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published in(发表于) 2016/4/6 6:19:30
Sichuan throws a gang hit the tank police knives to resist, police shot and killed



Sichuan throws a gang hit the tank police knives to resist police shot and killed | | killing _ of attacking police news

Scattered high-speed tank

Suspects remove rear seat fitted with homemade oil equipment

 Two oil thieves, cyclonus played a large ... ... Desperate to cut police suicide

Police set up checked posts inventory, he suddenly storm up driving hit open police works with car, forced rushed shut; for block Police Hunt, he in high-speed road towards police threw tank, and tire and Jack; wheels burst tire only left wheel, and ground Shang mill out a long series sparks, he still high-speed crazy escape; end Zhiji he holding knife violence resisting arrest, cut injury police, in fired warning shots warning invalid zhihou was wounded, rescue invalid death...... On January 8 this year, occurred on the Expressway and then owned brow the breathtaking car chase on the freeway.

"While truck drivers sleeping in the car at midnight, they made oil tools stolen diesel. "Since November 2015, Lu Chi zigong Expressway service area into sections of continuous over more than 10 incidents of theft and robbery cases of large goods vehicles using diesel, involving a total of more than 100,000 yuan, the way to pry open the fuel tank cap extraction, if found by the owner on the spot," oil theft thief "in a threatening manner robbery suspects is rampant, the owner strongly. Zigong, yantan police investigation eventually locked the suspect.

 Theft of large trucks diesel incidence the zigong area nearly 50

"While truck drivers sleeping in the car at midnight, they made oil tools stolen diesel. "November 2015 yilai, into since Lu red Highway zigong service area sections continuous occurred more than 10 more than up stolen Rob large truck diesel case, total involved amount up more than 100,000 yuan, technique are for pry open tank cover extraction," If in stole of process in the was driver and the security personnel found, these ' stole oil thief ' is immediately to speech, and tool, way be threat, directly robbery, is rampant. ”

"After the investigation, we sent civilian police visited in ad hoc zigong Expressway service areas, parking areas, visiting freight truck drivers, access to surveillance cameras ... ... Make every possible means to search for the detection of clues. "Yantan District Public Security Bureau official told reporters that preliminary investigation have made important clues," we found a white minivan with major suspects of the crime, and the car uses multiple fake license plates. "After investigation, this white van in Lu Chi, Cheng-Yu, Yi and other high activity and accustomed to traffic through the high-speed toll station of neijiang city, Su Jia bridge into the highway and away from committing the zigong area.

In the process of investigation, yantan zigong city, police in jurisdictions adopting similar modus operandi to implement statistically the cases of theft of large goods vehicles using diesel, 2015, yantan district has only 19, zigong area as a whole the total incidence of 48 criminal dangerously.

 Police set up checked posts contain the suspect smashed truck escape

On January 1 this year, police in yantan early state theft of large goods vehicles using diesel case investigation. Since January 6, the organization per night over more than 20 police in charging stations set up checked posts around zigong inventory.

January 8 at 20 hours, locked white minivan from neijiang City area directions to intended Su Jia bridge toll booths from the police set up checked posts into the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway. According to the head introduced, prior, police has in card mouth layout has police and a car small truck for blocking card, prevent suspects escape, however suspects of moves is greatly beyond has police of expected, "Dang police bright Ming identity came inventory Shi, acted exposed of 2 name suspects suddenly reversing backward hit interdiction of police works with car, and forward hit blocking card of small truck. ”

In the process, suspects swerve, drive to 3 checks police standing position by rolling, but 3 people alert in a timely manner to avoid, but there are still 2 civilian police being blown down the suspected vehicle, slight injury. Seeing this, the police fired a warning shot, requiring suspects to stop for inspection. But the suspects refused to obey, stepped on the gas flag down and smashed a small truck, broke close to the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, Chengdu to escape.

 Throwing tanks lost tires Chase police suspects wounded

Police immediately driver three police vehicles in hunt. While suspicious vehicle reported to the zigong City police command center, the number of suspects, running to escape and the suspect vehicle license plate and submit them to the provincial public security department command center dispatch, State police set up checked posts along the intercept and attack, provincial traffic police corps to assist the import and export of various toll stations along the closed, high-speed traffic police dispatched assistance in pursuing different districts.

