中央关于郭伯雄 严重违纪违法案件及其教训的通报,委党组成员、副主任崔丽同志通报了2015年度执行党风廉政建设责任制暨惩防体系建设检查考核情况,委党组成员、中央纪 委驻委纪检组组长李五四同志传达了习近平总书记、李克强总理、王岐山同志在十八届中央纪委六次全会和国务院第四次廉政工作会议上的重要讲话精神,中央纪委 驻委纪检组李林康同志通报了2015年以来5起违法违纪案件和近期查处4个违反中央八项规定精神问题的有关情况。

  李斌首先代表党组对中共中 央关于郭伯雄严重违纪违法案件及其教训的通报中的有关要求进行了强调,并提出要坚决贯彻中央惩治腐败零容忍的精神,坚持做到六个必须。她在讲话中指出,直 属机关各级党组织,要深刻领会十八届中央纪委六次全会和国务院第四次廉政工作会议精神,真正在思想上政治上行动上向党中央看齐。一是要准确把握党风廉政建 设和反腐败斗争新的重大成效。反腐败斗争压倒性态势正在形成,人民群众对党的信任和支持进一步增强。二是要深刻领会坚定不移推进全面从严治党的重大意义。 严格党要管党、从严治党,必须坚持把纪律挺在前面,纪严于法,把基层党组织建设成为坚强的战斗堡垒,充分发挥广大党员干部先锋模范作用。三是要充分认识强 化党内监督的极端重要性。准确把握强化党内监督的深刻内涵,坚持抓早抓小,以问责倒逼责任落实,确保党内监督真正落到实处、见到实效。四是要切实增强推进 党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的信心决心。必须坚持零容忍的态度不变、猛药去疴的决心不减、刮骨疗毒的勇气不泄、严厉惩处的尺度不松,稳扎稳打,决战决胜,不 断取得党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争新成效。

  李斌强调,要抓好2016年党风廉政建设和反腐败重点工作落实。一是深入开展“两学一做”学习教 育。广大党员干部要深入学习党章党规和习近平总书记系列重要讲话,不断强化党规党纪意识,切实增强贯彻执行的思想自觉和行动自觉。二是深入推进“两个责 任”落实。严格落实委党风廉政建设主体责任的实施意见,逐级研究制定廉政工作分工意见表,组织开展惩防体系建设情况检查考核,层层传导责任和压力。三是依 规依纪强化巡视监督。认真执行巡视工作条例,坚持以“六项纪律”为尺子,深化“四个着力”,今年完成委党组对直属联系单位巡视的全覆盖。四是锲而不舍加强 干部作风和行业作风建设。强化对违反中央八项规定精神问题的监督执纪,着力抓好重大节日的提醒教育,高度重视行业不正之风的治理,增强人民群众的获得感。 五是切实加大预防工作力度。加强廉政文化、廉政风险防控机制建设和日常监督,切实做到标本兼治。六是不断加强纪检组织建设。继续推动各单位深化“三转”, 进一步加强直属机关纪检组织建设,努力建设一支忠诚、干净、担当的纪检干部队伍。

  李斌要求,直属机关各级领导干部,必须始终把党风廉政建设 和反腐败工作作为我们必须抓好的重大政治任务来抓。一是落实领导责任。党政一把手要切实负起第一责任人的职责,班子其他成员要坚持“一岗双责”,坚持党风 廉政建设和中心工作同谋划、同部署、同落实、同检查,切实形成“反腐败重担大家挑,人人肩上有指标”的责任落实机制。二是加强监督执纪。强化巡视监督,充 分发挥震慑作用;组织好年度惩防体系建设情况检查考核工作,督促各单位领导班子成员切实把主体责任扛起来;加大办案力度,坚决遏制腐败蔓延势头。三是强化 责任追究。严格落实“一案双查”制度,对违反中央八项规定精神,“四风”问题突出,发生顶风违纪问题的部门和单位,除追究直接人员责任外,实行责任倒查, 追究单位领导班子及相关领导干部的责任。


(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-04-03 20:15:03

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