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published in(发表于) 2016/4/4 7:41:08
Clear chat: when we die, our micro-credit, QQ do? ,



Clear chat: when we die, our micro-credit, QQ do? -Micro, QQ, heritage-IT information

Ching Ming Festival this year, we'll pull a serious topic, and when we die, our micro and QQ numbers do? When there is no app, many people have discussed similar topics, and imagining the scenes after the old, "when we are old and see friends avatars on the QQ, one after another, perhaps no longer lights up." At that time, most of the discussion is a "sensational fun", in fact, deep in my heart, and you will feel after the death of, how important the QQ as a thing to trust.

However, as the Internet combined with more real life, micro and QQ started as a virtual product has become a significant "property".

The most simple example, micro and QQ has "wallet" function, and is related to the financial product. If on any given day, misfortune has happened to you, then your app and your QQ purse money to do? And how inheritance?

Things will be a lot of, such as in-game virtual assets – gold, weapons and so on, these are probably cost a lot of money and the accumulation of energy, such as letters, public, many believe the public, hundreds of thousands of millions of fans, one tens of thousands, this highly absorbing power account and how to deal with?

Checks the current state of "virtual property" laws, due to the virtual inheritance problem is complicated, so far no clear judicial interpretation, the legal profession is still debatable, some jurists considered to be inherited, but others cannot . At present, the mainstream view is in accordance with the law of succession, of a network of personal nature heritage can not inherit, such as personal chat tool QQ, MSN, network ID, and so on. Heritage can inherit without the personal nature of the network, such as online shops, copyright works, and game currency .

On this basis, making a lot of virtual property of ultimate ownership going to the network provider's pocket. Provisions such as Tencent, the app and the property of Tencent QQ all users only use. If 3 months QQ, not logged in, automatically logs off, numbers are company owned.

Clearly, whether it is the relevant State law, provisions of ownership or Tencent products, had been seriously ill for today's product development, especially when the product is more a virtual reality elements, related issues have been very prominent. At least, under network ownership account although can, but save money, Internet companies have no way to deal with.

In fact, in real life, virtual products related to the inherited things everywhere. In 2011, the media reported on a case, "Ms Wang's husband Xu was killed in a car accident, Mr Xu's QQ mailbox saved a lot about two people in love to get married during the letters and photos. Ms Wang wanted to finish these letters and photos, as a souvenir. However, the QQ password is a difficult problem to overcome. "Finally, through consultations and Tencent, Wang got a QQ number, however, is not the ultimate solution to the problem. Do everyone who wants to inherit with Tencent consultation?

On network virtual property, has raised more and more attention at home and abroad. In 2003, the United Nations adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO Charter on the preservation of digital heritage pointed out that, to have a certain aesthetic and ideological value of Internet content, in conditions of permitted by laws and regulations, not to any person or body for deletion and destruction. At the time, the starting point is provided for protection of digital heritage content, but for now, virtual heritage have a strong sense of personal property, whether or not there is no aesthetic and ideological values, it should not be easily removed .

In view of this situation,in 2010, the United States passed a law in Oklahoma, for network heritage name, attribution of heritage protection network, the network property is also included in the executors in the. Legislators want the law to drawn attention to their property after the death of network problems , lawmakers acknowledged that while this law conflicts with an existing virtual service agreement, but they think ownership after his death the continuing value of virtual property, should be properly disposed of.

Earlier in 2007, the United States after the Virginia Tech shootings broke out, Facebook is aware of the need to change the way the accounts of deceased users, and provide a way to commemorate the late users. Inherit the deceased virtual heritage third parties cannot be treated as ordinary accounts to accounts of the deceased but to comment above to "remember", so wouldn't have to struggle to the end who has the right to use this account, you can avoid carried the responsibility on companies. Also this humane approach, well received by users. But until then, when you are sure that after a user has died, Facebook will delete the account.

In China, currently with inherited virtual property may be the most relevant "legacy network managed services".

You can build your own managed object such as QQ password writes, and then design a data extract key. Website will email you on a regular basis, and see if you still live, you must reply to the email, tell them that you are OK. If one day you don't reply at the right time, the website will send more in the next period of time confirmation email, if you still do not reply, then you will be the site is assumed to be dead or dying, with keys that existed there before you will be sent to your specified email object. But the promotion has not been widespread in this manner because this way too complex, virtual property consciousness is not a lot of people have. If there was a time when you forget to reply to a message, so your friends and family are likely to receive the password to your property, and at that time, it raises a privacy-related issues.

The most funny is that two days ago, read a news and discussion related to the app and QQ inheritance articles , expert advice, "written into the will related products", is really good professional, authoritative, and really deserves to be "brick house", always politically correct.

Although we do not want to, but sooner or later, we need to face the virtual inheritance and inherited problems with the Internet's rapid integration, this more and more, then, what are we gonna do about this?

Finally some complaints.

If the national laws and regulations remains blank for this worldwide problem, many countries also can make people understand, then your two deputies of those Internet company bosses, there seems to be no relevant proposals around--in the year 2010, some people have suggested. Even if it can be understood, whether domestic Internet companies like Facebook, through the company's behavior to do things that benefit the deceased. At least, you can let everyone die later, you can prove that they ever really once existed in a world full of Internet .

"When I think of TA, his circle of friends to see", perhaps this is the distribution of the human aura "light of science", which is the best Memorial we Ching Ming Festival for the dead.

清明闲扯:当我们死后,我们的微信、QQ怎么办? - 微信,QQ,遗产 - IT资讯



















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