"Escape in the process suspect occasionally thrown at car tires, large tank, Delta steel, jacks, wrenches and other things in an attempt to stop the hunt. "Police investigators described, on the premise of ensuring the security of their vehicles and other social, follow policies adopted by the police, and always maintain the distance. ”

At 1 o'clock in the morning, driving suspects broke out of the bei Dou Zhen, renshou County, Meishan city toll station, pulled out of the station of more than 300 square meters, vehicle tire, and the two men abandoned the vehicle and continued to escape. Civilian police stepped forward to making an arrest, a suspect armed with knives attacking police, resulting in a chasing police suspect stabbed, seriously endanger the safety of hunting and the life and property of local residents. After the warning shots ineffective, chasing police decisive Pan shot and wounded the suspect, and either to call 120 first aid, pan the suspects died, another suspect managed to escape.

On January 12 this year, Yan Tan police deployed carefully, in a restaurant in Dongxing captured another escaped suspects had some success.

  Savage suspects repeatedly committing a theft of thousands of Yuan profit

Crime scene investigation by the police, the suspect driving the back of the car has been removed, leaving only the two front seats, instead of the two large fuel tanks, tubing, oil pumps and other homemade oil equipment. The investigation, 2015, the pan with some, and Lee, Hwang, who secretly converted vehicles, flowing long Lu Weiyuan service area of neijiang, zigong Expressway service area adults, chengyu Highway neijiang longchang area, service area in Ziyang zizhong service area, jianyang, rongchang and to skid the modus operandi of the fuel tank cap. Then proceeds of theft of diesel sold in Chengdu, Chongqing and other places, to cash in on thousands of Yuan at a time. At present, the case is still under further investigation. West China cities reader reporter lanjiang (yan Tan police photo)

Responsible editor: Zheng Hanxing

Article keywords:
Assaulting a police officer shot and killed

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper
四川一团伙扔油箱砸警车持刀拒捕 警方开枪击毙|袭警|击毙_新闻资讯







  “半夜趁货车司机在车上睡觉,他们就用自制的油管等工具偷柴油。”2015年11月以来,成自泸赤高速公路自贡服务区路段连续发生10余起盗抢大型 货车柴油案件,总涉案金额达10余万元,手法均为撬开油箱盖抽取,“如果在偷的过程中被司机及保安人员发现,这些‘偷油贼’则马上以言语、刀具等方式予以 威胁,直接抢劫,极为猖獗。”

  “立案侦查后,我们派出专案民警走访自贡各条高速公路服务区、停车区,走访货运车驾驶员,调取监控摄像……尽一切手段搜寻侦破线索。”沿 滩区公安分局相关负责人告诉记者,前期的侦查取得了重要线索,“我们发现一辆白色商务车具有重大作案嫌疑,且该车使用多块假车牌。”经查,这辆白色商务车在成自泸赤、成渝、内宜等高速路段活动频繁,且习惯于经由内江市苏家桥高速收费站驶入高速公路,然后行至自贡市辖区作案。

  侦查过程中,沿滩警方对在自贡市辖区范围采用类似作案手段实施的盗抢大型货车柴油案件进行了统计,2015年期间,仅沿滩辖区就发生了 19起,整个自贡辖区则共发案48起,犯罪分子异常猖獗。



  1月8日零时20分许,事先锁定的白色商务车由内江市区方向驶来,意图从警方设卡的苏家桥收费站进入成渝高 速公路。据该负责人介绍,事前,警方已经在卡口布置了警车和一辆小货车用于堵卡,防止嫌犯逃跑,然而嫌犯的举动却大大超出了警方的预料,“当民警亮明身份上前盘查时,行迹败露的2名嫌疑人突然倒车向后撞阻截的警务用车,又向前撞堵卡的小货车。”



  民警立即驾驶三辆警务车辆实施追捕。同时向自贡市公安局指挥中心报告嫌疑车辆情况、嫌疑人数、逃跑方向及嫌疑车牌等,报请省公安厅 指挥中心统一调度沿线各地市州警力进行设卡堵击,省厅交警总队协助封闭沿线各收费站进出口,各辖区高速交警布控协助追捕。





  经警方现场勘查,嫌犯驾驶的车子的后座已经被卸下,仅剩下两个前座,取而代之的是两个大油箱、油管、油泵等自制的取油设备。经查,2015年以来,潘某伙同曾某、李某、黄某等人采用私自改装的车辆,长期流窜于成自泸高速公路内江威远服务区、自贡服 务区,成渝高速公路内江隆昌服务区、资中服务区、简阳资阳服务区,重庆荣昌等地,以撬油箱盖的方式作案。然后将盗窃所得柴油卖于成都、重庆等地,每次获利在数千元不等。目前,案件还在进一步侦办中。华西城市读本记者兰江(沿滩警方供图)


袭警 击毙


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